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***The OFFICIAL 2012 Party Regulars Thread*** ***The OFFICIAL 2012 Party Regulars Thread***

02-17-2012 , 07:35 PM
On a scale of 1-10, how embarrassing is it to be called out by Frejmer?

Frejmer: nh
BlubberBlubber: ty
Frejmer: go kill urself no lifer
Frejmer: **** sc um
Frejmer: try win some cash u **** table blocker
BlubberBlubber: im trying
Frejmer: **** embarrasing
BlubberBlubber: ^^its hard though
Frejmer: behaving like u do and still barely beat the rake is just lol
BlubberBlubber: im pretty good at the smalltalk though
Frejmer: go to a chat room then u **** no lifer
BlubberBlubber: u got skype ?
BlubberBlubber: i want to be your friend
Frejmer: sigh
Frejmer: like u have friends sXXX
BlubberBlubber: well thats why i want you to be my first
02-17-2012 , 08:21 PM
Looks like flaming is pretty common today yousuresir (?) is having a nice conversion with milli vanilli after sucking out on him in various hands. thats real entertainment for the fish
02-18-2012 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by LEgarcon
Do you think they program the bots to 4 bet each other with wide ranges to inflate their stats? And 4 bet non-bots with tighter ranges? I wonder if they mainpulate their own stats through playing each other.
its most likely true that they play more ridiculous/crazy/spewy hands postflop vs each other.
i dont know much about preflop bot on bot violence
02-18-2012 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by DTD
On a scale of 1-10, how embarrassing is it to be called out by Frejmer?

Frejmer: nh
BlubberBlubber: ty
Frejmer: go kill urself no lifer
Frejmer: **** sc um
Frejmer: try win some cash u **** table blocker
BlubberBlubber: im trying
Frejmer: **** embarrasing
BlubberBlubber: ^^its hard though
Frejmer: behaving like u do and still barely beat the rake is just lol
BlubberBlubber: im pretty good at the smalltalk though
Frejmer: go to a chat room then u **** no lifer
BlubberBlubber: u got skype ?
BlubberBlubber: i want to be your friend
Frejmer: sigh
Frejmer: like u have friends sXXX
BlubberBlubber: well thats why i want you to be my first
Frejmer calls out everybody, so it's not that embarassing
02-18-2012 , 07:55 AM
Then he insta sits out if the fish leaves, and goes and buys in for 50bb at a higher table as a fish has joined...he's such a prick.
02-19-2012 , 12:00 AM
anyone mind pm'ing me what these bots are bet bet 4x+ pot shoving river with? it's kind of frustrating losing to that a few times per session.
02-20-2012 , 01:53 PM
I'm going to create a thread in Internet Poker and email Party asking for them to consult with players about the (quickly) worsening state of games at Party MSNL.

There is a very good chance they will just ignore it, but it is worth a shot. Let me know what you guys think and what should be stressed.

1) Table blocking - rampant at 2/4+, constant sitting out, clearly bad for business and scares players away
2) Seat taking scripting - same as #1, gives unfair advantages, very predatory
3) Bots - back and obviously need to be cracked down on more
02-20-2012 , 01:56 PM
i don't play much 2/4 but obv those points you made need to be looked at. if you make an email ready to be sent i will send it to party for you guys too
02-20-2012 , 02:00 PM
Time to accept waitlist seat - It is currently something like 4x that of Stars. This means that long waitlists cause tables to break for ages when a fish busts since it takes 5 min to run through a 15 person waitlist. Stars system is much better with dealing with longer waitlists.

Cheers lessu
02-20-2012 , 02:08 PM
T3G3S: big thanks to u for keep table running. We were playing HU with 4 sit out players at 2/4.
02-20-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by harangutang
I'm going to create a thread in Internet Poker and email Party asking for them to consult with players about the (quickly) worsening state of games at Party MSNL.

There is a very good chance they will just ignore it, but it is worth a shot. Let me know what you guys think and what should be stressed.

1) Table blocking - rampant at 2/4+, constant sitting out, clearly bad for business and scares players away
2) Seat taking scripting - same as #1, gives unfair advantages, very predatory
3) Bots - back and obviously need to be cracked down on more

Link to thread please.
02-20-2012 , 03:20 PM
Pleeeeeeease don't accuse a player of being a bot in front of a fish. So bad for the games. Report the player to Party instead.
02-20-2012 , 03:24 PM
waitlist thing is huge. if all the reserved spots cleared off the table faster it would be much easier to keep a game going.
02-20-2012 , 03:28 PM
+1 to everything hurang said. We should just spam party with e-mails until they do something like when they tried to up the rake.
02-20-2012 , 03:52 PM
so we need a thread 1st. Saw today 2 times how fish left the table, when 2 regs and 2 shortstacks were in sit out/sit in mode. So so sad...
02-20-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by MihailsG
so we need a thread 1st. Saw today 2 times how fish left the table, when 2 regs and 2 shortstacks were in sit out/sit in mode. So so sad...
I will make an initial thread in Internet Poker today and link it here. I will also x-post it in the Party Poker IP thread to try and get some more attention. I'll make it so that everyone can copy paste email it to Party VIP. Then more people can comment with their thoughts in the thread.
02-20-2012 , 04:42 PM
I have started a new thread in Internet Poker. I would encourage all Party regulars to post in the thread to at least acknowledge the serious problems facing the Party MSNL and HSNL games. Please also feel free to use the original post as a template for emailing Party VIP. Thank you.
02-20-2012 , 04:51 PM
the time of the WL thing isn't as annoying as when you get a bunch of WL's popping up because some reg quit, and then you open a bunch, half are breaking and then you close those tables and those same waitlists pop back up.

If you open a table you were WL'ing, open it, and then close it, you should be removed from that waitlist. it's hard to tell the difference between 202234 and 202243 when you are multitabling and don't remember which one was the broken table and which one is a game you haven't checked out yet.

please get rid of the spanish armada 40bb stacks. they are one of the many reasons games are always breaking. games run longer imo when there aren't 5 of them cycling in/out on every ****ing table.

maybe get a person from party to watch the games from time to time? it should? prevent the table b1ocking.

edit: posted in your thread, thanks for creating it. hopefully positive things happen!

Last edited by gwai lo; 02-20-2012 at 05:05 PM.
02-20-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by gwai lo
the time of the WL thing isn't as annoying as when you get a bunch of WL's popping up because some reg quit, and then you open a bunch, half are breaking and then you close those tables and those same waitlists pop back up.

If you open a table you were WL'ing, open it, and then close it, you should be removed from that waitlist. it's hard to tell the difference between 202234 and 202243 when you are multitabling and don't remember which one was the broken table and which one is a game you haven't checked out yet.

please get rid of the spanish armada 40bb stacks.
they are one of the many reasons games are always breaking. games run longer imo when there aren't 5 of them cycling in/out on every ****ing table.

maybe get a person from party to watch the games from time to time? it should? prevent the table b1ocking.

edit: posted in your thread, thanks for creating it. hopefully positive things happen!
this +1000. both things are just annoying as ****. but i think we can't get rid of the spaniards b4 the spanish regulation. (and there are many other russians, germans ... midstacking)

@ wtlist problem

was always wondering why the same table is popping up again, after opening and closing it. this just makes no sense at all. i'm also for less time to take the seat at the table, but more than stars (maybe 40-60 seconds), because of the problem with 5-10 tables popping at the same time while multitabling.
02-20-2012 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by gwai lo
If you open a table you were WL'ing, open it, and then close it, you should be removed from that waitlist. it's hard to tell the difference between 202234 and 202243 when you are multitabling and don't remember which one was the broken table and which one is a game you haven't checked out yet.

This is a great suggestion. Stars has this.

please get rid of the spanish armada 40bb stacks. they are one of the many reasons games are always breaking. games run longer imo when there aren't 5 of them cycling in/out on every ****ing table.

Would be good if someone could point out the downsides to having a 30bb buyin - Stars has 40bb and it is at least a start and improvement
02-21-2012 , 04:38 AM
i suggested adding a "remove waitlist" button when you open a table from the waitlist pop-up a long time ago. so far it's been ignored. all the other sites have that afaik

you can check the number of players in the pop-up though. if it shows 0-4 there is a good chance the table broke then just click remove from waitlist without opening the table

in any case it needs a change/fix
02-21-2012 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Lessu
i suggested adding a "remove waitlist" button when you open a table from the waitlist pop-up a long time ago. so far it's been ignored. all the other sites have that afaik

you can check the number of players in the pop-up though. if it shows 0-4 there is a good chance the table broke then just click remove from waitlist without opening the table

in any case it needs a change/fix
Brilliant I like this.
02-23-2012 , 09:06 AM
its a joke they dont have this
02-23-2012 , 01:10 PM
I don´t play PLO so I'm curious about what those of you who do think about shortstackers in PLO vs NL. I noticed on PTR that one of the "all-iiiiin shortie ******s" who imo suck at NL seem to be crushing at PLO, assumingly shortstacking there to. Opinions?
02-23-2012 , 01:15 PM
I imagine the variance in being a PLO shortstacker is absurd.
