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***Official 2012 Is Here January Chat Thread*** ***Official 2012 Is Here January Chat Thread***

01-17-2012 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
Also, laptop essentially died yesterday. Internal fan is burnt out causing crashes and overheating. Having problems with the hard drive also, which I'm sure are related to either the overheating or the crashes.

I still have a warranty for it and have got all my important files (managed to save to porn collection, thank god) so really don't care if the thing sets fire at this point, its just forcing me to buy a desktop sooner than I wanted to.

The problem I'm looking for a short term fix for is that fact that skype wants to install in an area that is corrupted, so I get "file missing" errors despite a complete delete (right down to removing reg entries) and reinstall. I'm thinking if I can force it to install itself and all related features on my second hard drive it will fix the problem. Any idea how I would do this or if it would even help?

Basically I have a bunch of contacts (that I dont have anywhere else) that it would be nice to be able to inform that I have lost all msg's sent between yesterday now, and that I'll be unavailable for a few days.
For the overheating problem, you can take off the bottom of the laptop and direct a fan a the bottom. Blowing compressed air into the fan sometimes "unclog it" and will reduce the temperature quickly

Also going to Target or another store and getting something like this

For the hard drive issues, use this, I swear by it.
01-17-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
Just trying to help.

If the hard drive is shot there isn't much you can do besides getting a new hard drive.
as long as the HDD can spin, you can recover most of the data (and usually all the data). Also, you can mount a mechanical failure on a sled, and the copy the image off to. Usually HDD "die", because a few sectors get corrupted, but using spin rite, which does a binary recreation of the data can usually fix all HDD problems I have seen (sans melting, physical destruction)
01-17-2012 , 10:03 PM
Nino, how 'bouts an update? Still in Vegas? Back in TX? Family doing well?
01-18-2012 , 09:11 AM
Having such a fun week. Bought new system, everything working fine.

Start up this morning and windows now not detecting a hard drive and wont boot. (Its a SSD.) grrrr.
01-18-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
Having such a fun week. Bought new system, everything working fine.

Start up this morning and windows now not detecting a hard drive and wont boot. (Its a SSD.) grrrr.
Did you plug in an old HDD perhaps?
01-18-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
Having such a fun week. Bought new system, everything working fine.

Start up this morning and windows now not detecting a hard drive and wont boot. (Its a SSD.) grrrr.
This was a motherboard issue when it happened to my computer last summer.
01-18-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by pele02
Did you plug in an old HDD perhaps?

Nah, was just running everything off the SSD to start. Called the store where I bought it back and they recommended double checking the that the firmware was properly updated.

99% sure I did everything correctly to update the drive in dos.

AHCI----->IDE mode so drive can be detected in Dos. Booted from ISO with the update. Drive still not detected.

Also tried the same process using the second SATA-6G port, checked to make sure the drive was connected properly etc.

Bought it 45mins away, and will likely be driving back again to replace defective parts tonight. I don't have my own car at the moment, so this is turning into a huge pain.
01-18-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
Nah, was just running everything off the SSD to start. Called the store where I bought it back and they recommended double checking the that the firmware was properly updated.

99% sure I did everything correctly to update the drive in dos.

AHCI----->IDE mode so drive can be detected in Dos. Booted from ISO with the update. Drive still not detected.

Also tried the same process using the second SATA-6G port, checked to make sure the drive was connected properly etc.

Bought it 45mins away, and will likely be driving back again to replace defective parts tonight. I don't have my own car at the moment, so this is turning into a huge pain.
BIOS updated?

Can you see it in the BIOS?
01-18-2012 , 04:23 PM
Could last night, can't today.

Like I said, pretty likely I just have a defective part.
01-18-2012 , 04:37 PM
Do any of you guys watch the HBO series Boardwalk Empire with Steve Buscemi? Is it any good? The first season is available on Netlfix so I'm thinking about adding it to the queue.
01-18-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by gman339
Do any of you guys watch the HBO series Boardwalk Empire with Steve Buscemi? Is it any good? The first season is available on Netlfix so I'm thinking about adding it to the queue.
It's pretty good. I give it at least an A-.
01-18-2012 , 07:45 PM

01-18-2012 , 09:28 PM
01-18-2012 , 10:22 PM
01-18-2012 , 11:17 PM
****in. Awesome.
01-19-2012 , 03:48 AM
11 cm? Nice
01-19-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by EN09
Nino, how 'bouts an update? Still in Vegas? Back in TX? Family doing well?
I am still in Vegas and I am living in a house with a group of poker players. I am living with QQ-Quads-QQ and a few others guys. Most are converted MTT players. On a cool side note, one of my roommates is dating an ex FT red pro.

I am playing 1/2, 1/3 and some 2/5. I would like to move exclusively up to 2/5 in the near future having finally recovered financially from BF. Playing mostly at the Wynn and Venetian.

Since the turn of the year I have been playing on Cake at $50nl, $100nl and $200nl FR. Has been really nice to transition back into the online world. I have also played a smaller number of hands on True Poker but I am not a huge fan of that site. Couple of days ago, I took a backing deal to play on BlackChip from a well known 2+2er so I will be on BC starting today.

Really focusing this year on making a WSOP run in something so getting back to playing the occasional MTT this year also. Going to play the circuit event at Caesars tomorrow.

Still waiting for my fishing invite .....
01-19-2012 , 04:06 PM
Today is the first day that it feels like winter, January 19th...nice job La Nina (and some other phenomenon my friend was telling me about regarding the jet stream)

Moved back into the city last week, internets arrive on Friday. Pumped to be back in the city, my apartment is pretty nice, I'll take some pictures when life slows down (this weekend) and throw them up here
01-19-2012 , 06:27 PM
Has anyone purchased the full version of Notecaddy? Giving HEM2 a try and obviously it's got a few notecaddy stats but I'm not sure if the full version is just too overwhelming or if it's a worthwhile purchase.
01-19-2012 , 06:59 PM
umm i tried the trial months ago and it seemed like information overload imo. having an essay on every player is not helpful in game
01-19-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by isunkurbttlship
umm i tried the trial months ago and it seemed like information overload imo. having an essay on every player is not helpful in game
I'm the NoteCaddy programmer so I am obviously biased but one thing I should say is that if the version you tried was for HM1 or PT3 then it's really apples to oranges versus the HM2 version. The information overload problem was very real but a ton of effort has been made to solve for it in HM2. For example:

-Notes appear in stat popups for the stats they are relevant to rather than all in one long *** list.
-You can write notes/badges directly on the HUD
-New graphs show tons of information in a small space and (hopefully) in a format that's quick and easy to read in the heat of battle
01-19-2012 , 07:52 PM
yeah it seems much better for hem2 so far. had it for hem1
01-19-2012 , 11:15 PM
Random post is random: Yeah boy! 720BB up in 2750-ish hands... Finally some run good
01-20-2012 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by El Nino 1
I got told in the FTP thread that this is where all the cool kids are now posting, so I am stopping by to say that it will become my new home. I am back playing online more than I ever have post BF. I am spread out across True, Cake and BlackChip but want to get back to being a member of the community, so hi to all the guys ive known for sometime and hi to guys that I havent yet met.
how's life going old friend?
01-20-2012 , 07:02 AM
Who released a CR or DC video where it advocated everyone at FR must 3bet at like 7%. Playing 25nl on Black Chip has made me laugh all day. Its like they heard somewhere they should 3bet but arent sure why or how to proceed when they do
