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*** Official 2010 uFR Pokerstars Reg Thread ***(NSFW) *** Official 2010 uFR Pokerstars Reg Thread ***(NSFW)

08-31-2010 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
sorry to everyone. For the first time in a long, long time, I'm buying in for 20BBs today. However, I'm not ratholing. I'm going with whatever my stack builds to.

I'm short of VPPs for the month and need to play higher, yet I don't have enough cash on the site for the true swings.
lol... i was thinking of ss'ing 400nl next yr to get sne.. 1,000,000vpps/.65 ... = 1,538,462hands..
128,205hnds/mo. (~4300hnds a day......) 3.4hrs/day to make ~$110k............ sigh but i loathe ss'ing.. mindless drooling rathole scumbag sser poker... ... ... but.. it is one hundred and ten thousand dollars... .. the other way is to play ~6200 hands/day.. an extra 700hrs out of the year... bigger sigh... and that's at 200nl... then i figured i'd wait to hear from PStars on wtf'n changes are gonna be (if any - i.e. eradicating 20-50bb games/ introducing 30bb capped games)... i've said it before i'll say it again - 'i hope they get rid of the ss'ing games and only have 40-100bb poker across the board (w/ deep tbls)' ... but i can do a lot w/ an extra 700hrs of my life.. the dark side can be tempting... in before epic hate/ostracization

edit: honestly idk if i could bring myself to do it...
08-31-2010 , 02:56 PM
no don't do it stay keep the games from getting softer
08-31-2010 , 03:04 PM
I kinda caught some ****e for not posting this in here, as I posted it in the FTP thread where my poker career has gone to die.

I'm not going to xpost and spam the regs thread with it but the link is here for those of you that wanna read my go pro to go broke story.

I would also like to say that I'm glad I met a bunch of you guys and became friends. It helped me get better as well as keep going when times got rough. The poker world is an interesting one and I was glad to be a part of it for a few years. I will still be around in some capacity but feel as though I gave it my best and is time to move on.

I will miss alot of you, even the next up and coming 25nl pro who will take over the poker world.

Damntra, Nati, Digger, Rusty, Greg, Luckystraights, Ach, Rice, Raf, TJ, Goose, starscream, Jessyj, mpeth, split, kurt, Jewp and many many more that I am sure I am missing. I wish all you guys the best and I hope to lurk and read about all of your continuing success.

I look forward to the next Greg and TJ hu match....the next Digger wtf is he talking about post that somehow still makes sense. Nati commenting about some girl with a massive ass, greg yelling about failing with asian girl....more people hating on CJ and him posting hatersgonehate.jpg or rape wolf pics.....Raf somehow mentioning sports in at least 1/3 of every posts.....Ach boxing another 2 or 3 tourneys in a day.....Lucky posting updated pics when he gets a new place and a new 8 square foot cubicle to play in.....even MT2r's in depth post about which buyin tables are better/worse for the game.

In all seriousness I'll miss alot of you guys even if we hated each other at one point. All of you add up to make the online poker world the great emulsion of character that makes it so great.
08-31-2010 , 03:04 PM
Guys how many hours left till the end of month stars time?
08-31-2010 , 03:07 PM
08-31-2010 , 03:19 PM
Hmmm close but i think i am going to be gold next month
08-31-2010 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by dashman
i was just wonderin' how you were doing the other day.. moving to FTP and all...
that sucks to hear.. hope you get everything worked out.. find what you're looking for...
i'm shocked too.. you were always crushin' 25nl for a decent clip...
giving me probs daily
GL bro - stop in and give some updates now and then...
maybe i'll see ya the horseshoe one of these days..
08-31-2010 , 03:30 PM
gl dash with whatever you decide to do!
08-31-2010 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ricepaw1226
i was just wonderin' how you were doing the other day.. moving to FTP and all...
that sucks to hear.. hope you get everything worked out.. find what you're looking for...
i'm shocked too.. you were always crushin' 25nl for a decent clip...
giving me probs daily
GL bro - stop in and give some updates now and then...
maybe i'll see ya the horseshoe one of these days..
Originally Posted by Alex0r
gl dash with whatever you decide to do!
and this
08-31-2010 , 04:06 PM
gl dash, you have always been a class act on the tables and in the forum.
08-31-2010 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
sorry to everyone. For the first time in a long, long time, I'm buying in for 20BBs today. However, I'm not ratholing. I'm going with whatever my stack builds to.

I'm short of VPPs for the month and need to play higher, yet I don't have enough cash on the site for the true swings.
Been there.

the key is no ratholing.
08-31-2010 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by dashman
I kinda caught some ****e for not posting this in here, as I posted it in the FTP thread where my poker career has gone to die.

I'm not going to xpost and spam the regs thread with it but the link is here for those of you that wanna read my go pro to go broke story.

I would also like to say that I'm glad I met a bunch of you guys and became friends. It helped me get better as well as keep going when times got rough. The poker world is an interesting one and I was glad to be a part of it for a few years. I will still be around in some capacity but feel as though I gave it my best and is time to move on.

I will miss alot of you, even the next up and coming 25nl pro who will take over the poker world.

Damntra, Nati, Digger, Rusty, Greg, Luckystraights, Ach, Rice, Raf, TJ, Goose, starscream, Jessyj, mpeth, split, kurt, Jewp and many many more that I am sure I am missing. I wish all you guys the best and I hope to lurk and read about all of your continuing success.

I look forward to the next Greg and TJ hu match....the next Digger wtf is he talking about post that somehow still makes sense. Nati commenting about some girl with a massive ass, greg yelling about failing with asian girl....more people hating on CJ and him posting hatersgonehate.jpg or rape wolf pics.....Raf somehow mentioning sports in at least 1/3 of every posts.....Ach boxing another 2 or 3 tourneys in a day.....Lucky posting updated pics when he gets a new place and a new 8 square foot cubicle to play in.....even MT2r's in depth post about which buyin tables are better/worse for the game.

In all seriousness I'll miss alot of you guys even if we hated each other at one point. All of you add up to make the online poker world the great emulsion of character that makes it so great.
Dashman will forevermore be the King of Micro PS reg thread.
08-31-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
I'm gonna play the next $4 1R1A.
Went to sleep - I assume its already started?
08-31-2010 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ricepaw1226
i was just wonderin' how you were doing the other day.. moving to FTP and all...
that sucks to hear.. hope you get everything worked out.. find what you're looking for...
i'm shocked too.. you were always crushin' 25nl for a decent clip...
giving me probs daily
GL bro - stop in and give some updates now and then...
maybe i'll see ya the horseshoe one of these days..
and I wish you gl in getting ur life back in order and hope that you can you can someday enjoy poker once again.

08-31-2010 , 05:02 PM
guess I gotta go to stileproject.
08-31-2010 , 05:06 PM
At least I know that I can contribute to the totp somehow regardless if I ever hit it or not
08-31-2010 , 05:08 PM
mega warning on that stileproject site digger there is some #$%#$ up stuff there
08-31-2010 , 05:10 PM
lol jeez dash

it's not like you're dying or anything!

Speak for everyone when we say we always want you to drop by

And keep up the blog, even if it's not going to be about poker, I still read it
08-31-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Oregano
At least I know that I can contribute to the totp somehow regardless if I ever hit it or not
lol i thought you and ach did a great Motp.. and every time i google 'hot chick' rob scheneider pops up...
08-31-2010 , 05:39 PM
glgl dash, always on aim to talk

Last edited by gooosefrabbaa; 08-31-2010 at 05:49 PM.
08-31-2010 , 05:41 PM
wtf is with my links?
08-31-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by dashman
I kinda caught some ****e for not posting this in here, as I posted it in the FTP thread where my poker career has gone to die.

I'm not going to xpost and spam the regs thread with it but the link is here for those of you that wanna read my go pro to go broke story.

I would also like to say that I'm glad I met a bunch of you guys and became friends. It helped me get better as well as keep going when times got rough. The poker world is an interesting one and I was glad to be a part of it for a few years. I will still be around in some capacity but feel as though I gave it my best and is time to move on.

I will miss alot of you, even the next up and coming 25nl pro who will take over the poker world.

Damntra, Nati, Digger, Rusty, Greg, Luckystraights, Ach, Rice, Raf, TJ, Goose, starscream, Jessyj, mpeth, split, kurt, Jewp and many many more that I am sure I am missing. I wish all you guys the best and I hope to lurk and read about all of your continuing success.

I look forward to the next Greg and TJ hu match....the next Digger wtf is he talking about post that somehow still makes sense. Nati commenting about some girl with a massive ass, greg yelling about failing with asian girl....more people hating on CJ and him posting hatersgonehate.jpg or rape wolf pics.....Raf somehow mentioning sports in at least 1/3 of every posts.....Ach boxing another 2 or 3 tourneys in a day.....Lucky posting updated pics when he gets a new place and a new 8 square foot cubicle to play in.....even MT2r's in depth post about which buyin tables are better/worse for the game.

In all seriousness I'll miss alot of you guys even if we hated each other at one point. All of you add up to make the online poker world the great emulsion of character that makes it so great.
Sorry to hear Dash. GL in life.
08-31-2010 , 06:02 PM
GL dash, you were always the best reg at 25nl imo.
08-31-2010 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ricepaw1226
i was just wonderin' how you were doing the other day.. moving to FTP and all...
that sucks to hear.. hope you get everything worked out.. find what you're looking for...
i'm shocked too.. you were always crushin' 25nl for a decent clip...
giving me probs daily
GL bro - stop in and give some updates now and then...
maybe i'll see ya the horseshoe one of these days..


08-31-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Oregano
wtf is with my links?
Stop hot linking. Upload images to imgur or imageshack first.
