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****Official 2010 UB/AP Regs Thread**** ****Official 2010 UB/AP Regs Thread****

03-09-2010 , 09:58 AM
^when I'm spaz clicking the refresh button on buddylist, and I see Nutz/Gimme/Duke log on, and I literally insta open the table, and the waiting list is STILL already 6 deep, then I sometimes feel like throwing the odd N2kfactor grenade myself.

You guys must have software, or something........
03-09-2010 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by fieldsofmars

god this guys annoying

hes been talking crap for most of this session trying to get the player to leave the table and play him and keeps telling him we are all trying to take his money and cheating to get his money etc

probably most absurd obs chat ive ever seen (even worse then the stuff he said to gimme in the past)

N2KFACTOR: duke down $2000 already
N2KFACTOR: go to a new table duh
e-mail vip support chat like this. I don't think the report chat button works because people hit it by accident. They won't want chat like this either.
03-09-2010 , 03:35 PM
i click report chat when trying to rebuy accidentally anywhere from 5-25 times a day. 5 time per 1k hands prolly.
wish they could just put the "rebuy" button on the table layout directly
03-09-2010 , 03:50 PM
lol I do the same thing since I started playing on AP, glad its not just me. I don't know why there isn't a 'get chips' button on AP tables like there is on UB tables.
03-09-2010 , 04:37 PM
Hey A2,

Wanted to say congrats on the tourney cash. You definitely should play in the WSOP, you're good at tourneys.

I want to have a similar HU challenge with you, but first let me finish my Badbert challenge, I think we are gonna play a couple more matches since only 1k hands doesn't really prove who's better.

We got serious **** to prove!
03-09-2010 , 07:28 PM
he actually said a lot worse stuff then that and went on and on for hours. i talked to him later and he said it wont happen again... but this guy has said stuff to gimme before so who knows?

the highlight of the night was duke tellin him he wanted to break his legs.

btw thegeneral that was one of the sickest sessions ive ever seen that you had there. better luck next time :/
03-09-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Primopoke1
We played about a thousand hands. It started at about 11:30pm when I was playing some HU Sngs, and i kept hearing my phone beeping. When I checked, it was Bert telling me he's ready to play and for me to quit playing SnGs. So we played and I was the one to quit at around 2AM bc my finger was getting sore and I had a big day Sunday. I did give him a 20 minute warning that I was going to quit.

Here are some of the bigger hands:

Early on:

Cooler, what can I do? It's a 3 bet pot.

Turned my hand into a bluff and he snap called. Good read on his part.

Middle of the game:

Ouch, ouch, and ouch. I guess I could've gotten away from a couple of them.

Towards the end:

I started ramping up my aggression and 3 betting, and that's what gave me the edge.

He gave me **** for slowrolling, and I said "yea, yea, yea". The board was paired, not a snap call IMO.

I thought I was probably dead from his river bet but I had to call.

I should've raised more on the river here bc he would've bet 2 pair or a set on the flop.

I told him my hand and he said he had "JJ", which is what I put him on when I bluffed the river.

One of the last few hands of the session. I think he was tilted and tired of my ramped up aggression.
easy to "ramp up the aggression " when gettin smacked with the deck
03-09-2010 , 07:42 PM
WTF is that dribble/pile of muck/abomination/****e/child like crap you posted Primojoke. Add me to the list after A2steaksauce. 3 tables of playing your button, 3betting the next hand and sitting out NOT allowed.
03-09-2010 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by fieldsofmars
he actually said a lot worse stuff then that and went on and on for hours. i talked to him later and he said it wont happen again... but this guy has said stuff to gimme before so who knows?

the highlight of the night was duke tellin him he wanted to break his legs.

btw thegeneral that was one of the sickest sessions ive ever seen that you had there. better luck next time :/

i would have stayed and won it back but from him but i had already lost a few horrible coolers at 5/10 and lost to 2 runner runners on stars to some jackass.. i was so tilted i almost threw my laptop.. and i neverrr get mad

howd the session end up? did he throw it all back?
03-10-2010 , 04:14 AM
Just got back from a night out with UB people in Costa Rica got two pieces of info:

1: Aruba is canceled for 2010.
2. Auto Reload will be included in the next update.
03-10-2010 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by 2oops2
Just got back from a night out with UB people in Costa Rica got two pieces of info:

1: Aruba is canceled for 2010.
2. Auto Reload will be included in the next update.
1. **** THAT

2. I didn't care when I played on UB but now that I play on AP this makes me happy. So many extra mouseclicks required on AP.
03-10-2010 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by 2oops2
Just got back from a night out with UB people in Costa Rica got two pieces of info:

1: Aruba is canceled for 2010.
WHAT THE HELL... we gotta do something about this
03-10-2010 , 04:34 AM
**** that

and he lost it but it took a while
03-10-2010 , 04:45 AM
VIP Host: Im sorry for the delay Benjamin, I was just checking this information with the proper department and we are pleased to inform you that as of now, no official statement has been released or published, therefore, the Aruba Classic is still going to be played

VIP Host: As a note aside, please do not believe everything this other sites publish as most of the time is false advertisement. We really appreciate your time and thanks a lot for reporting this, but so far Aruba is a "go"
03-10-2010 , 04:46 AM
unfortunately i believe INEEDMONIES and the articles more
03-10-2010 , 05:26 AM
maybe i just missed something but why is it cancelled?
03-10-2010 , 06:23 AM

I sent you an IM on AIM. I'd like to play you right away please. Smashing trash talking fish is my specialty and greatest pleasure. Let me know what day is best for you to play.
03-10-2010 , 06:26 AM
Does anybody want to book my $500 on pureklas for this? Grog?
03-10-2010 , 09:12 AM
I'm not taking action either way, it's too unpredictable. As a default, Mr Klass would crush....... BUT; should he get set over setted/ otherwise coolered/ slowrolled/ sucked out on early- then the ensuing tilt means a humiliating defeat at the hands of the monkey.

I like all these reg HU challenges though. As soon as I'm not flat out broke in life and needing every cent to survive I'll play anyone.
03-10-2010 , 10:39 AM
What is pureklas's screen name?
03-10-2010 , 03:11 PM
The info regarding Aruba came from a super reliable source, he said he had just heard about it himself a couple hours earlier.

Everybody should email/talk with support saying how awesome it is and whatnot. Aruba is the ****.
03-10-2010 , 04:24 PM
Do most of you guys satellite into the aruba classic? never played it or any other major but i really want to get into a major somewhere..

any advice on the best way to go about it? can't afford to drop 5 or 10k to buy in straight
03-10-2010 , 04:33 PM
man, if they cancel aruba, that would be so lame. aruba is the ****. even if they cancel it, maybe i'll take a week off and go there anyway
03-10-2010 , 04:37 PM
i doubt as players we can do anything to get them to bring the tournament back but it really pisses me off they cancelled it so they can bring more to the players in terms of online tournaments and wsop satties ors ome bs.

*** that. everyone should complain
03-10-2010 , 04:37 PM
actually shin thats a good idea. we should all go down there for a week without the tournament and cost UB a bunch of rake while we are out there to let them know thats how we feel about them cancelling the tournament
