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****Official 2010 UB/AP Regs Thread**** ****Official 2010 UB/AP Regs Thread****

02-15-2010 , 09:06 PM
likely jumping out of a plane from 15k ft within the next few days (weather permitting). wish me some rungood plz
02-15-2010 , 09:09 PM
hope u run good in that like u do in strange tournies
02-15-2010 , 09:11 PM
to whom it may concern people stop getting pissed if somebody uses up more than a freakin quarter of their timebank to call off the nuts. Last I checked the timebanks are fast and we play multi tables
02-15-2010 , 09:19 PM
i agree that you need to take the word "exploited" off immediately. that's the first thing that popped out and i'm surprised you put it there in the first place. might as well just say, "took advantage of idiots".

i wouldn't put anything about ROI as that's not applicable to cash games and throwing out some xxxxx% return looks kinda silly. (technically you could calculate it but it'd involve summing every dollar you ever contributed to a pot)

there's a thread someone here in msnl about putting poker on a resume. i think it was by moonshine and might be titled something like, "ask me about quitting poker and getting a full time job"
02-15-2010 , 09:27 PM
i derive great pleasure from using my entire timebank vs the following:

a) anyone with less than <30bb and <30 vpip
b) darbud/nit regfish (because they're just taking up a seat and they spaz post-slowroll)
02-15-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by squashington
i agree that you need to take the word "exploited" off immediately. that's the first thing that popped out and i'm surprised you put it there in the first place. might as well just say, "took advantage of idiots".
yeah i can see how it comes across poorly. i really just meant it like identified and capitalized on opportunities of value-possibly showing that i could recognize and take advantage of other good opportunities in life and business. but y'all are right there is a better way to say it. thanks to everyone for the advice
02-15-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by bigruk
likely jumping out of a plane from 15k ft within the next few days (weather permitting). wish me some rungood plz
dude u are going to have a blast-one of the best things ever!!!!!!!!!!
02-15-2010 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by bigruk
likely jumping out of a plane from 15k ft within the next few days (weather permitting). wish me some rungood plz
It's a lot of fun. Did this in Oahu.
02-15-2010 , 10:18 PM
squashington-GREAT thread so far-ty for recommending it
02-15-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by bigruk
likely jumping out of a plane from 15k ft within the next few days (weather permitting). wish me some rungood plz
gl dix, queenstown 15k is imo, the best place on earth you could do it. if you get a clear weather day you can see the entire mtn range, lake, Mt. Cook, heaven
02-16-2010 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Phoenix Rising
gl dix, queenstown 15k is imo, the best place on earth you could do it. if you get a clear weather day you can see the entire mtn range, lake, Mt. Cook, heaven
so it was a beautiful day today, not a cloud in the sky and zero wind. within 2 minutes of arriving at the launch point wind picks up out of nowhere -> blueballed. supposed to be **** weather the rest of the trip so not looking good. pretty disappointed but doing a trio of the world's gnarliest bungy jumps tomorrow. pretty stoked
02-16-2010 , 06:51 AM
yo ike ty for lookin that stuff up.

So ive been at foxwoods the past few days and heard some funny lines.

after a hero call i made the guy next to me said...
"you know man, i was 100% certain he was bluffing in that hand, but theres no way i'd ever make that call"

After a guy 3bet folded to my 4bet and then showd me queens. I showed him AK, he told me
"Even if u showed me ur hand i still would of folded my queens in that spot"

Another random guy explained to me tournamnet poker
"you never want to play a hand with a guy that has you covered no matter what. That way you'll never go broke."
"AK sucks, it gets you into so much trouble. Its one of thsoe hands you never feel good about when you go all in preflop.

btw lrdodarkness whats so bad about living in england...ive never been so if you know of any good reasons y its a dumb idea i'd love to know. I really just dont see the benefit of being raped by taxes.

At least 7tempe had a reason...i dont know if i'll end up hating their accent as much as he does, however, i did come up with a solution...alcohol
02-16-2010 , 06:55 AM
England would be great if it wasn't for all the English people there.
02-16-2010 , 07:18 AM
I just clicked on this thread to see what witty quip John would give. Mr Beans delivered.
02-16-2010 , 07:43 AM
For people who don't ever check out the HU forum:
02-16-2010 , 07:57 AM
2 Things,

1) Has UB made a final decision about dataminining and software yet?

2) I am living in England right now and while it is a nice place to visit, I wouldn't choose it as a place to live again. Country is beautiful and has lots of history and stuff, but

a) the weather is a downer and is effecting me more than I had anticipated. At least in Canada even when it's -20 out we get to see the sun once in a while.

b) Cost of living is really high, I live in a small city in the lol North and I imagine it is worse most other places. Since you still have to pay taxes in the US, moving here is going to cost you.

c) If you are a young single male (I am not), well...there are better places to be.

edit: d) Most of the beer here is 4% or less. (This may seem normal if you are an American).

02-16-2010 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by johnbeans
England would be great if it wasn't for all the English people there.
lol. The old ones are the best ones.
Reminds me of when I shared a flat with my Scottish mate, he said 'The only good reason for working in England is that I'm taking an Englishman's job'
02-16-2010 , 09:03 AM
ty neko good things to know. although i didnt know some1 could get so upset over a pickle.

Also my dream of escaping taxes legally is crushed cause i found out igotta live there 5 years first to become a citizen. Im guessing most other places are gonna be like this to? Unless some1 knows of a tax free country i can become an instant citizen of?

I guess ill just have to start my own church to get tax exempt status. Join the church of BOOM today and the poker gods will make sure you run 10BIs above EV every week.
02-16-2010 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by BoooooooM
ty neko good things to know. although i didnt know some1 could get so upset over a pickle.

Also my dream of escaping taxes legally is crushed cause i found out igotta live there 5 years first to become a citizen. Im guessing most other places are gonna be like this to? Unless some1 knows of a tax free country i can become an instant citizen of?

I guess ill just have to start my own church to get tax exempt status. Join the church of BOOM today and the poker gods will make sure you run 10BIs above EV every week.
I took them for granted and now miss them dearly

NZ is an amazing country, takes two years for citizenship IIRC, and has decent tax laws for a pro i think. I would move there in a heartbeat, but alas it is too effing far from everything.

If you have ancestors from a country you can often get citizenship there very easily(depends on country obv).
02-16-2010 , 10:50 AM
I'm assuming this is a dick move....

I'm playing heads up vs a megafish. Droped 2 min buyins so far and rebought full. Player named DaJunky decides he's gonna be an observer and chat to the fish asking him to play him heads up. Luckily I stacked him.....eventually.....but I would have been pissed if he left me with a full buy in that was easy money. I would never do that to someone.
02-16-2010 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Neko
2 Things,

1) Has UB made a final decision about dataminining and software yet?

i received a mail today from AP.

accepted and prohibited according the older posts/twitter. so datamining is prohibited.

but interesting was:
"Based on the above criteria Holdem Manager, Small Buddy* and can be used. Not the case for Sharkscope or Tableshark."
*LOL@"Small Buddy"
**@suffer: smart buddy have no maximum buddies

i dont see any different with sharing information between TR for CG and sharkscope/tableshark for SNG/MTT. i m confused.

btw: i pay 2.8k (in $ 2.6k) a month for a normal apartment (80 square meters). and its a **** hole in switzerland.
02-16-2010 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by bigruk
so it was a beautiful day today, not a cloud in the sky and zero wind. within 2 minutes of arriving at the launch point wind picks up out of nowhere -> blueballed. supposed to be **** weather the rest of the trip so not looking good. pretty disappointed but doing a trio of the world's gnarliest bungy jumps tomorrow. pretty stoked
well ****, that sucks. did you at least pwn shinzo on the giant chess set? I told him for the thrillogy to go for the water dunk on the bridge, frontflip off the ledge and **** his pants on the nevis. Same advice to you, glglglggl
02-16-2010 , 12:47 PM
Thanks w2p...have not got that email yet. Yeah, TR/ Scope difference is weird. Maybe because you have to pay for scope?

Also, just got a cashout to MB from UB in under an hour. Not bad.
02-16-2010 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by BoooooooM
yo ike ty for lookin that stuff up.

So ive been at foxwoods the past few days and heard some funny lines.

after a hero call i made the guy next to me said...
"you know man, i was 100% certain he was bluffing in that hand, but theres no way i'd ever make that call"

After a guy 3bet folded to my 4bet and then showd me queens. I showed him AK, he told me
"Even if u showed me ur hand i still would of folded my queens in that spot"

Another random guy explained to me tournamnet poker
"you never want to play a hand with a guy that has you covered no matter what. That way you'll never go broke."
"AK sucks, it gets you into so much trouble. Its one of thsoe hands you never feel good about when you go all in preflop.

btw lrdodarkness whats so bad about living in england...ive never been so if you know of any good reasons y its a dumb idea i'd love to know. I really just dont see the benefit of being raped by taxes.

At least 7tempe had a reason...i dont know if i'll end up hating their accent as much as he does, however, i did come up with a solution...alcohol

where you from? i turn 21 in 3 weeks and am going to be going down to mohegan/foxwoods often
02-16-2010 , 08:05 PM
carma is on a jp is over 100k, cant lose.
