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****Official 2010 UB/AP Regs Thread**** ****Official 2010 UB/AP Regs Thread****

06-05-2010 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by G_Dollaz
Is anyone else having problems getting on 5/10 hu tables? I can't seem to find any empty heads up 5/10 tables.....
Yep, new 5/10 HU tables are not spawning.

Probably a glitch, it happened a few months ago too.
06-05-2010 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Santhrax
Yep, new 5/10 HU tables are not spawning.

Probably a glitch, it happened a few months ago too.
spawning lol

06-05-2010 , 03:51 AM
Not a glitch apparently.

And I thought spawning was correct...english is my third language.
06-05-2010 , 04:24 AM
lawl Dixon. I was thinking of the same thing. BTW FU for that 72 hand.


Spawning is somewhat correct, but I think it's more used when referring to certain organisms growing or being created.
06-05-2010 , 06:44 AM
Anyone else lose notes recently? I've been sitting with guys today that I normally have notes of death on for being hit n runners, blind thiefs etc. Also, HEM isn 't recognising my tables as HU I have to manually change it. Anyone else got this problem?
06-05-2010 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by JustSomeGuy

Absolute Poker $5/$10 No Limit Hold'em $2.50 Ante - 6 players
The Official Hand History Converter

GIMME (BB): $4544.00
FOIL_SHIZZLE (UTG): $3061.50
FEHLSPIELER (MP): $2065.50
EDHARDOOSH (CO): $2084.75
FISH#2 (BTN): $2048.90
NEDFRYST (SB): $1980.00

Pre Flop: ($30.00)
1 fold, FEHLSPIELER raises to $40, 1 fold, FISH#2 calls $40, 1 fold, GIMME calls $30

Flop: ($140.00) 2 T 8 (3 players)
GIMME checks, FEHLSPIELER bets $110, FISH#2 calls $110, GIMME calls $110

Turn: ($470.00) T (3 players)
GIMME bets $470, FEHLSPIELER raises to $1100, FISH#2 calls $1100, GIMME raises to $4391.50 all in, FEHLSPIELER calls $813 all in, FISH#2 calls $796.40 all in

River: ($6192.40) 2 (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: $6192.40
GIMME shows 8 8 (Full house, eights full of tens)
FEHLSPIELER shows 2 2 (Four of a kind, twos)
FISH#2 shows T Q (Full house, tens full of twos)
FEHLSPIELER wins $33.19
FEHLSPIELER wins $6155.71
(Rake: $3.50)

nh i like
06-05-2010 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Santhrax
Not a glitch apparently.

And I thought spawning was correct...english is my third language.
spawning works...makes you sound cool

english is my third language too. my first two languages are redneck and jive
06-05-2010 , 12:30 PM
yeah spawning would have been my word of choice as well
06-05-2010 , 12:48 PM
lol spawning works, but it's definitely not the best word to use there.
06-05-2010 , 03:55 PM
did they move the wsop25 seat guaranteed from sat to sunday? or am i just delusional

edit: support denies the move, but i'm almost positive it was supposed to be saturday
06-05-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by mcleod014
did they move the wsop25 seat guaranteed from sat to sunday? or am i just delusional

edit: support denies the move, but i'm almost positive it was supposed to be saturday
I don't think they moved it, I've had it marked in my phone for Sunday, June 6th for quite some time now.
06-05-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by bigruk
spawning lol

I don't know why but I laughed at this for like 5 minutes.
06-05-2010 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by bigruk
spawning lol

1x1 lt 50$ a pop or for fun
06-06-2010 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by NextLevelBumhunter
nh i like

I srsly hope that "sitting out as soon as the fish sit out" **** like you get hit by a bus and die after 15hrs of pain an agony

Leaving the table as soon as the fish leaves is all good, everybody's doing it, but snap sitting out when he's sitting out for like 5 hands and then sit back in as soon as he sits back in is the gayest thing ever.
06-06-2010 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by kriket28
I srsly hope that "sitting out as soon as the fish sit out" **** like you get hit by a bus and die after 15hrs of pain an agony

Leaving the table as soon as the fish leaves is all good, everybody's doing it, but snap sitting out when he's sitting out for like 5 hands and then sit back in as soon as he sits back in is the gayest thing ever.
the man speaks the truth

the funnier part is when he does it at 1 2 or .50 1 when there are other fish in the game
06-06-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by kriket28
I srsly hope that "sitting out as soon as the fish sit out" **** like you get hit by a bus and die after 15hrs of pain an agony

Leaving the table as soon as the fish leaves is all good, everybody's doing it, but snap sitting out when he's sitting out for like 5 hands and then sit back in as soon as he sits back in is the gayest thing ever.
lol rafael and lotus do this regularly too. not only is it like a 10 out of 10 on the 'how big of a pussy can you possibly be' scale but it's ******ed since the fish only has 3 orbits to sit out, so if you're sitting out at the same time he's way more likely to get booted. you'd think someone who exclusively bumhunts and never plays a single hand without a super-mega-fishie at the table would be able to figure that out.
06-06-2010 , 11:13 PM
I'm lookin for stars and FTP money for my UB. Up to 10k on both sites. PM if interested
06-07-2010 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by shinzilla
i don't think i've ever seen someone taunt so consistently after sucking out like bgnight. pretty classless.
06-07-2010 , 01:25 PM
06-08-2010 , 01:02 PM
Any you guys had any problems at the tables over the last few days?
In particular, it not letting you sit at tables after you join from a waitlist or sitting you out of a game for no reason and then not letting you sit in, so you have to quit and try and rejoin? It doesnt happen all the table but is frustrating as you can imagine. Tables also seem at times to take a lot longer to open up too.
Thought Id ask here as opposed to asking UB and getting the inevitable, 'please send us details of the spec of you machine' response.
Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling UB but that made bugger all difference.

This in conjunction with running like crap means Im not a happy bunny atm. Still, with England bringing back the World Cup in a few weeks time it'll all be forgotten (or more realistically Rooney to get injured/sent off and we bomb out in the last 8, so it'll all end in tears, Again)
06-08-2010 , 03:30 PM
I want Full Tilt for my AP/UB monies. Pm if interested. Up to $3k.
06-08-2010 , 04:01 PM
Ruffian yeah I've had that too, and yeah that's the only response you'll get from UB.

This from that PFR article:

'The final but least import implication is that Cereus has some incredibly incompetent developers. To not only attempt something like this in the first place, but then to fail to implement SSL on their login system, shows an appalling lack of technical knowledge. I say this as both a developer and a poker player. I don’t want to cost anyone their job, but I sincerely hope they are looking at finding a more qualified development team; If not for our benefit then for their own.'
06-08-2010 , 11:18 PM
what's the word on the World Cup pool?
06-09-2010 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by 2oops2
what's the word on the World Cup pool?
The following people have expressed interest in the World Cup pool for $500:


We have a full 8 people so we will randomly draw 4 teams/person. I have volunteered to be the escrow so if you wish to participate in the pool the following people listed above must ship me 5hung US dollars over an AP/UB transfer.
MAKE TRANSFER TO screename: Hardcory3011 first name: Cory

Once I have collected all the monies A2steaksauce and I will randomly draw teams here in our LV house. Ship monies ASAP. This will be a winner take all pool!!!
06-09-2010 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by grogheadflow7
Ruffian yeah I've had that too, and yeah that's the only response you'll get from UB.

This from that PFR article:

'The final but least import implication is that Cereus has some incredibly incompetent developers. To not only attempt something like this in the first place, but then to fail to implement SSL on their login system, shows an appalling lack of technical knowledge. I say this as both a developer and a poker player. I don’t want to cost anyone their job, but I sincerely hope they are looking at finding a more qualified development team; If not for our benefit then for their own.'
Ok thanks, at least its not the spec of my machine thats at fault!!!
I saw that article, quite scary that they've got a team of programming 'donks' sorting out their security, considering how much $$$ we all hold on there at any one time.
Despite all the baggage associated with UB though, I still think the software/feel of the site is better than the rest, so it would be tough for me to leave. Ive been on here so long it would feel like having an affair going to another site. I probably should try some Euro sites as the game should be slightlly easier?, but every site Ive looked at the software seems crappy in comparisson.
