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***The OFFICIAL 2010 ONGAME Regs Thread*** ***The OFFICIAL 2010 ONGAME Regs Thread***

05-19-2010 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by babaa
thoughts on manub_?

seems pretty good, has a nice winrate over my samplesize
if u speak french, u can read his book :
05-19-2010 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by krheni
if u speak french, u can read his book :
The best part of the Amazon description:
<<Etes-vous pręt ŕ faire passer le profit avant le plaisir ? Etes-vous pręt ŕ assumer l'hostilité ou le mépris de votre entourage ?>>

Best part of a review:
<<Il a pas gagné grand chose et clairement c'est avec ce livre qu'il gagne le plus ! >>
05-19-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by ***
The best part of the Amazon description:
<<Etes-vous pręt ŕ faire passer le profit avant le plaisir ? Etes-vous pręt ŕ assumer l'hostilité ou le mépris de votre entourage ?>>

Best part of a review:
<<Il a pas gagné grand chose et clairement c'est avec ce livre qu'il gagne le plus ! >>
en anglais?
05-19-2010 , 01:44 PM
hah yeah, basically a guy is saying he didn't win any big donkaments yet so he clearly has no idea what he's talking about. sigh
05-19-2010 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by smellmuth
en anglais?
part 1
Are you ready to pass up pleasure for profit? Are you ready to be hostile and contemptuous towards your friends?

part 2
He has not won the big thing, and it is clear that it is with this book that he is winning the most.
05-19-2010 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by ***
part 1
Are you ready to pass up pleasure for profit? Are you ready to be hostile and contemptuous towards your friends?

part 2
He has not won the big thing, and it is clear that it is with this book that he is winning the most.
hahaha. no but seriously hes pretty good.
05-19-2010 , 06:28 PM

i wanna chase my 55k losses but no games are going, what happened!?
05-19-2010 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Loco1887

i wanna chase my 55k losses but no games are going, what happened!?
Once you went busto there was no reason for the games to run.
05-19-2010 , 08:40 PM
yah that was weird. i wonder what happened to the server? did bwin go down or something?
05-20-2010 , 06:45 AM
any big tower affiliates here? pm me!
05-20-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by ***
part 1
Are you ready to pass up pleasure for profit? Are you ready to be hostile and contemptuous towards your friends?

part 2
He has not won the big thing, and it is clear that it is with this book that he is winning the most.
You got part one wrong.

Are you ready to pass up pleasure for profit? Are you ready to get treated in a hostile and contemptuous way by your friends?

And you obviously forgot to mention part 3

Are you ready to burn money by buying this book? Are you ready to learn poker from a french rakeback pro?
05-20-2010 , 02:30 PM
take it your a fan then alain
05-20-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by poop_brown
thoughts on ABCNLHE, megaman_67 and GodZillaWinZ?

nl400-regs, mayby higher too. dunno
ABCNLHE: Standard player very much, bets big with the goods and dont bluff much...
megaman_67: Adjustable good player (at least been adjusting too me ), sometimes aggro sometimes soft
GodZilla: strong aggro player, havent seen more than a few odd/ bad plays from him
05-20-2010 , 03:36 PM
Thoughts on J0han. AlexeiK and Mummy?
05-20-2010 , 03:59 PM
this whole thoughts on x thing is really a bad idea. make your own judgements.
05-20-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by smellmuth
this whole thoughts on x thing is really a bad idea. make your own judgements.
I love that the player rated the worst is the one that plays the most 600+
05-20-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by smellmuth
this whole thoughts on x thing is really a bad idea. make your own judgements.
nah, I like it... nice to compare own thoughts with others btw what do you think bout x?
05-20-2010 , 05:54 PM

how embarassing, but your way does make more sense. There go my chances of making it with a French chick. I am really into unshaven pits too.
05-20-2010 , 08:06 PM
Hi just wanted to hear if anyone else experience the extremely pathetic and shady tactics used by goalwin to make more money then they already do (alot) its really quite pathetic.

so i load up my account on goal win about a month ago and for some reason it forces your back office to be in euros i didnt know why at the time, but it forces ur back office in euros even tho the site poker play is in USD. Anyways i buy in convert my money to the poker account and play for over a month grinding out hands rake like 5k and up money things are going well. then i go to cash out my rake back and i notice goalwin has shorted me by about 400 dollars because what they have done is, converted my rake to euros on a extermely old and out dated exchange rate basically paying me in euros that are not worth nearly wat they were a few monthes ago, there outdated or just simply scam exchange rate is making them plenty of money. so i say enough of that its no point to play here if they wanna rip there players off like that i go to leave the site, but guess what now they have got me by the balls, to cash out i have to exchange all my USD back to the main account and cash out IN EUROS and again they give me a RIDICULOUS exchange rate just RAPING ME on the exchange rate i lose almost 1000 euros on there exchange rate compared to todays actual exchange rate of euro to usd, so i emial the site and they tell me basically go *** yourself its too bad if u dont like it u can wait until on game updates there exchange rate because we have no control over it.

THeres NO WAY goalwin can tell me that they arent purposefully doing this to make more money. exchange rate shud be updated daily, not only that but every player should have the right to have the back office in whatever ***** currency they want WTF is up with that?! also its clearly another scam that they pay there rake back in euros when you play in USD, clearly they are using this grossly out of whack exchange rate to make extra money, greedy whores, you cant tell me for one second that if the euro had gone way up they wouldnt change that ****** exchange rate immediatly to avoid over paying people.

I would love to hear feedback from anyone else getting screwed by goalwin, or esp from anyone at goalwin who would like to help me out and rectify this situation, support has been completly useless and couldnt really care less about me it appear they have no loyalty to there players.

i made a post but i thought id throw this in here too warn all the other on game regs and also to see if anyone else experience the same issues on goalwin or any other skins
05-20-2010 , 09:08 PM
wow that is really ****ed up that the main skin/operator/owner is doing that.
doesnt surprise me though.

its funny, because if they just ran the site properly they would make more money, but they'd rather cut corners to save money and fk ppl over.
05-20-2010 , 09:27 PM
the exchange policy may be set by their payment processor. i know tower fixed its exchange rates on the 1st of each month and i was able to cash out lots of money at extremely favorable rates when the rates in the real world were much worse at the end of last year.

if they are using the same policy the other way around (ie when u buy usd with euros) its technically neutral EV.
05-20-2010 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by smellmuth
the exchange policy may be set by their payment processor. i know tower fixed its exchange rates on the 1st of each month and i was able to cash out lots of money at extremely favorable rates when the rates in the real world were much worse at the end of last year.

if they are using the same policy the other way around (ie when u buy usd with euros) its technically neutral EV.
that may be so but im pretty sure if this had gone in the opposite direction (euro went up relative to USD) and they were losing extra money on rake back and cashouts, they would immediatly adjust there rates to avoid a big loss on currency exchange, which is why when they fail to do that to avoid a big loss for there players i feel used and under appreciated, clearlly they are not valueing there players and therefore they lose me as a player, and not only that but i make sure other people know about hopefully they learn a lesson, id liek to find a site that treats there players with more respect, i find heypoker is pretty good but they recently axed my deal so any suggestions for another on game skin who actually value there players?
05-21-2010 , 02:17 AM

this exchange rate dicking around you are getting is supreme bull****, but don't ever kid yourself that you are creating value for your skin. While grinders are inevitable due to the structure of the game (someone will always be able to win), the more even the skill distribution the greater the churn (rake collected). Ongame is dividing the losing players' money with you, and of course they'd like a larger piece. If they could cut you out entirely I'm sure they'd like that, but since they can't screwing you around and generally being uncaring towards your problems with them is a close second.

My point is that using your loyalty as a bargaining tool in this matter is ineffective, and Ongame knows it.
05-21-2010 , 06:40 AM
wat ya think of robwhuck u guiiiis?
05-21-2010 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by poop_brown
wat ya think of robwhuck u guiiiis?
if your brain is turned on you can eat him alive
if you're a robot reg he'll eat you alive
