Originally Posted by Immolate
With how many BI should I take a shot at 100nl?
I've only played about 46k at 50nl but I'm averaging about 11bb/100 so I feel pretty comfortable. I've got about 25BI at 100nl if i take a shot, but if i go bust I'll probably quit poker. What would you recommend (how many BI to take the shot and when to move down?)
ya, mix some 50/100 tables up and just give your self a stop loss, who knows u may run good and never play 50 again.
Originally Posted by El Nino 1
Estonia must be the home to the worlds biggest bumhunters, with Fleuowb and Leits among the worst. Someone that speaks Estonian really needs to break down to them how much money we all lose because they wont start tables. Common sense must be lacking in Eastern Europe
no offense to the euros, but i hate 99% of them. none of them start tables and actually play, most bumhunt like crazy yet they leave the jesus spot cuz it got down to 6 handed. and some of them play with 50bb stack and leave when they double up. one of those russian ****s berated me yesterday cuz i called his 4bet shove 50bb deep and won w KK vs his AA.
some euros are cool, u know who u are.