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***The Official 2010 FTP Micro FR Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Micro FR Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

06-19-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Thallium
I think you're taking "Eurotards," too personally. He was just saying he's taking advantage of them as opposed to Ameridonks, who play at different hours. In no place did he claim that every European player is a Eurotard, just like no one else can say that no European player is ridiculously bad. Some goes for Americans.

At the end of the day, fish are fish, regardless of nationality, and that's where we make our money.
Exactly. I actually flip a lot on my preference on when I grind the most - mostly based on what I want to do at different times of day, etc. And when I wake up and get stuff I need to do done.

And you should never take most of my posts seriously - especially when I say stuff like that.

1) I enjoy some good sarcasm and humor. Thus, probably 3/4 of what I say IRL and online is non-serious. It's the way I am.

2) I can laugh at myself and do not take myself seriously.

3) As a mod (even though this is not my forum), I will never intentionally try to offend a person or a group of people.

And I agree - in the end, fish are fish. I only ever look at nationalities to see if it helps explain why they act the way they do. Of course Germans are different. Those guys are just crazy.
06-19-2010 , 01:55 PM
I know. I'm just sad and tilted myself for weeks today. Sorry for being unlogical fool, good luck at the tables.
06-19-2010 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
Of course Germans are different. Those guys are just crazy.

Idiots from Central Europe
06-19-2010 , 02:17 PM
Not to be confused with Northern European idiots.
06-19-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by iksmirp
americans and your supperiority complex
I enjoy a good dinner. What's wrong with that?

I think the guy who was complaining about it being rigged was an Aussie. He was complaining on how it's impossible to win and I was mentioning how I was doing just fine and he says it's only because I'm American.

The American rig only works below 25NL, though
06-19-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by iksmirp
I know. I'm just sad and tilted myself for weeks today. Sorry for being unlogical fool, good luck at the tables.
take time off, analyze your game. Post stats in stats thread.
06-19-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
I like to play in the Euro evening because that's when I make most of my money playing against euro tards (present company excluded).
Glad I can help
06-19-2010 , 02:47 PM
played 142 hands of 200 rush today, +$2.45

First time i've played 200 in like 6 months, going to try mixing some more in while i play

It's always weird adjusting to bet sizing at a new level, i try to think of things in bb terms, at 100 it's so easy because everything is already in bb there a way i can adjust FTP to display bets like that?
06-19-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87 there a way i can adjust FTP to display bets like that?

I have played so much 100nl where $1=1bb, my thinking is forever corrupted imo. I need this.
06-19-2010 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by DDAWD
The American rig only works below 25NL, though
Where do you think I'm at?

Originally Posted by udbrky
take time off, analyze your game. Post stats in stats thread.
Thanks, I'll do that.
06-19-2010 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
played 142 hands of 200 rush today, +$2.45

First time i've played 200 in like 6 months, going to try mixing some more in while i play

It's always weird adjusting to bet sizing at a new level, i try to think of things in bb terms, at 100 it's so easy because everything is already in bb there a way i can adjust FTP to display bets like that?
one thing to note about 200nl rush.

it is nearly impossible to see a flop ever, at least 85% of the pots are 3 or 4bet.

its fantastic fun !
06-19-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by AnAnonymousCoward
lol'ed again

not just because I'm drunk
i loled too , catn say wther its onnly cuz aim drunk...

Originally Posted by udbrky
Everyone always makes comments about me playing, and I never know who anyone is. I should reconsider this having the same name stuff. I'm always curious as to who people are.
when you see me you ll **** bricks!

Originally Posted by Husker
I've got a question about HEM. When I play in the early hours of the morning and go to check the reports or graph for 'today' it's all blank and everything is under 'yesterday'. I'm in the UK so it's obviously a time thing but where do I go to resolve it? Is there something I can change on HEM or FT?
tl:,dr (yeah, sers(=9

Originally Posted by udbrky
Exactly. I actually flip a lot on my preference on when I grind the most - mostly based on what I want to do at different times of day, etc. And when I wake up and get stuff I need to do done.

And you should never take most of my posts seriously - especially when I say stuff like that.

1) I enjoy some good sarcasm and humor. Thus, probably 3/4 of what I say IRL and online is non-serious. It's the way I am.

2) I can laugh at myself and do not take myself seriously.

3) As a mod (even though this is not my forum), I will never intentionally try to offend a person or a group of people.

And I agree - in the end, fish are fish. I only ever look at nationalities to see if it helps explain why they act the way they do. Of course Germans are different. Those guys are just crazy.
boy, thata a woall aof text! only skimmed ti, italina and frecnch are always lollaments, bgermans - kjust bluff chatch vs them all day imo
06-19-2010 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ranger_Trivette
that is a huge trout. Ice fishing? Did he have to drill a bigger hole to get it out of there or what?
A Wyoming lake. He had pulled some nice ones through the ice though, nothing compared to this beast!

Originally Posted by pele02
<---- non-american right here

Although I wonder if EN09 would agree about the riggigness for americans
I make my own riggigity!

I'm such a fishtard anyhow.
06-19-2010 , 08:52 PM
welcome back tiger woods.
06-19-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by iksmirp
ps: i just changed my personal detail Country to United States, so let's see if I can get some cards too now!
lol i didnt know u could change it. pretty sick. time to level some people.
06-19-2010 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by mao
one thing to note about 200nl rush.

it is nearly impossible to see a flop ever, at least 85% of the pots are 3 or 4bet.

its fantastic fun !
I've heard this about 200nl. What style of game to you have to play to win here?
06-19-2010 , 10:32 PM
aggro 50/40 with 3bet of 17
06-19-2010 , 10:48 PM
most important thing is to range and balance well.

its just annoying as hell never seeing flops.
06-20-2010 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by mao

the answer is to change your personal detail.

most certainly not to use the resources here and try to get better, just make illogical excuses and your solutions will certainly make you money. it obviously cant be you, has to be the rig.
wow what a little smart ass... someone teach this kid a lesson in manners
06-20-2010 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by hopeuntilwecant
wow what a little smart ass... someone teach this kid a lesson in manners
good luck

won't be in poker
06-20-2010 , 01:06 AM
hes saying you're terrible obv.

and flippn changed av's ! didn't notice at first, no more whales .
06-20-2010 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by mao
hes saying you're terrible obv.

and flippn changed av's ! didn't notice at first, no more whales .
no more whales

06-20-2010 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by mao
hes saying you're terrible obv.

and flippn changed av's ! didn't notice at first, no more whales .
i think you and my cat would be a good match hu. not kidding
06-20-2010 , 02:36 AM
