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***The Official 2010 FTP Micro FR Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Micro FR Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

06-07-2010 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
u will like Breaking Bad after watching the wire
you were 100% right!! thanks!
06-07-2010 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by pele02
Welcome and stay away from 25NL until I move up



I practice avoidance with the whole reg wars thing. Concentrate on playing pots with the weaker players.

gl with the moving up

At the point where I want to move up asap. Starting to play more table to achieve this and will cut right back down once I get to 50nl.
06-07-2010 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by R2R72
At the point where I want to move up asap. Starting to play more table to achieve this and will cut right back down once I get to 50nl.
Just so you know and wont start to post BBV hands ITT...

06-07-2010 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by pele02
Just so you know and wont start to post BBV hands ITT...

Confirmed, see 5 posts up
06-07-2010 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by JL514
That's why I try to play more than 22 hands a session
LOL. Sorry, should have clarified that was in my FIRST 22 hands of the session.
06-07-2010 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Strongsville
much harder than it looks. not joking btw.
I totally know what you mean. Just make sure the card back's color really sticks out vs background and table. But in this regard Full Tilt has actually one of the more clear layouts. This problem was worse for me on pretty much any site there is.

Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
I did something I normally don't do.

I rathole today.
what when and why?
06-07-2010 , 08:54 AM
Welcome to uNL R2R72!

Paddymctaff, you're added and I skyped you mine. Could only play for a bit last night when I got home from work. Close to being called this morning, but I'll have two plus days off! Gov't passed a law on our rest requirements and I've about topped out!
06-07-2010 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by dac1072
LOL. Sorry, should have clarified that was in my FIRST 22 hands of the session.
Yeah, this struck me as an odd complaint. 22 hands just fly by for me. Only time being card dead annoys me is when there's a whale who is looking to go bust as fast as possible.

How many tables?
06-07-2010 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by toedder
I totally know what you mean. Just make sure the card back's color really sticks out vs background and table. But in this regard Full Tilt has actually one of the more clear layouts. This problem was worse for me on pretty much any site there is.
Oh, haha, I guess that I misunderstood.

I don't usually have this problem - my card backs are like neon lime green.
06-07-2010 , 09:38 AM
i use yellow card backs
06-07-2010 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
u will like Breaking Bad after watching the wire
Originally Posted by lien
you were 100% right!! thanks!
unfortunately i was wrong anticipating again
i abandoned Breaking Bad after 3 and a half episodes...
maybe it's something wrong with me
next try: sons of anarchy

06-07-2010 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by toedder

what when and why?
got up $500 on two rush tables, felt like quitting but wanted to put in more hands, so I rathole them.
06-07-2010 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
i use yellow card backs
my win rate has increased since i change card backs.


I use invisible card backs....I can see their Cards BRO!
06-07-2010 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
got up $500 on two rush tables, felt like quitting but wanted to put in more hands, so I rathole them.
At NL100? I mean idk how people view it, and I never ratholed rush so far, but I feel it's at least a little different there. You have no table dynamic, you didn't just stack a guy and then leave the table. I think you can't even tilt anybody with that behavior. If at a regular table you stack a reg for 200bb and then sit out and join another table - I bet he's pissed. At rush he likely won't even notice.

btw, mmmmmh

Originally Posted by SammyG-SD

06-07-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by lien
unfortunately i was wrong anticipating again
i abandoned Breaking Bad after 3 and a half episodes...
maybe it's something wrong with me
next try: sons of anarchy

idk, haven't seen a lot of those shows, but if you don't like Dexter, you might as well give up finding a show you like
06-07-2010 , 10:02 AM
it wasn't a single score....I just got really deep and wanted to not think that much.
06-07-2010 , 10:06 AM
I guess it's fine either way.
06-07-2010 , 10:09 AM
push through some of the boring parts of breaking bad, it gets good
06-07-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by DDAWD
Yeah, this struck me as an odd complaint. 22 hands just fly by for me. Only time being card dead annoys me is when there's a whale who is looking to go bust as fast as possible.

How many tables?
I was only single tabling (on my wife's laptop with a touchpad that I am terrible at using, and no HUD). Basically playing just because I wasn't ready to go to bed yet, but after about an hour, I started clicking back through the hand history and realized that I hadn't had a single pocket pair, and was just running ice cold in general. Oh, well. Shake it off, and jump back in around lunchtime today and see what I can grind.
06-07-2010 , 11:23 AM
Northern Exposure! Always thought Maggie (Janine Turner) was pretty damn hot in that show. I've never watched an episode of Wire, Office, Dexter or any of the HBO series either. Overall I think television sucks anymore for primetime media. Too much reality crap too. China Beach, Colleen McMurphy (Dana Delaney) was a good show too.
06-07-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
it wasn't a single score....I just got really deep and wanted to not think that much.
wtf's up the people critiquing your quitting a table whether you're "ratholing" or not? Brunson mentions numerous times in 'Poker Wisdom of a Champion' you can quit WHENEVER you want. Seriously, someone gets pwned for a couple of stacks and cries RATHOLER when the guy leaves? Anyone should be able to bank their $$$ and go when they want.

One mans Biatch is always another man' Queen lol!
06-07-2010 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by EN09
wtf's up the people critiquing your quitting a table whether you're "ratholing" or not? Brunson mentions numerous times in 'Poker Wisdom of a Champion' you can quit WHENEVER you want. Seriously, someone gets pwned for a couple of stacks and cries RATHOLER when the guy leaves? Anyone should be able to bank their $$$ and go when they want.

One mans Biatch is always another man' Queen lol!
it's usually not so much the leaving. that isn't even ratholing. ratholing is securing your profit and coming back with a shorter stack, aka going south. (so, what the short stackers did). Whatever comment Doyle made about it isn't really applicable, because you just can't rat hole live really well, whereas online it's easy with all the tables available. But again, I feel Rush is kinda different.
06-07-2010 , 11:56 AM
Maybe this makes me a douche, but if I get over 150BB deep with a LAG on my left who is also deep, then I'm out. I also leave if the fish leaves and I have a bunch of TAGS tags left (unless they let me steal), or if thier is a table dynamic that I don't think I have a big edge in. The way I see it, I am here to make money and learn. If thier is a reason I don't think I can play profitably, or if I think their is a reason that table is less profitable than another table, I'm out. It's not like I'm not at another table or won't play again, and their are only 2 players I would actively avoid (split and starscream - 1 has 2 stacks of mine and the other just scares the crap outta me), so you will have plenty of chances to take the money back.
06-07-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
Maybe this makes me a douche, but if I get over 150BB deep with a LAG on my left who is also deep, then I'm out. I also leave if the fish leaves and I have a bunch of TAGS tags left (unless they let me steal), or if thier is a table dynamic that I don't think I have a big edge in. The way I see it, I am here to make money and learn. If thier is a reason I don't think I can play profitably, or if I think their is a reason that table is less profitable than another table, I'm out. It's not like I'm not at another table or won't play again, and their are only 2 players I would actively avoid (split and starscream - 1 has 2 stacks of mine and the other just scares the crap outta me), so you will have plenty of chances to take the money back.
Yeah, I don't have a problem with that at all (and if I had it wouldn't be your problem anyway). I think what really annoys people (and myself) is ratholing short handed, i.e. play HU or 3-4handed, take a stack and snap leave.. Or even worse, 3bet the first hand and snap sitout.
06-07-2010 , 12:06 PM
I can see that SH.

and LOL at 3 bet sit out. I think that anyone doing that would get notes pretty quick and wind up seeing a LOT of 4 bets.
