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***The Official 2010 FTP Micro FR Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Micro FR Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

05-14-2010 , 10:26 AM
Nice score SnWhy.

@ the whole starting tables thing, grow some balls and try to start tables. Way better than sitting on a waitlist with 6 people on it. And I always make sure to sit directly across from other regs, and hope to get the same in return. And if someone insta sits out I really don't care, as long as the table gets filled with some flounder.
05-14-2010 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by xxMaquiladoraxx
JLB 100% owning the starting tables discussion IMO.

Also, TNFT is tilting the *#$@*#$ out of me and I can't get my HUD to work with Rush even after updating to the latest HEM beta.
OK, since we're so into etiquette why isn't it regarded as bad etiquette to use TNFT to click the TimeBank automatically???

I think unnecessary timewasting chases away fish and is disrespectful to all opponents. It makes me so mad I might just sit out on any reg who uses it HU!

Last edited by TimTamBiscuit; 05-14-2010 at 10:34 AM. Reason: Hypocritical *$$#@@ Stars regs and their slooow decisions GTFO FTP
05-14-2010 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by OoLethaLoO
Nice score SnWhy.

@ the whole starting tables thing, grow some balls and try to start tables. Way better than sitting on a waitlist with 6 people on it. And I always make sure to sit directly across from other regs, and hope to get the same in return. And if someone insta sits out I really don't care, as long as the table gets filled with some flounder.
Bolded for mf'ing truth.
05-14-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by TimTamBiscuit
OK, since we're so into etiquette why isn't it regarded as bad etiquette to use TNFT to click the TimeBank automatically???

I think unnecessary timewasting chases away fish and is disrespectful to all opponents. It makes me so mad I might just sit out on any reg who uses it HU!
I rarely have to go to my timebank, even when mass tabling and this annoys the crap out of me too and comes up in the Stars thread often.

Counterargument is that the time-bank is there for a reason and all players have the same access to it. I always play fast- sometimes too fast.

Last edited by xxMaquiladoraxx; 05-14-2010 at 10:35 AM. Reason: LOL I'm assuming I now know your SN?
05-14-2010 , 10:34 AM
Nobody has brought up the point yet so i have to ask SNwhy:

Now you have just luckboxed $7k are you got to GTFO of $50 ?

Please !!!
Seriously tho, congrats man
05-14-2010 , 10:34 AM
Lately I've been starting a few table while sitting on waiting lists. I might transition to starting more and waiting less as I get more comfortable. The past few pages ITT have had some good info on the rationale and strategy behind it.

Theory: Sitting at an empty table, when someone sits down across from me, he's a reg. When someone sits down to directly to my right, he's a fish. When someone sits down directly to my left, I'm the fish! LOL
05-14-2010 , 10:34 AM
I mean its for my benefit as much as theirs. Why have a reg on your direct left or right at all when some fish will prob just take that seat?
05-14-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by xxMaquiladoraxx
Bolded for mf'ing truth.
05-14-2010 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by OoLethaLoO
I mean its for my benefit as much as theirs. Why have a reg on your direct left or right at all when some fish will prob just take that seat?
Exactly. You don't want to be directly next to a reg in either seat when the table fills anyway... It's just common sense.

Although I do love it when the fish sits down HU... directly on my right.
05-14-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by xxMaquiladoraxx
I rarely have to go to my timebank, even when mass tabling and this annoys the crap out of me too and comes up in the Stars thread often.

Counterargument is that the time-bank is there for a reason and all players have the same access to it. I always play fast- sometimes too fast.
Well some of us are trying to get FTP to ban auto-timebanking software or find some way to make their life hell by breaking them every software update.
05-14-2010 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by TimTamBiscuit
Well some of us are trying to get FTP to ban auto-timebanking software or find some way to make their life hell by breaking them every software update.
I think this would only make a difference to a small amount of players. IMO, fish time-out much more than regs playing 10+ tables. Also, 24>16 so there really shouldn't be too much complaining about "slow" stars regs coming over to FTP.

MX Revolution +TN + 2 30" monitors= no problems, even if you get rid of the auto-timebank.
05-14-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by El Nino 1
Nobody has brought up the point yet so i have to ask SNwhy:

Now you have just luckboxed $7k are you got to GTFO of $50 ?

Please !!!
Seriously tho, congrats man
thx everyone for the congrts.

I'm a total fish in cash games so i'm still gonna keep playing 50 nl combined with 100nl untill I've established i can win at FR 100nl cash games. gonna withdraw some funds and have fun with the moniez.

Obv rubbing on the tittiez first
05-14-2010 , 11:01 AM
No maniez in donkaments - SnWhy is solid.

Nice score buddy! Are your nipples raw yet?
05-14-2010 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by toedder
I am sure if you told Rusty to stop he would not sit at your table though?
I never bothered to ask him, because i wasnt one of the 24 tablestarting guys. I opened my one or two tables and that was it. But i obviously never joined his tables.
And to be perferctly reasonable here, i'm pretty sure Rusty would have stopped it, if someone asked him to do it at their table. I dont know him, but many ppl saying he's such a good sport and whatnot.

But i do think the discussion was more general and his name only came up, because he has an easy to remember name. Or because his stars SN is well known on 2+2.
05-14-2010 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by EN09
No maniez in donkaments - SnWhy is solid.

Nice score buddy! Are your nipples raw yet?
No more nipples in MTTs, too much rubbingz
05-14-2010 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
Yeah, you gotta make the table look like they want to be there. Just pass blinds back and forth for a bit. If you both have decent hands, fine. Just don't be a hard tard and either sit out, or 3b/4b every hand for the sake of it. Go play on HU tables if you just want to be crazy aggro imo.
unless villain is martink. In that case you must counter blitzkrieg.
05-14-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by El Nino 1
05-14-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by CBukowski
I dont know him, but many ppl saying he's such a good sport and whatnot.
yeah, that's why I made the statement you quoted.

But i do think the discussion was more general and his name only came up, because he has an easy to remember name. Or because his stars SN is well known on 2+2.
yep, those two reasons, plus he's been doing it forever
05-14-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by EN09
No maniez in donkaments - SnWhy is solid.

Nice score buddy! Are your nipples raw yet?
Obviously a real life pic of SnWhy rubbing the fiddy is required -- post in BBV for photoshopaments and give us a link in this thread.

Alternatively, you can hire a (ahem) model to rub your fiddy on her titty.
05-14-2010 , 12:49 PM
I think y'all are making a mountian out of a mole hill with the "sitting out at new tables" thing. Compared to the sins of
  • taking the jesus seat on a fish who just joined a new table
  • taking the jesus seat on the reg
sitting out at a new table is nothing.
05-14-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
Shes plays chess models and is smart, is interested in your work...lemme guess she likes poker too.

No way this kind of thing happens IRL. Title of the movie?

...seriously though, nice TR. Congrats.
Well, we haven't played chess since then, FWIW, haha. But yeah, not often this happens. Glad you all liked the story, though. None of the pictures are of her, but the one on the top resembles her face. She knows a little poker, but not all that interested in it.

God, I think I'm going to throw out this laptop when I get home. I'm in DC for the week and been grinding on my laptop for the first time ever. Down 5BI under AIEV in 5k hands which doesn't account for people sucking out when there are like less than a few pennies left to get in.

And as I say this, some 100/12 guy catches two pair with J4 to crack my aces. I hate this game.

But a few hands later, he gets it all in with bottom pair vs my top pair. I get it all back.
05-14-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by funkyj
I think y'all are making a mountian out of a mole hill with the "sitting out at new tables" thing. Compared to the sins of
  • taking the jesus seat on a fish who just joined a new table
  • taking the jesus seat on the reg
sitting out at a new table is nothing.
Why would you NOT take the jesus seat on a fish if you can? First come first serve imo.
05-14-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by OoLethaLoO
Why would you NOT take the jesus seat on a fish if you can? First come first serve imo.
I think funkyj was referring to the scenario
  1. Reg starts table
  2. Fish sits
  3. Reg2 takes Jesus seat
05-14-2010 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by toedder
I am sure if you told Rusty to stop he would not sit at your table though? We had that discussion well over a year ago (I think) in the Stars thread, and it came up repeatedly. It was a fact that more 50bb tables started in a shorter time frame, when one of us (yeah, I used to do that too) sat out on a bunch of empty tables. FTR I did that when I wasn't even playing. (When I was playing a session, I was also playing HU). Go to the grocery store, be back in one hour? I fired up 24 50bb tables and sat out on them. Every table starter could grab one of "my" tables and sit, hell sometimes even fish sat and waited for another player to appear. When I came back, often times a majority of the tables had started, were going, and I was auto-removed from them anyway, but the lobby looked way better than before. Of course tables with 2 guys playing start faster than tables with one guy playing and one guy sitting out. But a table with 2 players, on of which sits out, still starts faster than a table with only one guy, in my experience, and that of others. But back then the norm was NO new 50bb tables, everybody wait listing full tables and moaning how bad the lobby was looking, while the rats started the 20bb tables. So yeah, a big reason for doing this is in skewing the lobby in favor of the non rat tables, i.e. draw the fish to our tables instead of letting the ratholers have them...

Now, on FTP with the table situation as is, I do not see any need for that behavior at all.

I think your opinion is a little biased there, yes But yeah, I never sit on other people's tables and sit out there (I haven't even done the sitting out thing in ages).

Nice score, SnWhy
I pretty much agree 100% with everything you said. And I can see how it's kind of unnecessary on FTP, but then again not a huge issue. But yea, you summed up perfectly everything I was trying to say last night so I don't think I need to say any more on this issue.

And like Funky said, there's way worse things people do when starting tables

Also, with the jesus-seat stealing thing, the only time I'm ok with it is when it's kind of a "ill scratch your back, you scratch mine". Only if the other reg is a regular table starter is it ok for them to do that to me (since I'll just do it back to them). The thing that tilts me the most is bumhunting jesus-seaters who just sit in the lobby waiting for a fish to sit HU so he can jesus-seat

Last edited by dabomb75; 05-14-2010 at 02:41 PM.
05-14-2010 , 02:53 PM
no offense, but imo all this table etiquette about how to behave on new started tables, where to seat, where not to seat... IT IS EFFING BS !

as far as game rules are respected (because it is absolutely normal that poker rooms enforce players to do it!) everything else is purely crap.

what is next? should we play poker with fair play...!? should regs mathematically split fish money equally!? should regs do not take each others money?! ..or if a reg stack-off a fish, should he leave the table and let other reg take his seat!?

"always make sure to sit directly across from other regs"
wtf is this ?!?! who is entitled to be a reg and who's not?

every player (fish, reg, whatever...) is equal in the tank. play poker. earn cash. there is no room for politeness in this game..

(btw, i also hated the shortstakers, i still hate the halfstackers. but i blame the poker rooms for them to allow those low buyins)
