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The Official 2008 FTP Regulars Thread The Official 2008 FTP Regulars Thread

09-02-2008 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by PenelopeCruz
corbin plz come play i need a new car.
09-02-2008 , 09:02 PM
that site is gay and inaccurate and ppl that check them because of internet banter are gayer (plz don't ban me)

Also a got a new beemer today. Thanks guys!
09-02-2008 , 09:05 PM

edit: you ****in clown
09-02-2008 , 09:06 PM
well i signed papers today get the car by this weekend
09-02-2008 , 09:07 PM
You could just point out who ihaveseizure's "worst enemy" is.
09-02-2008 , 09:09 PM

hi. You suck.


Seizing Monkey
09-02-2008 , 09:09 PM
And by the way, why must every datamining site be so inaccurate?
09-02-2008 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by PenelopeCruz

hi. You suck.


Seizing Monkey
I don't know... I'm not the one here challenging the person who owns me the hardest of anyone in online poker to HU4ROLLZ. That seems not very smart.
09-02-2008 , 09:12 PM
i dunno.. i think they are actually pretty good for the past couple months but before that worthless.
09-02-2008 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
I don't know... I'm not the one here challenging the person who owns me the hardest to HU4ROLLZ. That seems not very smart.
hmmm you really are dumb.
09-02-2008 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by tcorbin16
just stfu you wouldnt fold that to save your life. it may have not been a slowroll but there is no point in ever timing there.
I don't know if it was or wasn't a slowroll, or what villains range of tanking is. But sometimes I time down and call because I legitimately want to think about a hand, and then decide its just not a fold I should make, and then have been berated because villain thinks its a snap call.

He said it wasn't a slowroll, so who cares? If he wants to time down and think then what gives anyone else the right to say he should snap call? Sometimes those of us that suck need a little time to make what you ballers think are easy decisions. Unfortunately as long as our timebanks recharge, you're going to be stuck dealing with it

09-02-2008 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by willw9
def (if the pot odds are reasonable), and you have bottom set card removal too which has to ramp your equity way up given all the heavy action (they should both have slightly weaker hands on average)
nah, it's def a losing play. ran it into pokertracker. giving utg JJ+, 22, 99, and bn J9, 99, 22. ep doesnt matter cuz he sucks.
09-02-2008 , 09:15 PM
penelope im waiting at the tables for you baby. its party time =)
09-02-2008 , 09:16 PM
i haven't slept yet.
09-02-2008 , 09:16 PM
i agree mark but u and him are like 2 comp diff people and u think and he doesnt... x_x
09-02-2008 , 09:18 PM
i'm gonna have a drug induced seizure as a result of taking a bunch of speed and playing 150k hands next week
09-02-2008 , 09:18 PM
honey you are no fun when you are tired! go get some sleep so we can dance tonight at the tables
09-02-2008 , 09:20 PM
i'll be there in like 7 hours... please don't go broke before then
09-02-2008 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
I don't know... I'm not the one here challenging the person who owns me the hardest of anyone in online poker to HU4ROLLZ. That seems not very smart.
No, you're the one dodging the guy who you say routinely quits you.
09-02-2008 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by tcorbin16
i agree mark but u and him are like 2 comp diff people and u think and he doesnt... x_x

thinking is overrated
randomly clicking buttons is WAY underrated

I <3 randomly clicking buttons but tbh im getting bad it ;(
The call button is too attractive to get my fingers off it ;<
09-02-2008 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
is this only an issue w/ gmail or are there settings for hotmail that need to be changed too?
I don't know about Hotmail, but in general anytime your connection is over HTTP rather than HTTPS you run the risk of credentials being compromised, whether it's your full login or just "session" credentials depends upon the site.

If you want better, more secure email, I'd suggest not using Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Stay away from the big free email providers and buy a cheap account with Hushmail or -- both very secure sites.

I recently bought the Pro version of KeyScrambler, and I highly recommend it. The free version works with FireFox/IE, and the Pro version works on most online poker sites. The program encrypts your keystrokes at the kernel level, so that even if a keystroke logger (trojan/virus/etc.) gets on your system, it won't be able to capture your keystrokes, just garbage characters. Works with FTP and Stars, I haven't tried other sites but they have a list of supported applications on their web site.

KeyScrambler is made by QFX Software -- Google it if you don't trust clicking links from the forum:
09-02-2008 , 09:34 PM
Also, I would recommend using a completely separate email address for poker related things, and never leave your session logged in. Always sign in to check email, and sign out when you're done.
09-02-2008 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
tcorbin, any chance you make this your avatar
09-02-2008 , 09:54 PM
lol...seizure doesn't challenge ppl to HU4ROLLZ. he talks **** then challenges them to come sit at his 6m games w/ him. hes a joke.
09-02-2008 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
lol...seizure doesn't challenge ppl to HU4ROLLZ. he talks **** then challenges them to come sit at his 6m games w/ him. hes a joke.
just wait til he flops a set vs your aa, then we'll see who the joke is
