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The Official 2008 FTP Regulars Thread The Official 2008 FTP Regulars Thread

08-26-2008 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
are you outed?
should be pretty easy to find out who I am. :P
08-26-2008 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
how is this possible

you're an idiot

next time get better seats on the reg

08-26-2008 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
thats what im talking about is making 15 better than taking a flop? assume hes gonna stack me more than i stack him because he has positon and his cold 4b range > my 3b the fish range and the fish has 140bbs. if it is i dont see how.
there are certain situations where flatting a 3bet would be better and other situations where cold 4betting would be better. to say someone should always flat is ignorant.
08-26-2008 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
there are certain situations where flatting a 3bet would be better and other situations where cold 4betting would be better. to say someone should always flat is ignorant.

fine im open to this, given a very spewy fish what hand is better to cold 4bet here?
08-26-2008 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
fine im open to this, given a very spewy fish what hand is better to cold 4bet here?
i feel 4-betting is more to slow down your iso any 2 ass because its making every hand i want to play into a complete pain in the ass, and because you are 3-betting so light that my 4-bet will show a profit anyways
08-26-2008 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by thac
I was just assuming goofy was right that he got a new name so the regs didn't know who he was, because goofy's always right.

Last edited by tilted; 08-26-2008 at 01:06 PM. Reason: nice to goofy
08-26-2008 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
and lol @ this youre on my full tilt buddy list by the way
lol awesome
08-26-2008 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
fish raised, i 3bet, bb cold 4bet, fish folds.

and haupt you cant really think that was a tantrum. its just me asking you why youre doing that when you can take a flop and stack his midpair, and you have position on me.
ben, not only is what you saying very ignorant, it is also implying that

1.) your a much better poker player than i
2.) i have no idea how to play against fish
3.) i don't know how to play that certain fish

all of which aren't true.

im easily the #2 biggest winner against that guy and know his game inside and out, possibly 10x more than you. sure there is some merit to flatting big hands there but don't you think i at least considered it?

and lol at you "asking me" why i did that the very first time just because you got angry that you can't isolate with ATC and not have people adjust.
08-26-2008 , 01:12 PM
oh great. Ben please don't turn this thread into another one of those ""I can't play poker because everyone is squeezing debates"
Just adjust and get over it
08-26-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by SkeetyMcdoogle
so terrible, i will hook you guys up with a funny graph in a day or two

good news is i grinded for two or three days and got enough points for a wii SHIP
yes, but how much money did you lose?
08-26-2008 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by r1base14
You stating that 9/3 = 3 is different than you stating that x > y at poker. 9/3 = 3 is a known provable fact. You are stating an opinion that x > y at poker. In order for anyone here to be able to lend any credence to your opinion whatsoever, they need to know who you are, what poker experience you have, whether you are a winning player, etc. Your "credibility" on this matter should and will be judged by whether or not you are any good at that upon which you are opining. That is really all there is to it.

I completely agree but you can't reason simple logic with a dimwitted ******. I mean, this should be dead obvious to anyone with a pulse... however Nick Rivers obviously skipped those days in 1st grade when we all learned the meaning of fact vs opinion.
08-26-2008 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by NOSUP4U
I'm not going to get involved in this other than to say your statement here is incorrect imo. You are comparing something that can be proven exactly (mathematical equation) with something that cannot (opinion on a poker player). This is why your feelings on the matter will hold more weight with players depending on their feelings on your ability. I'm sure you know this though already.

Originally Posted by r1base14
You stating that 9/3 = 3 is different than you stating that x > y at poker. 9/3 = 3 is a known provable fact. You are stating an opinion that x > y at poker. In order for anyone here to be able to lend any credence to your opinion whatsoever, they need to know who you are, what poker experience you have, whether you are a winning player, etc. Your "credibility" on this matter should and will be judged by whether or not you are any good at that upon which you are opining. That is really all there is to it.

You guys are missing the critical point in all of this and getting hung up on an irrelevant aside. The point is that an idea is an entity of its own, and it can be evaluated even without knowing whose idea it is. Instead of selecting a mathematical equation, I could say that I believe future generations of humans will terraform and colonize Venus before they do Mars, and you could agree or disagree. It doesn't matter who I am when I say that. Maybe you would believe me more if I were a NASA scientist, but that's just an appeal to authority when, in fact, analysis of the facts is all that really matters, not the opinion of someone you deem to be an authority. That's great for sheep, but not good enough for true critical thinkers. Critical thinkers care about the ideas, not who created them.

In the context of this thread, people are attempting to use their credibility as known players on sites or perhaps CR guest pros or posters with thousands of posts to bowl over arguments and, on top of that, launch personal attacks at me instead of my argument. To me, this is all just a case of "strong means weak," and I remain unimpressed. The facts, so far as I can discern them, show that kmoney earns more money at poker than AceCR9, and that is why I have deemed him the superior player. That is also why I proposed that, if kmoney is beating AceCR9 in the games they play together, it probably has to do with things beyond just kmoney running hot.

If you give my words more or less weight based on my sn at a poker site (or lack thereof), then that's on you. That's not my problem.
08-26-2008 , 01:27 PM
jesus christ stfu. just challenge someone HU4ROLLZ or something.
08-26-2008 , 01:35 PM
if you have the facts, fine. if you're stating an opinion, it matters, because if you suck, your opinion is more likely to be skewed. (e.g. all the people who at the start of this thread thought that drgiggy was terrible even when he was soulcrushing all of them)

as for ben86, holy [censored] you actually asked that at the table? wow you are an absolute huge douchebag. not only do fish think that online poker is rigged, they think there's collusion too. god some of you are the most ungrateful sacks of [censored] on the planet, that because you can't grab every last dollar you have to [censored] all over the artifice that is online poker.
08-26-2008 , 01:40 PM
dude how the *** could you rly be this stupid. How do you not realize the difference between an "idea" based on analysis of facts and "deeming" a poker player better than another? You're argument is not based on facts at all since there are no reliable and complete datamining sources available. You're statements are opinions, and in this instance, who you are has a **** ton to do with the credibility and validity of your opinion.

And since i am pretty sure you are riverbaby11, your opinion is completely worthless.
08-26-2008 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
oh great. Ben please don't turn this thread into another one of those ""I can't play poker because everyone is squeezing debates"
Just adjust and get over it
its none of that just me legitimately thinking he should take a flop w/ the donkt
08-26-2008 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
ben, not only is what you saying very ignorant, it is also implying that

1.) your a much better poker player than i
2.) i have no idea how to play against fish
3.) i don't know how to play that certain fish

all of which aren't true.

im easily the #2 biggest winner against that guy and know his game inside and out, possibly 10x more than you. sure there is some merit to flatting big hands there but don't you think i at least considered it?

and lol at you "asking me" why i did that the very first time just because you got angry that you can't isolate with ATC and not have people adjust.
i dont get how im implying 1 and 2. and its really nothing to do with adjusting, its not an issue of adjusting. i wanted to know you think its better to 4bet than to see a flop with him, and your reason i guess is that you know the fish very well. thats fine then
08-26-2008 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
if you have the facts, fine. if you're stating an opinion, it matters, because if you suck, your opinion is more likely to be skewed. (e.g. all the people who at the start of this thread thought that drgiggy was terrible even when he was soulcrushing all of them)

as for ben86, holy [censored] you actually asked that at the table? wow you are an absolute huge douchebag. not only do fish think that online poker is rigged, they think there's collusion too. god some of you are the most ungrateful sacks of [censored] on the planet, that because you can't grab every last dollar you have to [censored] all over the artifice that is online poker.
i said "yay sweet dont flat or anything" read the thread moron
08-26-2008 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by silenced
And since i am pretty sure you are riverbaby11, your opinion is completely worthless.
are u ***** around or is he supposed to really be riverbaby11?
08-26-2008 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
are u ***** around or is he supposed to really be riverbaby11?
i have abs. no proof for my claim but i have a "hunch" and really want it to be true.
08-26-2008 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by silenced
dude how the *** could you rly be this stupid. How do you not realize the difference between an "idea" based on analysis of facts and "deeming" a poker player better than another? You're argument is not based on facts at all since there are no reliable and complete datamining sources available. You're statements are opinions, and in this instance, who you are has a **** ton to do with the credibility and validity of your opinion.
You're definitely entitled to that opinion, even though it's wrong. I have stated the factual basis for my opinion, which is that kmoney makes more money at poker than AceCR9. Generally speaking, the goal of poker is to win money and, generally speaking, the better players win more money. I'm sure there are exceptions to these premises, but I don't think kmoney and AceCR9 are examples of such exceptions, and that's what I'm going by. I am basing this on samples of over 150k hands for both, in addition to my own personal experiences, having encountered each of them before at the tables.

Is it possible I'm wrong? Yes, of course. It's entirely possible that kmoney has run like God for the past 150k hands and AceCR9 has run like a freezer in Antarctica. But, all of the evidence available to me and Occam's Razor support my position.
08-26-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
i dont get how im implying 1 and 2. and its really nothing to do with adjusting, its not an issue of adjusting. i wanted to know you think its better to 4bet than to see a flop with him, and your reason i guess is that you know the fish very well. thats fine then
Hm. The point you seem to be missing ben is that he, nor anyone else needs to give you an explanation of how they play. This is a glaring problem ive seen since hanging around these MSNL boards. A lot of you guys seem to think there is 1 or 2 "correct" plays all the time. There are some sessions where I play 40 percent of my hands and am raising like a bastard. There are others where i really tighten up. Its my money and I can gamble it how I best see fit to make more money. You are not owed the fish's money, and if I thought it best to both tilt you and isolate the fish, I would just shove over your isolations. I don't know your screenname or game and don't really care. The point is no one owes you anything in poker. You have to take it.
08-26-2008 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ben86
its none of that just me legitimately thinking he should take a flop w/ the donkt
Maybe he realizes that his hand sucks flatting there against a donk, thus he should squeeze and take it down? Have you ever thought of that!???
08-26-2008 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by irockhoess
Hm. The point you seem to be missing ben is that he, nor anyone else needs to give you an explanation of how they play. This is a glaring problem ive seen since hanging around these MSNL boards. A lot of you guys seem to think there is 1 or 2 "correct" plays all the time. There are some sessions where I play 40 percent of my hands and am raising like a bastard. There are others where i really tighten up. Its my money and I can gamble it how I best see fit to make more money. You are not owed the fish's money, and if I thought it best to both tilt you and isolate the fish, I would just shove over your isolations. I don't know your screenname or game and don't really care. The point is no one owes you anything in poker. You have to take it.
08-26-2008 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by irockhoess
Hm. The point you seem to be missing ben is that he, nor anyone else needs to give you an explanation of how they play. This is a glaring problem ive seen since hanging around these MSNL boards. A lot of you guys seem to think there is 1 or 2 "correct" plays all the time. There are some sessions where I play 40 percent of my hands and am raising like a bastard. There are others where i really tighten up. Its my money and I can gamble it how I best see fit to make more money. You are not owed the fish's money, and if I thought it best to both tilt you and isolate the fish, I would just shove over your isolations. I don't know your screenname or game and don't really care. The point is no one owes you anything in poker. You have to take it.
well said irock
