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Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Odds of KK running into AA preflop?

01-14-2008 , 06:28 AM

Does anyone know the answer to this?

Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 06:30 AM
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:22 AM
Edit: nm
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:24 AM
odds are less if you are good enough to get away pf
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:31 AM
Ok, thanks for all the useless answers, looking for a percentage please guys
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:33 AM
just fold
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:33 AM
1 in 32 for full ring if I recall correctly.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Renwaldo
Ok, thanks for all the useless answers, looking for a percentage please guys
well that depends on how aggressive the other player is; around 3-7% if he is really aggro, and around 31-67% if he is more nitty.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:37 AM
I mean the mathematical odds of someone having KK and someone having AA in the same hand. ArturiusX, thanks for the reply, do you know the answer for 6max?
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Renwaldo
I mean the mathematical odds of someone having KK and someone having AA in the same hand. ArturiusX, thanks for the reply, do you know the answer for 6max?
it still depends on player images and table dynamics etc, not to mention history with other players.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:51 AM
almost as good as running into ace king
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:52 AM
Renwaldo. I'm going to be really nice here, even though you are a troll. What FionnMac is saying is correct. I mean, if you played the tightest player in the world, and he suddenly reraised you preflop, oddses are quite high that he has Aces. If he plays every other hand, oddses are quite high he has some crap hand. Conditional probability is much more useful than just saying. "Well, given that I have KK, there is one chance in 204 and 1/6 that the othey guy has AA" or, "Given that I have KK, at a 6max table there a 2,425% risk that someone else has AA".
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Renwaldo
I mean the mathematical odds of someone having KK and someone having AA in the same hand. ArturiusX, thanks for the reply, do you know the answer for 6max?

You cant reason like that... If one player has kk its a certain % another player will have aa it depends on how many player there is in the hand. If you are facing one player it is 1/256 he have aa if you pick up kk.

Its a completely other % if you put it like you did. Then it will be 1/256*1/256 you pick up kk AND the other player picks up aa. then the stat will be 1/65536 (if you face one opponment).

But as I stated Every time you pick up KK there are 1/256 / player chance someone has AA. So if you play 6 max full tables every 42 KK you have somwone will have AA. (well its aproximate numbers and variance plays a big roll ofcourse.)

Oh and as stated above these are purely math and when counting in tendensies etc these numbers change alot.

Last edited by gfejs; 01-14-2008 at 08:02 AM.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:32 AM
LOL. I'm not trying to talk about playing against a tight/weak/crazy player, I'm not talking about a specific hand, I'm not talking about anything in particular, I just wondered what the ACTUAL MATHEMATICAL chance that if 1 person has KK, at a 6max table, what are the MATHEMATICAL odds that someone at the same table has AA?

gfejs: Thanks for your reply - are you saying there's a 1/256 chance that if you have KK, someone else has AA at a 6max table, as that doesn't sound right to be at all. If there are 220 unique hand combinations (not including suits), then I guess heads up the chance would be 1/220. Does that mean I can divide the figure by 6 (or 5?) to get the odds of someone else having AA at a table when someone has KK? Your 1/65536 odds are completely way off the mark as well.

fsista and FionnMac: I don't think you're understanding what I'm asking - I'm not talking about any specific hands/players at all - look at it this way - if a computer played another computer 10 million times, how many times would his AA run into another person's KK - this is what I'm asking.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:43 AM
Hi again, guy with below avg reading comprahension.

Heads up, the risk is one in 204,16666..., which is (4/50)*(3/49)

At a six max table, the risk is ca 2,425% which is [1-(4/50)*(3/49)]^5

Isn't this junior high school math btw?
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:46 AM
Ok, thanks - odds are like 1/40 then at a 6 max table? I didn't understand your post before because you used a comma instead of a decimal point.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:48 AM
In Europe, the decimal comma is ",". And no. At a 6 max table it's not one chance in 40. Probability doesn't work that way. Let's say you flip a coin. 50% heads and 50% tails. Just because it's 50%, it doesn't mean there is a 100% probability that you will get tails once when you flip it twice.

I'll repeat.

Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:56 AM
fsista, chill out! I'm in the UK, and a decimal point here is a full stop - like this. A comma indicates when someone is counting a high number - example, the population of the UK is approximately 62,000,000 people. Hence my confusion.

And, if there is a 2.4% chance, then this means that every 1/40 times roughly that you get dealt KK, someone has AA (and vice versa). That IS how probability works.

I'd like to say thanks for your help, but you're an arrogant incorrect prick so I'll refrain.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 08:58 AM
yeah fsista what are the odds you were kicked in the head as a baby stop being a ******ed douche
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 09:04 AM
and people say the quality of this forum has gone downhill, egg on their face
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 09:10 AM
Wow, sorry, I'm ******ed. Nvm me I had a bad day.
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
01-14-2008 , 10:05 AM
Odds of KK running into AA preflop? Quote
