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*October Goals Thread* *October Goals Thread*

10-30-2009 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by nathan
[x]20K profit


[] set up belguim stuff to meet up with spamz/primo/matt
fml, being 20 never sucked so hard
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:24 AM
sexy graph nath
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by sbfootball_84
[ ] $5,000 profit playing $22's-$44's
[ ] play at least 700 HUSNG games
[ ] don't make withdrawals till end of month
[ ] play $55's regularly end of month
[ x] $5,000 profit playing $22's-$44's
[ ] play at least 700 HUSNG games
[ ] don't make withdrawals till end of month
[ x] play $55's regularly end of month

*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by sbfootball_84
[ x] $5,000 profit playing $22's-$44's
[ ] play at least 700 HUSNG games
[ ] don't make withdrawals till end of month
[ x] play $55's regularly end of month

ROI 40%+
What game types filtered?
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 09:19 AM
wow sick roi sb
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Deewhizzle
[ ]coachingnot yet
[ ]run close to ev ........(-14bi)
[ ]actually play +ev meh its questionable
[ ]finish HH reveiw with Spamz still no
[x]learn Basic Dutch gogogogo Rosetta Stone!
[ ]20 games/day avg(double last month)6game/day avg
[ ]1k profit total

FAIL....come to me november.
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by NemoInDeniaL
[ ] 1000 Turbos
[ ] 1000 Non Turbos
[ ] Run above ev for a change
[ ] Lose 10 pounds ( already lost 30 since month before wsop with 0 exercise just dieting.
[X] 1000 Turbos
[X] 1000 Non Turbos
[ ] Run above ev for a change
[X] Lose 10 pounds ( already lost 30 since month before wsop with 0 exercise
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:35 AM
had my best month ever for the 3rd month in a row
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by inn_Nstruct
[ ] 5-6k profits
[ ] 35k hands
[ ] mb move up to nl200
[ ] get a good (motivated) start at university
[ ] enjoy life
[ ] 5-6k profits
[ ] 35k hands
[x] mb move up to nl200
[o] get a good (motivated) start at university
[x] enjoy life

close to 4k profits and ~30k hands.
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by jakeduke
[] get some ****ing games in (500?) - meh - 400ish games.
[x] work on 15-25bb stack game
[] start HUPLO - next month!
[] play more 88s/110s than 55s - lol see HUSNG regs thread post.
[] set proposal date - argh don't wanna talk about it
[] get bain/bcg/mckinsey apps in - no point when i'm not graduating soon!
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Radeh

[x] 500 games +
[x] Profit and nice ROI (Shipped a $22 HUMTT)
[ ] Finally schedule more sessions with Primo (only 2 session, need more in Nov)
[x] Restart thai boxing 3-4 times per week once I get my gear this weekend
[x] Not fail at uni
[ ] Hook up with at least 1 girl from uni this month (Haven't closed the deal yet because I can't decide between 2 girls...maybe tonight though.)

Not necessarily in that order...
Overall pretty happy with my results. Hopefully moving up another stake level by the end of the month
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:28 PM

Choose both girls?
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by jakeduke

Choose both girls?
I wish...problem is they're all very good friends. So if I mess up with one, all the others will hate my guts. We'll see
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-30-2009 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by nicecatch08
[ ] win 6k profit grinding 55's and 110's
[ ] become a 110's regular ----- played $88's instead, didn't realize they existed
[X] watch some videos---one
[X] have an 8% ROI---10%
[ ] play 500 games-----430
Not playing tomorrow so this is it. Overall pretty satisfied, even though the last week killed me. Will probably be playing $110's soon.
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Insane_Steve
[ ] Get Goldstar? (This is a massive stretch for me)
[ ] Move up to 55s with proper BR (need about 12 more BI at 33s to get there) and STAY THERE THIS TIME
[ ] -5% or better ROI at 55s (lol I'm going to corgi bar this one too)
[ ] do not eat a double hamburger or whatever every time I am driving home from a take-out place
[ ] pass three more 15s at ITG (DDR clone)
[ ] actually get my grad school app in before the 15th
mega-fail, not even halfway to silverstar
mega-fail, I think I went like 5-10 at the 55s I played
success, weight loss looks feasible now
fail, only passed one new 15 [it's PIU too, but it counts imo]
success, though I get this ridiculous feeling I won't get in though I graduated from the college's undergrad program with a 3.98

overall a blah month, I'll call it a losing month lifewise because it rained like every ****ing day
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by mjw006
Not to heavy goals in October due to a ****load of majors due at Uni. fml.

[ ] Make money.
[ ] Get some of the regs video ive been promising done.
[ ] Organise trip to Belguim.
[x] Complete all my majors!
One from 4. Epic fail. First losing month ever fml.
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by aurimelis
[ ] 20 games per workday so at least 440 games in total
[x] No tilt, play at least my B+ game
[x] 10% ROI should be simply achievable and I would be delighted with it
[ ] Post unclear hands to discuss
[ ] 4 workouts per week
[ ] Healthy nutrition
[ ] Spend less money
Failed a lot, just nice 15% roi over 250 games at 55s lol, plus nice winnings at few 110s games.
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
[x ] 1k total games
[ x] 22+1's by the end of the month made it by mid month but dropped back down to the 11's cus I suck
[x ] Finish working on the ranch/a month ahead on all bills/cash in the bank and move to Omaha, NE
could be worse
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jamjoe
[ ] 400+ Games (twice as much as Sept)
[ ] Rape of all their knowledge
[ ] New best month (only have to show +$110)
[ ] 400+ Games (twice as much as Sept)
Fail, But I moved to reg speeds and got 46hrs in (24hrs last month) So really a success.

[x] Rape of all their knowledge
Raped, and still watching loads of primos videos

[x] New best month (only have to show +$110)
$378.83 with rakeback included. Graph below is missing a about 2-3 4man games.
Managed to move from $5 to $20 this month \o/

*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Barewire
[ ] 20k hands
[ ] 20 hours coaching
[ ] 2 successful group sessions
[ ] study
[ ] gym
[ ] profit
[x] enough hands
[x] 4 hours of coaching on an accidental long distance call
[x] $250 phone bill
[x] 2 failed group sessions
[x] 2 successful coaching videos
[ ] gym
[ ] study
[x] profit
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 08:25 PM
wtf didnt I make any goals in October?


made: $5,543 (incl me being -7k in buying action, and was -11.6k 1.5 weeks into month =/)
made w/RB: $9,264.10
EV: $15,715.55

like 1050 games

decent month, will def. crush it in Nov., gogogo me, 1 yr ago my Nov. was +35k =]
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
wtf didnt I make any goals in October?


made: $5,543 (incl me being -7k in buying action, and was -11.6k 1.5 weeks into month =/)
made w/RB: $9,264.10
EV: $15,715.55

like 1050 games

decent month, will def. crush it in Nov., gogogo me, 1 yr ago my Nov. was +35k =]
november is doomswitched for you now
*October Goals Thread* Quote
10-31-2009 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
november is doomswitched for you now
8 games, 8-1, +1637... nope, seems like Nov. is working OK to me (it's Nov. euro time)
*October Goals Thread* Quote
11-01-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
8 games, 8-1, +1637... nope, seems like Nov. is working OK to me (it's Nov. euro time)
8 games = 8 wins + 1 loss = 9 games???

Primo can add up?
*October Goals Thread* Quote
11-01-2009 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by mjw006
8 games = 8 wins + 1 loss = 9 games???

Primo can add up?
[X] true story
*October Goals Thread* Quote
