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*** October Brew - AA Edition *** *** October Brew - AA Edition ***

10-24-2008 , 02:13 AM
i has to go night night but i'll give you guys a quick update before i go:

1. it looks like i may get a job offer from merck
2. southern girls are kinky
3. the gre can kiss my black ass (i take it on nov 1st)

10-24-2008 , 02:17 AM
No love for the HPT visit?
10-24-2008 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by kaz2107
cheer up fopah

imagine this pic and take away the shirt and hat. then imagine wade being escorted to our hotel room in vegas by 2 cops after going to a room on the wrong floor of our hotel and banging on the door for 15 mins while being hammered drunk at 5am

im such a pussy, thats pretty awesome imo. at least they didnt kick him out
10-24-2008 , 02:23 AM
good office episode tonight.
10-24-2008 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jer672
i has to go night night but i'll give you guys a quick update before i go:

1. it looks like i may get a job offer from merck
2. southern girls are kinky
3. the gre can kiss my black ass (i take it on nov 1st)

What Merck location? One of my friends is a chemist in Philly.

Originally Posted by thac
No love for the HPT visit?
I actually thought about it.

But, it'd actually be closer if I just come to BG.
10-24-2008 , 02:30 AM
24 buy ins lost this month....yea i am apparently that bad
10-24-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Supwithbates
so Im responding to a craigslist ad. I feel like such a loser using the internet to meet people but I'm new to the area I live in, don't know anyone and don't have any way to meet people. I've gone to bars but I'm not really outgoing enough to meet people like that, and don't really feel comfortable meeting people that way anyways. I also haven't really hit it off with anyone I work with, and I'm tired of sitting around all day when I have a day off.
arent u in charleston or sumtin??? if so u r welcome to make a trip and stay some time at my place which would b a few hours away. hit me up and let me kno
10-24-2008 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by kaz2107
arent u in charleston or sumtin??? if so u r welcome to make a trip and stay some time at my place which would b a few hours away. hit me up and let me kno
yeah, I'm in Charleston. You're in Columbia? I work most weekend nights but the next time I have one off I'll try shooting you a pm

in other news I won a buyin today for the first time in like all of october I finished up on a session. Ran kinda meh, I got allin with the best of it and held like 3/11 times but I also 3bet a NFD multiway vs a donk's minraise (I knew he had a superwide range, he ended up calling allin with TPWK anyways) and won the flip for a buyin. Meh.

Last edited by Supwithbates; 10-24-2008 at 02:50 AM.
10-24-2008 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Supwithbates
so Im responding to a craigslist ad. I feel like such a loser using the internet to meet people but I'm new to the area I live in, don't know anyone and don't have any way to meet people. I've gone to bars but I'm not really outgoing enough to meet people like that, and don't really feel comfortable meeting people that way anyways. I also haven't really hit it off with anyone I work with, and I'm tired of sitting around all day when I have a day off.
****ty situation dude. If I were u I would join some sort of beer league. Softball, Hockey, Im not sure if ive heard of beer league basketball. But its a start.

being a poker shut in and not having a job or school anymore means I have no damn clue how to meet women anymore. if you figure this one out, lemme know - or if anyone else knows.

The bar works for skanks and randomness, but to meet a girl with dating potential I have no idea where to start.
10-24-2008 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by whyzze
The bar works for skanks and randomness, but to meet a girl with dating potential I have no idea where to start.
10-24-2008 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by thac
+1 again.

10-24-2008 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by wingchunflush
24 buy ins lost this month....yea i am apparently that bad
10-24-2008 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Conspire
i dont know how it translates to donkaments but id say mine rivals this which is why i quit
10-24-2008 , 03:03 AM
Yeah, I suck at that too, and I never have any free time.
10-24-2008 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
I actually thought about it.

But, it'd actually be closer if I just come to BG.

I am meeting a guy from MSNL though, so it's not a huge failure. There are 3 of us going from my circle of friends, hopefully I can score big.
10-24-2008 , 03:13 AM
im done spewing money for the night, book the -300 night lolz im happy with that.

someone bring me a puppy and a baby and i will drown them both

Last edited by fopah; 10-24-2008 at 03:14 AM. Reason: **** life in its stupid ass
10-24-2008 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by thac

I am meeting a guy from MSNL though, so it's not a huge failure. There are 3 of us going from my circle of friends, hopefully I can score big.
Is BG near Canton? I suck so bad at Ohio geography.
10-24-2008 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
Is BG near Canton? I suck so bad at Ohio geography.
I'm 20 minutes south of Toledo.
10-24-2008 , 03:20 AM
Oh wow, I suck horribly at Ohio geography.

My first 3 years of college, I thought Columbus was directly north of Dayton, even though I took 70E to get there.

True story.
10-24-2008 , 03:28 AM
The bar works for skanks and randomness, but to meet a girl with dating potential I have no idea where to start.
the library
10-24-2008 , 03:30 AM
its kinda embarrassing to get slapped in a library though
10-24-2008 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Conspire
its kinda embarrassing to get slapped in a library though

imo thats kinda baller
10-24-2008 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
the library
it crossed my mind, but then i was smart enough to figure out that if i find a girl at a libary, she is probably smarter than me...notice I say libary and not library?

though it will be easy to explain being +EV to her and getting her to play donkaments for me, it will take some cunning ruse to sneak off to the strip club.
10-24-2008 , 03:45 AM
I need one of those girls that is like booksmart and stupid. So like if i ask her how to spell tomorrow (2 W's? or 2 R's?) she can snap answer. But if i'm like do you know how to get to (the store), shes like...umn...turn left at mcdonalds, then you know that tanning salon I like? make a right there...wait, I mean left (she looks at her left hand for the L in between her thumb and finger). But that is mostly so she will watch discovery channel with me whenever I want.

I want her to have 100% ugly friends and to not like drinking - but to appreciate me drinking and pick me up from the bar.

and the biggest of all, not have bi-monthly extended family parties that I am expected to attend.
10-24-2008 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by wems

imo thats kinda baller
im kind of a nit though

+1 on everything whyzze said
