Hey guys, trying to do a hand review per day as one of my new years resolutions

but I'm a noob so I need all the help I can get from you distinguished ladies and gentlemen!
This situation is from a practice example on GTO wizard.
To start I have AdJh in the CO.
Preflop is a 4bet pot with a pot size of 49BB. I am in position in the CO vs. The SB.
Flop is AsKh4s. SB checks to me.
I have top pair and I'm in position, so my first impulse was to make a 3/4 pot sized bet.
GTOwizard says to bet way smaller though (7BB recommended bet).
I'm thinking this is because in a 4bet pot against the SB, we would expect the SB to have a very very strong range. Lots of AA KK QQ AK JJ and then AQ suited, etc. Basically the cards in the SB's range are stronger than mine.
Then the flop hits the SB's range hard. Even though they check to me, they likely have a very strong hand that will beat mine. Aces with higher kickers, two pair, and possibly some sets. If we bet too much then we are likely betting into a stronger hand. If we check, then we aren't going to catch them if they had played something like JJ or pocket 10's. So we try to bet on the smaller side in the hopes of illiciting a fold without committing too much into what is likely a losing proposition.
Is my analysis correct? Please let me know how you think is the best way or ways to handle this situation. I'm trying to understand the bet sizing and intuition.