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No action HUSNGs No action HUSNGs

01-19-2010 , 03:10 PM
This is absurd..I'm speaking about Full Tilt mostly because I don't play husngs on stars. I know I haven't been putting in much volume ever since summer when
I went crazy in the highest stakes husngs and lost much more money and confidence than I could handle but I was planning to go hard grinding again in 2010 and it is pretty much action dry and impossible. First of all the games don't run like they've used to. We rarely get fish like the good days. Less than two years ago you could check call your way down to a pot bettor and win the game in five hands re-sit and be playing again in 3 minutes. I remember second sitters getting 50 games a day at the 500 dollar level vs -8 roi or worse. Now when I get a low stakes grinder tilted in my games my mouth waters but by the time I get a game I am already so pissed off and tilted I can't even play my best. Not to mention many of the games that go off now are angry regs so fed up about never getting a game and having 4 other winners sitting under them for 50 minutes before two don't get a game and decide to unregister. Basically I now wait in 220's as long as I used to wait in 1ks. And now I'm sure half the time I'd sit in a 1K a better angry reg like livb or skilledsox would snap sit me or who knows maybe even people I talk to or have talked to on AIM and have been super friendly and talked life and strategy will start sitting me and each other because everything is so dry. Your not going to make a killing playing husngs on full tilt if you only get a few games an hour especially not when your so angry and tilted because of it. Seriously check out some of the biggest old winners and current best players on sharkscope having 1k,2k,8k break even stretches. What are the reasons for the dead action where when the games go off they aren't as juicy as they were? Is it because of fulltilts marketing, harder to get money on, training sites, poker not as popular as it once was? It's literally so aggravating to me and I'm just ranting and maybe you guys don't feel the same way as me and think I'm crazy but this is how I have been starting to feel and when I get this same feeling from other players who have profited over half a million dollars from them it leads me to believe that something is whack. Is live poker the answer? I'm about to start grinding the charity circuit in my home town because the games always run, they are juicy, and it is stress free and much more social than sitting at a computer angry that you can't get much action and when you do its hardly action that you are happy about if you've been around for the good days. Anyways, I haven't proof read this or anything and am so mad just gonna hit submit thanks all for reading and any input or feelings would be much appreciated.

Edit: im not saying there aren't still edges there are def still edges but when you only get a slight edge a few times a day it is much different than pulling a slight edge many many times a day. so basically the main concern with this post is action

Last edited by CutchaLosses; 01-19-2010 at 03:21 PM.
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01-19-2010 , 03:17 PM
time to take up rush poker

Last edited by yaqh; 01-19-2010 at 03:22 PM.
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01-19-2010 , 03:22 PM
enough of these f threads already. there are still plenty of weak "regs" that you can sit. its not like cash where other regs sit out if you sit them. if you don't want do that, then play super-turbos or take up rush poker like yaqh said.
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01-19-2010 , 03:29 PM
Games are far from dead. You should improve as a player so you can sit the weaker regs and take a smaller edge while you wait in another lobby. I mean you might already be a great player and just don't like playing regs but if the waiting times are too much for you, then you don't have a choice. There's plenty of people out there still killing it and getting plenty of good action so it proves action isn't dead.

You can also split your action between sites; i know a lot of people already do this and it def decreases the waiting times and it will limit the amount of winning players you'd need to sit. Or you could just be like Spamz and only play winning players and still crush harder than most
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01-19-2010 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by sbfootball_84
enough of these f threads already. there are still plenty of weak "regs" that you can sit. its not like cash where other regs sit out if you sit them. if you don't want do that, then play super-turbos or take up rush poker like yaqh said.
im sorry, i haven't been around the forums lately and haven't read any of these... mods delete if you want if these have become a problem. i guess sbfootball wants a bunch of big winners to play each other.. sb what would your recommendations be in this situation.. all regged in 570 trader0811, croixdawg, bigredak, and 369 tbags? u think they should just all start sitting each other. dont think super turbos are beatable and they don't go high enough if they were
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01-19-2010 , 03:32 PM
I feel exactly like this and have done for about 3 months+ you mentioned a lot of things that i can't agree with enough.

I think a lot of this is because of the super turbos, i underestimated their impact but i think we're really seeing how the fish pool toward them now instead of turbos or reg speeds.

Problem is complaining gets nothing done. I've sat so many regs at my level and i'm happy with doing so, but my edge against them isn't as great as it is vs a fish. Also some of the weaker regs will time on you which is pretty bad, I've started to want to grind more pure fish lately though. Pretty bad timing because i used to grind regs even when fish were available and now the fish have dried up and i want to play them

But yeah can't agree with you enough, sadly.

Although like A_o_N says, the action hasn't completely dried up but it's been reduced a fair bit.
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01-19-2010 , 03:34 PM
all_or_nothing your post was deffinately much more beneficial to this thread. that is a good idea to split action between sites and yes I agree there are def people still killing it if u look at the ss leaderboard
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-19-2010 , 04:19 PM
also, one more thing I wanted to give you my breakdown of some familiar faces on the top 20 leader board of husng players so far. keep in mind it hasn't even been a month and things will def change but heres my break down of these:

Adonis112 341 $65 $1,456 2% $22,270
bmwnick1 255 $72 $641 15% $18,345
ComptonMasta 553 $74 $544 10% $41,071
Croixdawg 488 $104 $612 13% $50,647
H2Olga 717 $36 $517 1% $25,673
livb112 305 $118 $1,444 7% $36,035
riyyc225 437 $94 $2,452 1% $41,245
shortsharpshock 144 $160 $704 11% $23,089
surasuri 370 $50 $317 22% $18,424

ok first adonis looks about right on hes up 22k on that name but his average stake is 1500 and he is pretty much most experienced and that is just unrealistic to many right now to compare yourself to adonis

bmwnick1- smallish sample 15 percent roi not gonna maintain that hes good but 15 percent unrealistic

compton masta 10 percent roi over 550 games def won't maintain that

croix put in a ton of non turbos and is at 13 percent roi looks a little hotter running than expectation but not that unrealistic hes put in a ton of time

livb112 up 36k at 7 percent roi but jeez once again his average stake is 1500 and unrealistic to a lot of us

riyyc225 up 41k roi looks reasonable and maintainable at 1 percent roi but once again he plays 5ks

shortsharpshock sickly good running a little over expectaion over a small sample

surasuri 22 percent roi over smallish sample although good running hot

so basically what im trying to say adonis livb and riyyc225 are up a lot of money but in retrospect they are up 10-15-20 buyins at there levels over like 400 games and the variance in the high stakes comes and goes

shortsharpshock is up a **** load over a small sample and he will def win a lot this year, same with surasuri same with nick and croix

but h2olga his stats look most realistic and he is a huge winner as we all know from last year. maybe hes running worse than expectation right now but he is up 50 buy ins over 700 games

basically what im trying to say is for everyone who says look at the ss leaderboard people are still killing it.. its the highest stakes guys who are up a few buyins, h2olga a sick grinder who has put in so much volume and deserves to be there and then other great players who deserve to be there but what im trying to say is at those stakes someone obviously has to be up or win and then there are people who aren't rn that should be for instance:
369 TBAGS 172 -$48 $658 -3% -$8,208
Plz_Stop_Lookin 1,236 $0 $366 -1% -$144
Mientjeuh 221 $0 $889 5% $105

i know they will all be up by the years end and i don't even really know what im rambling at getting at or trying to prove but blahhhhh submit

oh basically my point was if your playing lower stakes than 200s like 100s or less and up 25 buyins a month which is a decent amount of buyins you won't be making much bank and your not getting a guranteed salary, could lose all your money and not profit, gonna be stressed out, and you wont get any benefits like health insurance, and although you get to pick your work schedule other careers have this as well and we don't know the future of online poker right now so everyone just keep these things in mind and dont put all your eggs in one basket. its gonna be a grind.
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01-19-2010 , 04:24 PM
tough life you probably have to move to NBIs
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01-19-2010 , 04:56 PM
ya, 20k a month tough life ...I mean come on! they have to wait! how distressing

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01-19-2010 , 05:00 PM
Mientjeuh is up like 30k this year on stars. SSS is also up a lot on Stars too.

The 2 above pretty much play winning regs like 95% of the time afaik (a few others that you mentioned above play a ton of winners also obv). OFC these players are an exception as their at the top of the game and the high majority will never reach their level but it should def motivate people to try and learn and get there. The fact they can crush players who are crushing fish at a high level, shows that there is still a lot of action there (and edge to be had in husngs) but it's upto people to put in the hard work and try and get there.

I don't think anyone could bank a lot of money playing 200 level although you can def make a lot more than a normal job (in most cases). I'm lucky that poker is tax-free here as well so i guess for people that pay taxes, it's the ghey.

Basically what i'm trying to say is; if you want to make a ton of money at HU SnGs, then your gona have to put in a ton of work to get that. I'm sure in the past it was a lot easier, but times change...You can still make 50BI a month at 200 and live a great life though IMO.
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01-19-2010 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Mientjeuh is up like 30k this year on stars. SSS is also up a lot on Stars too.

The 2 above pretty much play winning regs like 95% of the time afaik (a few others that you mentioned above play a ton of winners also obv). OFC these players are an exception as their at the top of the game and the high majority will never reach their level but it should def motivate people to try and learn and get there. The fact they can crush players who are crushing fish at a high level, shows that there is still a lot of action there (and edge to be had in husngs) but it's upto people to put in the hard work and try and get there.

I don't think anyone could bank a lot of money playing 200 level although you can def make a lot more than a normal job (in most cases). I'm lucky that poker is tax-free here as well so i guess for people that pay taxes, it's the ghey.

Basically what i'm trying to say is; if you want to make a ton of money at HU SnGs, then your gona have to put in a ton of work to get that. I'm sure in the past it was a lot easier, but times change...You can still make 50BI a month at 200 and live a great life though IMO.
great post!

why always assume that it is because the fish dry up?
beeing good at poker is a measure of how much you beat others. May be as people improve you are not as good as u use to be. That probably means putting more work into it (while u are waiting may be?). I think people understimate the amount of work that u must put in to keep up with the competition.
Chess has been played for 2000 years and people are still improving at it!
The time of easy money is def. gone, u now have to work (at poker) to make money. But u can always get better than the opposition.
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01-19-2010 , 05:36 PM
Hehehe, complaining about this is like complaining that there are too many MBA students nowadays and competition got tougher

Adapt or die, simple as that. Don't like it, look for an alternative...
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-19-2010 , 05:54 PM
Information is also more easily accessible these days.

It's a lot tougher to learn and figure out something on their own without help than it is to study high quality material people have already put out there on 2p2 and other places for you.

Therefore, it's easier than ever to reach a higher skill level. Nobody 3 years ago played at the level that good regulars play at now, and we'll say the same thing 3 years from now about today I'm sure. It's usually true in most poker games and in many other fields.
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=CutchaLosses;16216614]This is absurd../QUOTE]

Surely only somebody with the most enormous (and unjustified) sense of entitlement feels this situation is absurd, rather than two years ago being the anomaly. Rather than bemoaning the current state of games, try being grateful were around then and work harder at poker or do something else.
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:40 PM
I am pretty sure if you sat all 220, 330 and 550 on cake, FT and PS you will not wait that long for a game..
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01-19-2010 , 06:59 PM
welcome back to the forum
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01-19-2010 , 10:46 PM
yeah not that i care about what people think of me but just to edit your numbers a bit, i play on stars now for most part:
spamz0r 402 $73 $923 7% $29.450
so you can add that to my whopping $105

plz_stop_lookin has 1200 games? lot of super turbo's in that or something? combined with his low-ish avg stake i'd say that's the thing, swongs are brutal, probably not even beatable games

tbags is down yeah, but also, low sample compared to most others in your list, and 1/10 being down not that abnormal

idk what to type here otherwise tbh, obv i have my thoughts/ideas about it, but not easy to write down, and to put it brutally "not really my problem"
i rarely play fish, really, best case i have someone who shipped an mtt but those dont walk around all that much either; kinda what you can expect with avg stake 1k
i'm now playing mainly on stars, there's probably less than 10 players i'm not sitting fwiw, the obv ones like skilled, liv, SSS and some others
just play winning players, i cant stress this enough, dean says 95% i play vs winning players, obv it's not that many but it's DEFINITLY over 50% i'd say (if you consider mtt winning fish winning players the percentage can be pretty high)
beating winning players is kinda ez fwiw, most have huge leaks, and a lot of them will not adapt them in any way, just try it out and see

it's kind of scaring me though, that a lot of those bad regs just dont see wtf is going on or what they're doing... they just look at everyone as fish or shark i think
like couple of days ago, i was sitting 4man on stars, because some fish sat and some guy i recognized as "reg" who teamed up with others before (and quite sure i sat them as well ^^); the game starts, he comes to my table and asks "wanna chop?"
wtf, i dont know you... and no, your upgoing sharkscope graph (which i didnt even check at the time) doesnt mean **** unless you're winning at like $40+ per game over a 3000 game sample or something, in which case i wouldve known who you are and how good/bad you are...

fish are weird, regs predictable.
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-19-2010 , 11:59 PM
How's action on Stars vs FTP? Have the super turbos really made a difference, do you guys think? I sometimes have to wait like thirty seconds for a game at the $33s, and that was something that I don't recall happening back in September when I last played these stakes.
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01-20-2010 , 12:10 AM
kinda weird to compare, i havent been around that long tbh, especially not at the same stakes all year
also, on ftp, i "grew up" with some of the players, and we talked some strat over msn/aim and we played 4mans from time to time; on stars i just know the players who play both sites and all of them are not sitworthy (SSS, liv, skilled, persephone and exception whaasuup i think) so i'm convinced i could pick a handful of those "friends" i have on ftp that i might turn into a small profit margin if i actually took the time to sit and play them and try to find some leaks in their game... stars is allmost all unknowns now, kind of cool to be able to sit everyone without being a dick =)
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-20-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by ac on
How's action on Stars vs FTP? Have the super turbos really made a difference, do you guys think? I sometimes have to wait like thirty seconds for a game at the $33s, and that was something that I don't recall happening back in September when I last played these stakes.
lol @ complaining about 30 second wait.
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-20-2010 , 02:27 PM
ok then, spamz0r uve inspired me I will be trying your methods as I get back to grinding

but gonna test it first in 220s and 330s first
No action HUSNGs Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by TGSM89
I am pretty sure if you sat all 220, 330 and 550 on cake, FT and PS you will not wait that long for a game..
level amirite?? (for fish at least)
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