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NLTRN - Simple preflop questionnaire. NLTRN - Simple preflop questionnaire.

11-08-2007 , 10:28 PM
I know, I know, stupid question, but I'm really interested in what everyone has to say here. It's simple and quick, so I'm hoping we get lot of a different responses, and maybe some bitter arguments .

First hand of whatever level HUSNG you usually play. Villain is unknown.

1) You're on the button:
- What are you raising?
- What are you calling a 3bet with?
- What are you 4betting/getting all-in with?

2) You're the BB:
- What are you raising a limper with?
- What are you calling a raise with?
- What are you 3betting?
- What are you getting all-in with?

NLTRN - Simple preflop questionnaire. Quote
11-08-2007 , 11:00 PM
-T6+, 95+, 85+, 74+, 53+, 43s, Qxs, kxs, k4o+, Q4o+, any pair meh somethin like that idk
-very few hands i call 3bets with because there will be 270 from each player and i wont have the initiative in the hand which is bad imo maybe stuff like AJ or KQ but generally ill just shove or fold.
-depends on my mood but i have been known to stack off with AJ+, 77+, maybe the occasional SCs if i have a history with the player.

-Depends JTs+ QJo+ 55+ maybe [censored] like 87s or w/e and A9+
-this is what i want to hear from others about im not going to post my ranges because its probably flawed
-AT+ KQ 77+ ......
NLTRN - Simple preflop questionnaire. Quote
11-08-2007 , 11:12 PM
1a. Opening OTB with 22+, Ax, Kx, Q6+, Qxs, J7+, J5s+, 54s+, 76o+, 64s+, 86o+, 96s+, or so.
1b. Depends on size. Pot size I'm calling with 88+, AT+, A9s, KQ, KJs, QJs, JTs, T9s, maybe. If min then I'm pretty much calling always if I open with range from above question.
1c. TT+, AK, AQs (maybe).

2a. 88+, AT+, A9s, KQ.
2b. Depends on size. If min then slightly less than my opening OTB range. If 3xBB then 22+, A7+, Axs, any two ten or higher, 54s+, 97s+, or so.
2c. 99+, AQ+, AJs.
2d. Calling 4-bet shove with range from question 1c.

And for reference to these ranges I play $6.25 turbos with a ~58% win rate while still learning and experimenting so these ranges are very variable.
NLTRN - Simple preflop questionnaire. Quote
