Hey guys, february has been rough so far and I want to take a look at my losing sessions. I feel like I'm still calling to much on the micros especially on the river. people just seem really really tight. What do you think about those hands? Im sure some of them are played very bad.
It's really difficult to differntiate between coolers and bad play for me (messes with my confidence also). A lot of the time I think I put people on random spew where this really is not the case.
Anyway, Let's discuss the hands. For now I put them in without any commentary but I'll share my thoughts about specific hands with you in the near future. You can also ask for sure.
First hand(0): villain 3betting calling range to wide. He's a monkey not your bad, just unlucky.
Second hand(1): Just a cooler i guess. Of course he could have any pair/flush on flop. But hard to fold.
Third hand(2): Probably would had called, looks like villain has an overpair. Could be trapping with a set, but unlikely. Next time bet flop.
What did you think villain had this hand? I think AA/KK so u had him beat. This is how i would play AA/KK probably to.
Fourth hand (3): Having to wide of an opening range causes this. But yeah can't fold a flush there, to many weaker values hands for villain. Just a cooler.
Fifth hand (4): Welcome to micro, stupid 3bet calling range by villain (monkey). Just unlucky, u didn't play it bad. Cooler again yeah.
Beating Fish happens preflop and postflop, u have to keep that in mind. Not going to teach you how to play vs fish types(@pokerstars) i'm not a coach
why not elaborating instead of being slightly offensive?
It's that you have to ask if these hands are coolers or not, everyone who is not a fish can tell that these are mostly coolers. (i think this is the reason )
I think you should change your opening en calling ranges a bit to. I guess your vpip is like 27~29, atleast to high. This makes me believe you are a fish to.
Thanks for the input guys. I thought i put all the hands in the same thread because they might fit in the same category.
Some of these hands are 1 week+ old. I did already tighten up a bit. Vpip is around 21 now. I made some changes after a 3 day break.
Anyway.. I think I'm realllly running bad since i moved up and i kind of lost my unclouded judgement and am doubting a lot of spots.
Even if those are coolers i still think some calls might have been too loose from an exploitable point of view.
Thanks again. Next time Ill post the hands 1 by 1 again.
You will get better answers on a post with 1 hand then 10 hands, not that many people will take the team to check all the 10 hands. And then they will just leave it be and not respond at all.
H0: Cooler. river raise sucks but with no flushes and straights, you're against sets, KQ, KJ, KT type hands. you can run the equity calc to see if you have enough equity to call but i suspect you do. So cooler.
H1: cooler.
H2: Bet flop, bet turn bigger, river will play itself at that point. but you should fold this pre most of the time.
H3: fold turn....AP - call river or if you raise like you did (which is ok) don't call the jam - at that point only better flushes are gii.
H4: x/c river or bet smaller on river so you don't isolate yourself against better hands that can call river.
H5:fold pre. x flop. fold to the river re-raise.
H6: i'm sigh folding this - overpairs are usually never good when villains raise this large on a fairly dry flop. Not many take this line with AJ. Usually 2pr or sets so hate folding in this spot but its probably best.