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nl50 what's the best line? nl50 what's the best line?

02-02-2012 , 08:27 PM
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

BB: $54.31
UTG: $41.45
MP: $8.75
CO: $47.27
BTN: $36.00
Hero (SB): $24.25

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with 6 6
3 folds, BTN calls $0.50, Hero raises to $2, BB calls $1.50, BTN raises to $4, Hero calls $2, 1 fold

Flop: ($10.00) 7 8 T (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $3, Hero calls $3

Turn: ($16.00) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $6, Hero raises to $17.25 all in, BTN folds

btn is 50/4 ,range i gave him for limp/min-raise btn is boardway cards, small pocket pairs and sometimes AA.

with a 50bb stack i think 66 is good enough to stack off to flatted pre intended to get stack in on good flops.

flop was ok, but his sizing on this flop lead me to think he missed,
but shoving doesn accomplish much and after him being creative preflop i donk think he would give up on this pot easy so i flat again to induce one more barrel and to have one more street to make decision.
turn as plan.

few hands later i realized there were many bad flops/turns for me and villain can play perfectly against me in position if my read was wrong.

so, 4bet shove pre? any other line postflop?
or is it a fold pre? i found myself often being optimistic.
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-02-2012 , 08:44 PM
i laughed good job.
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-02-2012 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisCrocker
i laughed good job.
at least point me what is the lol spot, cuz i was being serious asking.
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-02-2012 , 09:06 PM
LOL at comments above. If it is indeed serious...

1) Buy in full, or at least to the same or a bit higher than the players you think you have an edge on. Disregard if it's a shallow table or something.

2) Folding pre is not bad, calling is OK but just set-mine

3) c/f flop, AINEC. You're floating OOP on a super wet board with almost no equity.
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-02-2012 , 09:16 PM
drop down to 5nl, and learn poker. Youre going to lose waayy to much playing this stake. Wish i didnt say this cause i play these stakes Dont be one of them shortstack scummy people
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-02-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by ComplexP
LOL at comments above. If it is indeed serious...

3) c/f flop, AINEC. You're floating OOP on a super wet board with almost no equity.
yes 66 is prolly the worst hand i have there,
but i read his flop sizing as weak and think i likely to have the best hand as well as some fold equity vs hands like 2 overs.
if thats the case can i justify a c/shove if 66 is too weak to c/c?
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-02-2012 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by ElPonchis
drop down to 5nl, and learn poker. Youre going to lose waayy to much playing this stake. Wish i didnt say this cause i play these stakes Dont be one of them shortstack scummy people
yea seems i should play lower but nl5 is very hard to focus on,
ill play nl25 if i drop 600 bb on nl50.
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-03-2012 , 03:34 AM
you can only c/f. overs dont cbet this
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
02-03-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisCrocker
i laughed good job.
Originally Posted by Eeenno
at least point me what is the lol spot, cuz i was being serious asking.
alright sorry i was out of line

You should play at least 100bb deep to maximize profits.

The problem with having 50bb is that ur at the breaking point where you're too deep to play the shortstack strategy and not deep enough to play a standard strategy.

When you isolate with 66 OoP and BTN makes a small 3bet, you have to commit 17% of your stack to see a flop where you're almost always going to be check/folding. The limp/raise line is very strong until you have seen the villain do it before and saw it was weak, if so you should 4bet shove over it.

As played fold flop, even 2 overs have decent equity vs you. When you call this small bet, and he bombs the turn, you now have no fold equity. In this case you were lucky enough to face a huge fish and win the pot.
nl50 what's the best line? Quote
