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NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range

01-05-2010 , 04:43 PM
Based on lot of detailed calculations i think our equity is 13%, thus the EV of a call is -$13.5
NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range Quote
01-05-2010 , 04:46 PM
People saying c/f turn are result oriented/nits.
NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range Quote
01-05-2010 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by g3nn
I got sucked in and outleveled myself because my strength jumped higher than my image would imply.
I love this quote!!!!!! I haven't got a clue what it means, but I love it all the same! As played I would call here having gone to so much effort to stack his Q, but obv a 9 would have been so much better for us, so maybe we should discount the Ace as an out & have started to control the pot from the turn?.
NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range Quote
01-05-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Onyx
I love this quote!!!!!! I haven't got a clue what it means, but I love it all the same! As played I would call here having gone to so much effort to stack his Q, but obv a 9 would have been so much better for us, so maybe we should discount the Ace as an out & have started to control the pot from the turn?.
Call or fold based on EV not because of what you have done earlier in the hand or because of your plan. Plan based on EV not your hand.
NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range Quote
01-06-2010 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Based on lot of detailed calculations i think our equity is 13%, thus the EV of a call is -$13.5
?? how do you get this. It is very reasonable to put KQ, QJ, and maybe 5% bluffs in villains range. I also suggest getting rid of a few combos of AA cuz yes he can show up with AA here but theres a good chance he plays AA different here.
NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range Quote
01-06-2010 , 12:16 AM
This is very basic and some ppl would take out some combos of AQ as well as maybe adding a few combos of KJ and potentially adding like 3-5% bluffs.

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

34 games 0.005 secs 6,800 games/sec

Board: Qs Qc 6h Tc As

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 35.294% 35.29% 00.00% 12 0.00 { KsJd }
Hand 1: 64.706% 64.71% 00.00% 22 0.00 { AA, QQ, TT, 66, AQs, KQs, QTs+, AQo, KQo, QTo+ }
NL50: Under-repped rivered straight vs paired board and very narrow range Quote
