Originally Posted by SemperPhi
This is clearly wrong.
sorry i never realised calling flop check raises to hit gut shots were profitable.
i'll go tell phil gordon to go rewrite every book he's ever written.
having no pair and calling a reraise that has to be either beating us or complete air means that most of the time we're calling to hit a 17% shot.
also you took my quote out of context where i said shoving was awful.
thinking the villain cannot have a hand that pays off a straight just makes you a moron.
were ahead of 45, 77, 88, 99, TT, kk, aa, qq, any two clubs. do you know how many hands that is?
that he happened to have 45 though is very important i suppose. results orientated advice FTW
Last edited by llllllll; 11-17-2012 at 12:37 PM.