Originally Posted by infinity235
Calling preflop is okay, since the raiser it UTG, you will be OOP and he's a tight raiser.
I bet the turn.... and c/c river here.
What's this thing with those "LAP" villains anyways? LAP = Loose-aggressive/passive?!?! wtf?
This means he is loose aggressive pf and passive postflop.
I would 3bet pf because you discribed him as a loose player.
flop is fine but I would b/f the turn. if you are called your beat anyways but if he folds more than 50% of the time a 2/3 pot bet is profitable.
In this case I would c/f the river because you are not getting called by a hand that you can beat often and he will check behind with almost anything since he is passive --> you have great showdown equity.
I just saw he raises 11% of his hands pf so you can narow his range to the one of a standart tag player. So 3betting pf is the wrong play here imo.
A AF of 4 with 40% VPIP is a very high AP.
Last edited by Inf1n1tY; 01-10-2008 at 03:21 PM.