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NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown

11-16-2007 , 12:18 PM
Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker Hand History Converter

Hero (UTG): $49.25
MP: $41.45
CO: $50.70
BTN: $28
SB: $64.85
BB: $53.80

Pre-Flop: Q A dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $2, MP calls $2, 4 folds

Flop: ($4.75) Q T 2 (2 Players)
Hero bets $3, MP raises to $9, Hero's options?
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 12:32 PM
if he was deeper I might try a stack a donk(call, cr ai on turn.) Here I think you can just shove and get called by any queen.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 01:12 PM
kinda sucks against unknown...
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 01:47 PM
kinda sucks against's a line I like better
fixed your post.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 02:11 PM
In cts' recent video at 200NL he mentions at one point that he noticed that many villains had bet-sizing tells where they were much less likely to bluff-raise over larger c-bets in position in these kinds of spots because they didn't like to have to commit so much of their stacks to do so. For that same reason, I think I'd rather bet more like 4$ on this flop.

As played, I guess it really comes down to whether or not we can put hands like KQ, or some kind of semi-bluff with hands {89s,J9s,AK,KJ} (or total air) into his range. If yes, shove, if not, fold. What's a better range for an unknown flat calling an UTG raiser at 50NL? I don't know. How many hands have you been at the table and how much raising have you done in that time? If he hasn't seen you raising or c-betting all that much I'm probably OK with giving this one up and making a note, but it's very close and a shove can't be a huge mistake either.

I agree that with these stack sizes calling is awkward. If we call and check the turn he should shove for slightly more than pot with his entire range and we have a very tough decision. So shove or fold I think.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 02:13 PM
In cts' recent video at 200NL he mentions at one point that he noticed that many villains had bet-sizing tells where they were much less likely to bluff-raise over larger c-bets in position in these kinds of spots because they didn't like to have to commit so much of their stacks to do so. For that same reason, I think I'd rather bet more like 4$ on this flop.
I have noticed the same thing, which is why I like to bet weakly on boards like this, and then put them all in after 'considering' for a bit. They put you on AK and call with trash a lot. What you are suggesting is changing our bet sizing so our opponents play better - that is a huge mistake, I believe.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 02:22 PM
It would be a huge mistake if I had a hand that I definitely wanted to stack off with, but I'm not sure TPTK is that hand on this board, although if it is then you are certainly correct.

With TPTK OOP against an unknown though I would rather subtly persuade villain to play straightforwardly if I can, since it makes my decisions easier and negates some of the positional disadvantage. It's also not very exploitable on his part since my UTG raising range is tight enough that QQ+ is a real threat.

What I'm really saying is that the 'unknown' part is important here, and inclines me to seek play that is closer to optimal (or unexploitable) than exploitive, since exploitive play should necessarily rely on a read that we don't have.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 02:44 PM
Call dont like to go to war 100b deep against cr with tptk.

If you have a read he migh try this with kq - kj i would shove over him. Otherwise it feels marginal. Smells like a set but could also be a tp that want to push you away from the pot.

Not really much help but it's a crappy spot... without read i'll probably fold 70-80% of the time and shove the rest.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 02:47 PM
READS!!! This is 6max, very important!
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 03:09 PM
Call dont like to go to war 100b deep against cr with tptk.
its not a c/r he's raising our cbet. Alot of NL$50 players raise weak looking cbets like this with a wide range on boards like this.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 03:34 PM
I see a weaker queen raising here quite often as well as a set.
A queen might hate the perspective of big turn and river bets, so this might be kind of a 'blocking raise' - if villain is agressive.
A queen might like to define it's strength and end the hand right here. I might raise a queen exactly like this, in case u have AK or and underpair if you have been playing agressively and cbeting lots.

I'm new to pokerstove stuff. Is it aplicable as following?

If we put a lose villain calling from MP on a range of TT,22,AQs,KQs,QTs+,AQo,KQo,QTo+ here, then against this range our equity is:

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 51.766% 42.68% 09.09% 14366 3058.50 { AdQs }
Hand 1: 48.234% 39.15% 09.09% 13177 3058.50 { TT, 22, AQs, KQs, QTs+, AQo, KQo, QTo+ }

If our villain is calling tighter from MP we can exlude QTo, QTs, and possibly 22, then our equity goes way up:

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 66.257% 53.96% 12.30% 13355 3043.50 { AdQs }
Hand 1: 33.743% 21.45% 12.30% 5308 3043.50 { TT, AQs, KQs, QJs, AQo, KQo, QJo }
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
11-16-2007 , 04:06 PM
I'm not sure I'd include QJo (or maybe even QJs) in a "tight" calling range, and I probably wouldn't exclude 22,JJ+ either, since this is an unknown, and people love to call with small pairs, and there's no reason to be certain he always re-raises big pairs, although you might discount them somewhat. I'd probably be more inclined to include semi-bluffs with straight draws then QJ.

Calling an unknown UTG raiser with QJ and raising the flop with TPMK just seems so bad to me.
NL50: TPTK OOP gets raised on flop on fairly dry board by unknown Quote
