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NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ?

10-31-2009 , 04:57 PM
Party Poker $50 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: $47.05
Hero (BB): $50.25
UTG: $83.08
CO: $53.65
BTN: $51.50

Pre Flop: ($0.00) Hero is BB with A Q
UTG raises to $1.75, 1 fold, BTN calls $1.75, SB calls $1.75, Hero raises to $8.25, 1 fold, BTN raises to $51.50 all in, .........

UTG raiser is 30/26 over 81 hands so I felt he had a fairly wide range even with an early position open. Button is 19/19 ovewr 153 and ha dnot been doing much as far as I could see. Seemed fairly solid. My questions:

1. Is the raise and the bet-size ok from the BB?
2. What range can we put the button on when he ships here?
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:02 PM
yeah sizing seems fine,

the most important thing here is what your image is.

his range is pairs like 55-JJ, maybe a hand like AQ/AJ. probably call because I doubt he is flatting QQ+/AK against a 30/26. generally before you squeeze you need to be aware that someone might do this, and generally you shouldn't be folding unless he is pretty tight or your image is really tight.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:06 PM
Have you been squeezing a lot at that table? Is there a lot of squeezing at that table in general? Could your opponent have flatted a monster expecting a squeeze?

I would call if your opponent does not meet the above conditions because I think that it is now less likely that he has a big hand and more likely that we are flipping with his pocket pair.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:06 PM
I don't like squeezing preflop with the AQ. Bloats the pot out of position with a marginal hand against an utg we don't know much about and folds out most of the hands in his range that we beat.

Button's line is weird, but I'm not stacking off preflop with AQ almost ever.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Stemm

Button's line is weird, but I'm not stacking off preflop with AQ almost ever.
just because you won't doesn't mean that it is the correct play though
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:08 PM
I was playing very nitty at the table - prob something like 16/13. I don't think he had any reason to believe I was making a move over here. Do you really think he does this with baby pairs? FWIW it was a near insta-ship which also slowed me down a bit
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:42 PM

Also, is BTN unknown or do you have some stats on you from playing together before? He could have seen you running w/ a high squeeze/3bet % and decided you were squeezing here.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 06:21 PM
I wouldn't call this because button could easily have KK+ that didn't want to 3 bet the UTG raise because it is so painfully obvious what he has by 3 betting an UTG raise. Then after you squeeze he is like "lol ez game" and ships.

But yeah on the other hand he could have recognized what a good squeeze spot this was for you and just shipped with w/e he called on the button with (pocket pairs/scs/Axs/etc.).

I would just take the lower variance easier route, but calling could def. be fine depending on the player.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 06:24 PM
I'm with Jaysu. BTNs line makes no sense. Call. At worst we're flipping. This is never KK+, ever.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Elite00
I wouldn't call this because button could easily have KK+ that didn't want to 3 bet the UTG raise because it is so painfully obvious what he has by 3 betting an UTG raise. Then after you squeeze he is like "lol ez game" and ships.
1) UTG is 30/26, which means that his opening range is quite wide.
2) I personally 3bet UTG raises extra light every few orbits because they always think my 3betting range is KK+. Ez game.
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
10-31-2009 , 06:54 PM
Looks fine and I call

Near impossible to say what BTN has with so little information (no real table dynamic...), but you're good often enough here that you should be calling. Like if we have a good image (not some 3-bet monkey) than BTN should pretty much never have KK+/AK
NL50: Thoughts on squeezing with the AQ? Quote
