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NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep

02-17-2009 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
do u always fold sets when someone raises u?
Trying to accomplish something with that question? If you got an opinion then attach the explanation.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
i dont see them
K9s K7s 97s maybe even K9o he is pretty loose

Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Did you count on that the stack to pot ratio is 40? The stack to pot ratio with normal pots (normal pfr) and 100 bbs is 10.
who cares? get your monies in and see what happens... or get your monies in on any turn is ok too...
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
K9s K7s 97s maybe even K9o he is pretty loose
Guess he's positionally aware as most taggy players, so its really unlikely that he raise K9s/K7s from UTG. 97s is also past the borderline of significant probabilities but a lot more likely than K9s and K7s. 97s is 1 combo.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
who cares? get your monies in and see what happens... or get your monies in on any turn is ok too...
Who cares?
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Guess he's positionally aware as most taggy players, so its really unlikely that he raise K9s/K7s from UTG. 97s is also past the borderline of significant probabilities but a lot more likely than K9s and K7s. 97s is 1 combo.
he is NOT a TAG with this stats

Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Who cares?
dude... if you 4bet or not depends obv. on your opponents tendencies so if you know everything better already than we guys who can only judge from the info you provide us gtfo and beat nl1k imo
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
he is NOT a TAG with this stats
If KK is 3 (weighted) combos, how many (weighted) combos do you think K7s is?
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:40 AM
ninja edit i hope

i give him the full combos so 6 for KK and maybe 1-2 (weighted) for K7 and K9 i also give him 6 combos for 99 that makes 12 combos where we are dead.

now i add 12 combos for Ak and 6 combos for AA not to mention all the FDs

weighting is far too random for my taste

Last edited by Knoooby; 02-17-2009 at 07:48 AM. Reason: post was dumb :D
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
dude... if you 4bet or not depends obv. on your opponents tendencies so if you know everything better already than we guys who can only judge from the info you provide us gtfo and beat nl1k imo
I dont know much about him, I just know that saying its a 4bet because he has 97s/K9s/K7s is completely ridiculous. Thats an UTG range of 34% of all hands (pokerstove), and thats excluding PP's like 44-22. The logic is that the possiblility of him having any of those hands is very small, just because of his PFR%, and the average 30/22 way of playing.

I guessed I should say he had 50% steal and that I was only wondering what his postflop tendencies was, in OP.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
lol there are only 2 KK combos left.
Please learn how to use pokerstove and count combinations before you put any more garbage in my thread.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:47 AM
Well obv 4betting looks sososososoooo strong that I would hate him to have to fold AA, AK, bluffs, etc. Sets, 2ps are getting it anyways so we don't have to worry about slowing them down by just calling the flop. There's a merit to 4betting because if he has a draw he's way more likely to stack off on the flop rather than the turn...but I think the frequency that he has a draw isn't high enough to 4bet here. I think villain has a draw a low freq because most players at 50nl aren't capable of 3betting a draw here when 200bb deep.

Soooo I call and lead the turn for $27. Basically this line looks a lot less stronger and we're putting in more money (18.5 + 27 = 45.5..instead of 4betting to 34-40).

I would never call flop + check turn because letting the turn check through would be a huge tragedy.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Please learn how to use pokerstove and count combinations before you put any more garbage in my thread.
seems like my ninja edit failed

dont get me wrong i wasnt saying that 4bet/call is the only way to play the hand and coldcalling has it merits obv... but from my expierience we can easily stack AK and AA i agree that there are very few 2pair possiblillities out there maybe i was influenced from HU there.

my last cent: do something before your timeout
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by JsTs
Well obv 4betting looks sososososoooo strong that I would hate him to have to fold AA, AK, bluffs, etc. Sets, 2ps are getting it anyways so we don't have to worry about slowing them down by just calling the flop. There's a merit to 4betting because if he has a draw he's way more likely to stack off on the flop rather than the turn...but I think the frequency that he has a draw isn't high enough to 4bet here. I think villain has a draw a low freq because most players at 50nl aren't capable of 3betting a draw here when 200bb deep.

Soooo I call and lead the turn for $27. Basically this line looks a lot less stronger and we're putting in more money (18.5 + 27 = 45.5..instead of 4betting to 34-40).

I would never call flop + check turn because letting the turn check through would be a huge tragedy.
Agree with most of this. We play our hand like it was AK/KQ.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Agree with most of this. We play our hand like it was AK/KQ.
because you donk the turn with AK/KQ?
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
ninja edit i hope

i give him the full combos so 6 for KK and maybe 1-2 (weighted) for K7 and K9 i also give him 6 combos for 99 that makes 12 combos where we are dead.

now i add 12 combos for Ak and 6 combos for AA not to mention all the FDs

weighting is far too random for my taste
Look at it as the randomness of being dealt AA or not. Mathematically the chance is 1:220 or something, but it dont feel like that because "its so random".

I you use the "1326-combos-in-a-deck"-consenus here at 2p2, you'll find out that KK is only 3 combos in this hand. We only count KK and KK as one combo. Thus, KK has those combos:

NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
We only count KK and KK as one combo.

lol yeah i just got up... sorry for epic fail combocounting

however that makes it only more unlikely we are beat. but it doesnt change the problem whether to 4bet or not
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
because you donk the turn with AK/KQ?
No, because we could blockybetsize it like we "want to see where we stand", and put him on the thoughts that he has to call me down with AA/AK.

"Because you donk..." is irrelevant. He dont know what i do. Im 99,999% shure he hasnt seen me in this exact spot before, where I showed down how I played AK/KQ.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:02 AM
You play interesting hands. I'll eat my pizza and reply to this thread.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Knoooby
because you donk the turn with AK/KQ?
I would folded to the 3bet with AK/KQ. Even i feel my 77's is bluffcatchers, they also beat a small part of his value range, and has outs if the flush hits turn, so I think a call on his 3bet is fine (so far).
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:35 AM
Mmmm, pizza.

First off, any more reads? I'd like that. You need more reads, and if you haven't got that, play less tables or pay more attention and scratch your balls a little bit less.

Preflop and stuff:
In to the hand in question. I'd assume a guy who is 30/22 and minraises preflop from the 1-hole is not very good. He might raise small with a hand like QQ+, because he's a genius and tries to level someone - or he's a bit of a mentally incapacitated person. Most likely, it's the latter part. Given this, he's probably a complete ****** postflop. You call preflop to flop a set and "stack a fool". That's okay, like you get a cheap price too, which is even better! Calling like $2 preflop is kinda marginal-not-really, but yeah. It's fine.

So, you flop ginnnnnnnnn and you checkraise. I like the checkraise, and I like it a lot. Checkraise sizing is also very fine, so you play good. $5 wouldn't be bad either, but anything less is bad. His 3bet tells us a lot. It tells us he either likes his hand, or he hates your hand, if you see where I'm going with this. A spastic guy would probably 3bet a flushdraw in this spot, simply because he doesn't know any better. Maybe if he has a bad flushdraw, and he tries to move you off of a better flushdraw, but that's asking a little too much from a cretin at NL50. In terms of his range, since we are playing against an undefined range (we lack reads, so we can't narrow all that much), we are up against several ranges here. I did some PokerStoving and found out that if he has a range that consists of a wide range of semibluffs and value hands (in which KQ is the bottom of that range), we have 78 % equity. Remove KQ and we have 73 %. Remove some of the ****tier semibluffs and assume he folds one pair hands because it's never good/flipping and it becomes a lot closer.

Basically, if you think he's more prone to semibluff and stack off one pair type hands to a 4bet, you should ship the flop. If you're not all that certain, I would probably just call to see a safe turn and stack off there. I'd probably fold a diamond turn fwiw. I don't think getting it in is bad, but I'd need more reads to tell whether or not I should ship or fold. Fwiw, I don't think this is a spot that will create a big difference in your winrate. Had the flop been rainbow, I'd be a lot more concerned, but the guy seems like a cretin who doesn't really have a clue of what he's doing, so it's probably not bad to get it in. I think you need more solid reads in order to make the best decision possible here, such as whether or not he has been spastic postflop etc.

You need to pick up more reads.

Originally Posted by Aquadougs
How would he played his range before his 3bet?
With such a wide and undefined range, it's hard to tell. I'd cbet this board close to 80 % of the time unless you are a beast at checkraising, in which case I'd probably check top pair, flushdraws and a ton of other stuff that rocks. I don't know how this villain plays or looks at poker, and it doesn't seem like you have a clear idea of how he does either, so giving an answer to this question as an accurate fact is like giving a directions to a blind person by pointing and referring to monuments.

Most people call top pair type hands, and some people call flushdraws. I think the flushdraw part is key here, and my assumption of this opponent makes me inclined to think that he will 3bet flushdraws with a high frequency. If that is correct, he probably 3bets stuff like AK and AA too, but meh. Too few reads to really make a read, if you see where I'm getting at?

Last edited by ooohjoy; 02-17-2009 at 09:42 AM.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
I would folded to the 3bet with AK/KQ. Even i feel my 77's is bluffcatchers, they also beat a small part of his value range, and has outs if the flush hits turn, so I think a call on his 3bet is fine (so far).
OK, now put yourself in villain's shoes. Let's say you have AA.

How would you play this hand? Quite similar to the way he played it, yes? Now, how would you respond to actions?

If you are the villain and have AA would you:
fold to a flop 4-bet?
fold to a turn c/r?
call a turn lead?

Figure out the one that gets the most $ in the pot and go with that. And whoever said that this guy never lays down AK/AA is wrong... He may go with it some % of the time (say you're a 50/40, of course he's going with it), but he WILL fold it a significant portion of the time.

JsTs and I think the same, it's weird.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:44 AM
Fwiw, 3betting AA on the flop is gay.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
02-17-2009 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by ooohjoy
Fwiw, 3betting AA on the flop is gay.
Agree. I would call and b/f turn with AA i think.
NL50: Set OOP vs UTG pfr 200bbs deep Quote
