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[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts [NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts

09-27-2010 , 05:37 PM
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

UTG ($83.45)
UTG+1 ($24.55)
MP1 ($114.25)
MP2 ($40.75)
MP3 ($49.65)
Hero ($247.10)
BTN ($30.35)
SB ($56.65)
BB ($148.30)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75, 9 players) Hero is CO 9 10
2 folds, MP1 raises to $1.75 ($112.50), 2 folds, Hero calls $1.75 ($245.35), 1 fold, SB calls $1.50 ($54.90), 1 fold

Flop: 5 6 7 ($5.75, 3 players)
SB bets $1.50 ($53.40), MP1 calls $1.50 ($111.00), Hero calls $1.50 ($243.85)

Turn: 8 ($10.25, 3 players)
SB bets $3 ($50.40), MP1 raises to $6 ($105.00), Hero raises to $22.25 ($221.60), SB folds ($50.40), MP1 calls $16.25 ($88.75)

River: 9 ($57.75, 2 players)
MP1 checks ($88.75), Hero goes all-in $221.60 ($0.00)

Looking for a line check, betsizing opinion of the turn and thoughts on river play (normal value versus shoving).

EMP villain is effectively unknown. Like 35/25 through 30ishhands but no other information on him at all.

SB is inconsequential to the hand other than helping to bloat the pot a little.

Preflop, I like suited connectors with position and we're extra deep with the PFR, so I called and wanted to take a flop.

Flop, easy call given the immensity of our draw and our position.

Turn, I see some action when we bink our hand. I'm suspecting possible sets from one or both villains, or possibly even some kind of pair+sd/fd of their own. I have questions concerning my turn 3-bet sizing and would like to hear thoughts. I think it's far too small and I potentially made a huge mistake with the betsize I chose. When emp calls me, almost certain his range is dominated by sets with some pair+fd/sd hands and some overcards+fd since we're pretty deep and he has some reasonable implieds.

River is actually a really good card for us I think. Villain won't be putting us on Tx anything very often because of action on the turn, villain himself won't have Tx either also because of turn action so the board looks like I maybe had something like 44/99 or a set myself but everybody got counterfeited to a chop. I felt a shove looks bluffy and that I'm trying to steal half a buyin from villain. I did a fake minitank for about 10 seconds before shipping.

[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
09-27-2010 , 10:17 PM
I like the call OTF because you flopped a strong draw hand but u can easily be "dominated" by a set or a better FD, u get the odds to call so why not peel a turn card.

As far as turn is concerned I don't really think your betsizing is a major problem here, I'd repop it to 26ish though. Because imo a bigger bet (30+) looks very strong and will scare off drawing them 2-1 is the best option imo: you charge their draws and maybe they call with their FD,sets thinking they have some IO or w/e

River overbet is also a good play since villains will call a lot expecting a chop.
[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
09-28-2010 , 01:48 AM
i think you can make the turn like 29. MP1 just minraised on the turn, which are two standard tells for strong hands from bad players. This also sets up a closer to PSB on the river, but you'll have your choice still of sizing.

Im torn on the river. I think because we have to overbet the pot on the river i like it less. If we had a PSB, shoving would be awesome.

What I'm wondering though is how his calling frequency changes with the size of our bet. I think anything less than 1/2 psb gets called more often, but after that its all the same. Also, something like 3/4psb is almost more suspicious. With this in mind i think i like the overbet on the river. Even if he doesnt call it often, i think it might be more profitable long term.

Last edited by gadolparah; 09-28-2010 at 01:49 AM. Reason: nh btw
[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
09-28-2010 , 01:59 AM
since he never has a T here, while you, as a preflop caller, definitely have T9 on flop/turn in your range, he would never call a river over bet just for a split pot. so I prefer a half pot bet (~30) for value.

on the turn, I like the raise a little bigger, like $25-26. if he has set, he has ~4-1 odds to fill up.

Last edited by themeltedpot; 09-28-2010 at 02:08 AM.
[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
09-28-2010 , 02:27 AM
Bet more on turn, and I dont think he will call the river shove when the 9 peels, id just 1/2 pot it. Shoving would be nice if a blank came off.

If the stacks were a bit smaller I guess you could shove the turn as well and expect to be called by a 9.
[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
09-28-2010 , 04:16 AM
My only concern with not shipping is that any bet that looks like I want to get called or looks like value might send up alarm bells in villain where he might actually take a moment to think and see that something like T9dd or T9ss is well within my range. I was trying to do my best to make it look like I wanted to hoodwink him into folding a chop. It's why I chose to ship river.

I do like going to 26-27 though for a 3-bet and making any river overshoves not quite so much 'over' and closer to potsized.. During the hand, I was worried anything close to 30 might blow him off his hand, but when reviewing I realized that I was giving fairly decent odds to a set for filling up. Not great, but good enough since we're deep (although I guess it didn't really matter in the end because it's not like I call any bet on the river if the board pairs, I was pretty sure where he was at when he calls turn).

Also, I like that river 9 better than if it had been the 2c. I think villain could conceivably get away from sets on a blank river, but because of the action, he has a very reasonable expectation of a chop and could stack on the 9 and would almost certainly call some kind of river bet, but might not even call another bet on the 2.
[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
09-28-2010 , 04:27 AM
Grunch: make the turn to $25 and then unfortunately this is a river which makes him want to fold a weak straight (ie for the chop) but I still shove here because we might get the odd hero call.
[NL50 Rush] Nutstraight on turn, board straightens on river, line check and betsizing thoughts Quote
