No reads on the villain besides a few "SOL" comments, Stats are 28/1/1 over 200 hands.
This is the first aggression I have seen out of him, but we don't have any history.
So I have been active at the table, and on the previous hand (maybe 1/2 orbit ago) had my aces cracked by a midstake with K6s (my new nemisis hand, 97s you are off my list). This is asuming villain is not dead behind the eyes.
So I think the play up to the c/r by the villain is standard, what I am thinking now, is what does he put me on?
I don't think villain would play a set this way-but I wouldn't elimnate a set since he could be afraid of the flush draw, but from my experience he has a made hand that doesn't want a free card to come on the turn or river. Using my AK therom, which a villain is going to put me on AK when I am the PFR, I am leaning towards most of his range is made of overpairs that don't want to see an ace or king on the next two streets.
I don't think I can elimnate AA/KK from his range since he is so passive.
With all that said, what comments do we have?
Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By
UTG: $55.35
Hero (UTG+1): $50.00
UTG+2: $72.15
MP1: $45.60
MP2: $65.90
CO: $52.75
BTN: $54.70
SB: $44.00
BB: $10.95
Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with Q

1 fold,
Hero raises to $2,
5 folds, SB calls $1.75,
1 fold
Flop: ($4.50) 5


(2 players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $3,
SB raises to $16, Hero thinks about the ranges.