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NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight

07-24-2008 , 04:23 PM
No notes on villain.

Cryptologic $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 10 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $10.95
BTN: $45.25
SB: $74.10
Hero (BB): $49.24
UTG: $32.20
UTG+1: $37.79
UTG+2: $73.17
MP1: $11.80
MP2: $50.50
MP3: $101.60

Pre Flop: Hero is BB with J Q
5 folds, MP3 raises to $1.50, 2 folds, SB calls $1.25, Hero calls $1

Is this call OK?

Flop: ($4.50) 8 9 T (3 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, MP3 bets $3, SB folds, Hero raises to $8, MP3 calls $5

I decided to raise right here, because 3rd spade will kill the action, and if I raise now he can put me on a draw and raise all-in his overpair/set, etc.

Turn: ($20.50) T (2 players)
Hero bets $8, MP3 calls $8

After he called I am really interested in what he can have. As for me this could be either overpair or a flush/straight draw (with a Jack). Now the flush draw came, and I decided to bet and fold to a raise...

River: ($36.50) 5 (2 players)
Hero checks, MP3 bets $16, Hero calls $16

There I checked to induce bluffs from single high spade (As/Ks), because I doubt any weaker hand will call any reasonable-sized bet.

Comments on all streets are appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-25-2008 , 11:24 AM
Wow, the turn card was horrible.

I might have raised a little more, but I don't mind the $5 too much heads up.

I think the turn and river are fine.
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-25-2008 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Wow, the turn card was horrible.

I might have raised a little more, but I don't mind the $5 too much heads up.

I think the turn and river are fine.
Betting $8 on the turn is fine?
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-25-2008 , 11:31 AM
I don't mind betting $8 on the turn. I guess $12 to $15 would have been better, but we can't check and we're not folding out better hands. This is like a turn blocking bet to me. A drawing hand will often call the $15 at this level, too. Not many players will raise the $8 with nothing on this board. I know they are out there, but with no reads, I'm betting they won't.

It's not ideal, but, yes, I think it's fine.

Now, are you going to answer OP or just argue with me?
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-25-2008 , 11:40 AM
I wanted to say make a strong bet on the turn and check fold the river.

Unfortunately I think it's too likely that he could be holding a T and bet it on the river at this level.

We really need stats for this hand and considering he has a 200bb stack we should have some sort of reads on him.
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-25-2008 , 11:43 AM
I think the flop raise should have been around 10$ instead. May be nitpicking but if he has anything that he'd call a 5$ raise with, he call a 7$ with. Not to mention the pot gets 4$ bigger and is a good way to manipulate it here. JJ won't go anywhere since he has overpair + straight draw and pretty much the same with QQ. KK and Aces usually never fold to anything but 4cards to flush or straight from my experience.

Turn bet is meh. Just a question I think you should ask yourself. Do I always bet small with when my intention is to fold to a raise? That could get you in some trouble if its so. I make a normal bet here, just like I would if the turn was like 2 of clubs. 14-15$.

River is gut!
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-25-2008 , 12:24 PM
Preflop I'd probably fold this since we're OOP against the PFR and it's offsuit. I'd probably call if we had QJs. Pretty marginal either way though imo.

Flop - I like the c/r here but I'd make it much bigger, about $12 (pot sized raise would be $13.50). This is about as drawy a flop as you could ask for, so his calling range is gonna be huge here.

Turn - I'd probably bet this and fold to a shove. If we think about his range here given the flop action:

- He rarely has a boat. If he flopped a set or 2 pair he's probably going to b3b the flop and get it in.
- If he flopped a huge draw like AK/AQ/KQ of spades, again he'll probably b3b flop and get it in.
- He could have a baby flush here, or something like A5
- He could have flopped TP, which would be consistent with his flop line, since his hand is not strong enough to warrant getting it in on the flop. I think this makes up a decent part of his range.

So I think there's value in a b/f on this turn card. A hand like ATo is calling here, as well as something like QQ with a spade, and since he's unlikely to shove with naked trips, we can fold to a raise easily. I'd make it at least $12 or so though - betting so small here when we're going to b/f is pretty exploitable.

River - c/c is good.
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-29-2008 , 03:34 AM
Thank you for all the comments!
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-29-2008 , 03:47 AM
sick turn card. Is it wrong to check OOP here?
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
07-29-2008 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by benedictc
sick turn card. Is it wrong to check OOP here?
If I understood results of the discussion correctly, I should bet the turn even more than I did (for value and to avoid bluff-raise exploits), because there are too many weaker hands (draws with single spade, etc.) that will call me and fold to a shove (from possible made flushes/full houses/etc.).

Thus, check turn = miss value bet.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
NL50: QJo in the BB against a small raise and a caller flopped a nut straight Quote
