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NL50: Need advice for a wet board NL50: Need advice for a wet board

04-16-2012 , 06:27 PM
stack is 150bb deep, NL50

hero holds Kh Kd

at button


Villain standard 3bb raise from UTG or MP or Co

hero decided to call for postflop value


but board comes

9s Th Jh


If villain Cbets, hero?
If villain pot-size bets, hero?
If villain over pot size[1.2 or 1.5 times more] bets, hero?
If villain checks, hero?


Villain could be TAG, LAG or Maniac or Fish

Cbet 60%-50% or Cbet 33%


I check call twice, break even with same person
I check raise twice and wen to show down , break even with same person


need an optimums strategy

__________________________________________________ _

the second part of the question is to exchange position.

means that hero raise from UTG, MP or Co

Villain calls from Button or late position.

Hero first to act, against the same three kind of player.

how to act

__________________________________________________ _

thank you very much.

Last edited by XPHXPH; 04-16-2012 at 06:35 PM. Reason: type error
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-16-2012 , 06:58 PM
basically OP wants to be taught how to play poker for free.
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-16-2012 , 07:24 PM
Ask villain to count his stack


time down while you think of your next play


should we call raise or fold? All are options


Ask Villain if he wants a call


Double check that you have KK


This is important- Back door flush draw?


Consider your whole range. We must Maximize.


Slowly count to 10 in your head (or out loud if you can pull off being that guy)


Tap the table twice.


Arrrrrrrr innnnnnnnnnnnnn


Say "Good Luck All In"


One time (unless youve used it before)




Stack those chips, rack em up, head home.


Post on 2p2.
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-16-2012 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by XPHXPH
stack is 150bb deep, NL50

hero holds Kh Kd

at button


Villain standard 3bb raise from UTG or MP or Co

hero decided to call for postflop value
I would 3bet for pre and postflop value
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-16-2012 , 08:33 PM
If checked to bet less than 1BB. Wait for the dealer to tell you that this is not allowed, and that the min bet is 1BB. Argue with the dealer until the ENTIRE table agrees that you are wrong. Then go all in.
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-16-2012 , 11:14 PM
I need a good reason not to 3-bet kings pre.
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-16-2012 , 11:53 PM
Not 3betting pre 150bbs deep is a huge mistake imo.
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I need a good reason not to 3-bet kings pre.
believe my postflop skills and position advantages.

not going to outplay ...

but if not KK still call... but just use KK come across a bad tough board...

that's the case.
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by gadolparah
Ask villain to count his stack


time down while you think of your next play


should we call raise or fold? All are options


Ask Villain if he wants a call


Double check that you have KK


This is important- Back door flush draw?


Consider your whole range. We must Maximize.


Slowly count to 10 in your head (or out loud if you can pull off being that guy)


Tap the table twice.


Arrrrrrrr innnnnnnnnnnnnn


Say "Good Luck All In"


One time (unless youve used it before)




Stack those chips, rack em up, head home.


Post on 2p2.

do you think it works , head home with money?
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by XPHXPH
believe my postflop skills and position advantages.

not going to outplay ...

but if not KK still call... but just use KK come across a bad tough board...

that's the case.
In the field of linguistics, a sentence is an expression in natural language. It is often defined as a grammatical unit consisting of one or more words that bear minimal syntactic relation to the words that precede or follow it. A sentence can include words grouped meaningfully to express a statement, question, exclamation, request, command or suggestion.[1]
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-17-2012 , 02:50 AM
NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
04-17-2012 , 06:23 AM
Your "first part" asked for advice in 4608 different poker situations.

NL50: Need advice for a wet board Quote
