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NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR

09-14-2010 , 06:30 PM
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem
8 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

UTG ($58.30)
UTG+1 ($60.10)
Hero ($50.25)
MP2 ($50.72)
MP3 ($62.60)
CO ($42)
BTN ($51.30)
BB ($75.42)

Pre-Flop: ($1, 8 players) Hero is MP1 J J
[BTN posts $0.50]
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $2, Hero raises to $6, 5 folds, UTG+1 calls $4

Flop: 3 3 Q ($13, 2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $7.50, UTG+1 calls $7.50

Turn: 6 ($28, 2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks

River: 10 ($28, 2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks

15/10/2,8/450 vpip/pfr/af/hands
11/11 EP vpip/pfr
29 (7) ft3bet
50 ftcb
39/60 WTSD/W$SD

What do You think of my 3bet here? Is this hands sample to small to assume that he's opening wide range (11%) UTG and calling 3bet's ligth? There are also two TAG's behind with 4% 3bet and i dont want to get squeezed here.
OTF what do You think of his range? He seems rather good so im not sure if hes calling AK or AQ OOP. So hes range could consist mostly of pp here, but im not sure. And what about board texture? I think it quite good to cb. I could get called one street by 99 or TT and fold out AK if hes calling that PF. After he called cb i thought thats there no value in beting on turn & river.

He sees me as 13/11 3bet 4%

How would You play this?
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-14-2010 , 06:57 PM
Pre: I think that flatting is generally better IMO. His continuance range will be narrow and could crush you. It'll be something like 88+ and AK (maybe AK) and even possibly 77 and AQ depending on his ft3b in ep which is based on too small a sample size.

Otf his calling range is all pocket pairs up to possibly KK (I think KK+ would 4-bet most of the time) and AQ if he has it (which is possible, but not too likely). C-betting is clear +EV in this spot.

Ott I like a check, your double barrel range here should be thin: QQ+ imo and he would know this. Checking back keeps the weaker pps in his range.

Otr, I think is a spot for thin value (like 1/3-1/2 psb). This is because you rep a hand like AK and he knows that you know he has a medium pp or possibly AQ. Obv fold to a raise.

To prove that this is +EV, assume he has a calling range of AQ, KK, 99 and 88. Lets also assume he only plays AQ under 1/2 of the time preflop once 3-bet (6 combos). Lets also assume he has 2 combos of KK (as this would most likely 4-bet pre) and he has 4 combos of 88 and 99 which will call. However because the Q is eliminated, he is slightly less likely to have AQ. This means that you can go for thin value here (you have like 53% equity which doesn't sound like much, but will net you 30c on average (assuming $10 bet) which is over 1/2 BB which equates to 50BB/100 hands profit!)

Notice also as you said before, he is less likely to have AQ (as he would probably fold it pre) but he it is possible that he is slow-playing TT here. This net effect should be a wash.

Actually on 2nd thoughts, I think the pf range we have assigned him is too high here once we 3-bet (as his ft3b has definitely not converged after 7 hands) and so checking river is better as is flatting preflop.
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-14-2010 , 08:34 PM
Def flat pre.

As for post...I feel like bet/check/going for thin value or check/bet/bet are the two options and I'm not sure which I prefer. I think it would depend largely on villains flop calling range?
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-15-2010 , 07:25 PM
Yep, I think U are right, this sample is too small to assume I can 3bet 4 value here.
Its nice, Lx12, that U post all Your thoughts, not only results.

Originally Posted by Default Name

As for post...I feel like bet/check/going for thin value or check/bet/bet are the two options and I'm not sure which I prefer. I think it would depend largely on villains flop calling range?
Why? What would we achieve by this line? I think that to play like this we should be sure we are ahead of villain range, which in this case we cant be sure. Maybe ch/b/ch?
And what if after our flop chb he leads turn? Call turn/ call river or reevaluate river?
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-15-2010 , 08:21 PM
River would def be thin in that case. My thought/question would be if by checking back the flop we can maximize the value we get from mid pocket pairs or possibly get a hero call from AK or something since our line looks a little funky imo.

If villain has a Q then we're already behind and drawing thin...if he has a pocket pair he's drawing to 2 outs to beat us, if he has an overcard (or AK) he's also drawing fairly thin. Its not like we're going to hate 30 different turn cards or anything.

We definitely get a street of value from pockets, the question is whether by checking back the flop or turn we maximize our odds of getting a 2nd street (even if its a small bet) from a villain who thinks we're FOS
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-15-2010 , 10:04 PM
don't 3-bet pre

if anybody behind you calls then you're crushed, and if UTG re-opens the betting then you're still crushed

Think about it, you're telling 7 people that haven't seen their cards yet that if they're playing, they're playing for stacks

UTG+1 vs UTG is a terrible spot to be 3-betting anything, barring an extraordinary read on UTG.

Think about it, what should your UTG+1 3-betting range be?

Probably not AA at most squeeze-tard 50 tables

maybe QQ/KK sometimes for protection more than value, but not always

...and nothing else
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-17-2010 , 05:36 PM
@ TJ Eckleburg12

Thx for explanation man, now its clear for me.

@ Default name

Dont want to be result orientated here, but after he's calling my bet i dont want to bet 2nd street (dont see value in this). If it would CO/BTN situation it could be good idea to chb flop to get value from weaker holding. Whats more after our chb flop villain can bluff us of better hand with turn & river bets, cuz im calling only one bet here.

Btw. What does FOS mean?
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
09-17-2010 , 05:38 PM
This is a complete guess and i haven't read the op or any replies, so i don't know what happened in the hand but if i had to guess FOS = full of ****
NL50 JJ 3beting UTG OR Quote
