NL50: FH on river, how played?
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,981
Table is loosey goosey with pf calls, hence the pf. check. UTG is new to table.
UTG ($50)
UTG+1 ($65)
CO ($39)
SB ($42)
Hero, BB ($66)
UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, CO folds, SB calls, Hero with 55 checks.
Flop: 5d Qc 9c ($2)
Hero pots, UTG calls, folds
Turn: Kd ($6)
Hero checks, UTG bets $3, Hero raises to $11, UTG calls.
*I felt c/ring here builds the pot easier and he's going to have a hard time getting rid of KJ, K10, QJ, and of course KQ (which I doubt he has, I think he RRs that on flop)
River: Qd. ($28)
Hero ______?
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 326
looks pretty normal thus far
bet the river... i would probably shove it.. maybe that is a leak though. since he called the turn cr i think he is going with you no matter what..
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,486
Hate the turn. Too many draws to risk giving a free card. Just keep betting.
Yes a c/r builds the pot, but it's unlikely you're going to stack someone in a limped pot unless they have a monster too, so don't worry about how you're going to get your whole stack in because most of the time you're not. It also screams you have a monster and any marginal 1 pair hands should fold pretty quickly. I think even K9 is a pretty easy fold on the turn once you c/r.
As played, shove river and hope he has a Q.
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 856
I don't like the turn either, he should have plenty of weak hands / draws that will check back. I'd just pot the turn, and if he's not too passive this river card looks like a great one to c/r (stack his Qs, induce some bluffs from missed draws). As played I just shove.