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NL50, AQ oop NL50, AQ oop

06-13-2008 , 04:46 PM
hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

saw flop | saw showdown

Button ($34.88)
SB Hero ($49.55)
BB ($19.99)
UTG ($66.95)
UTG+1 ($56.00)
MP ($17.30)
MP Villain ($58.92)
CO-1 ($49.25)
CO ($10.00)

Preflop: Hero is in the SB with A Q
UTG calls 0.50, 2 folds, Villain calls 0.50, 2 folds, Button calls 0.50, Hero raises to 3.00, 2 folds, Villain calls 2.50, 1 fold.

Flop (7.75) 8 K 9
Hero bets 5.00, Villain calls 5.00.

Turn (17.75) A
Hero checks, Villain bets 9.00, Hero calls 9.00.

River (35.75) 6
Hero checks, Villain bets 17.00, Hero

Villain is 34/0/4.38 over 200 hands, was right to call?
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-13-2008 , 04:52 PM
I bet turn here and c/f river (if villian bets big enough)

As played I fold here with a tear in my eye
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-13-2008 , 05:10 PM
preflop: villian is limping with a very wide range here, SCs, broadways, Ax, connectors, one gappers, two gappers, and pps.

Flop: you make a c/bet and he calls. He could have SD, FD, A9, KJ, KQ, A8 or trips (although I would think with this board, he would raise with trips). Looks to me like TP, FD, SD or 2nd pair.

Turn: I prolly bet here and see what he does, if he raises, I prolly put him on two pair and let it go.

River: Fold. I don't think he is kidding.
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-13-2008 , 05:29 PM
I think you're better off betting the turn instead of c/c. You made your hand and now have what you were representing on the flop. You can fold to a raise and it will make the river easier to play.
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-14-2008 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
I think you're better off betting the turn instead of c/c. You made your hand and now have what you were representing on the flop. You can fold to a raise and it will make the river easier to play.
Agreed, except I'd probably check the flop and bet the turn... From my experience a player with those kinds of stats dont like to fold to cbets very often. Betting the turn A definitely makes the rest of the hand easier to play.
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-14-2008 , 04:37 AM
BET flop, and BET turn (for like 10-12 imo)
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by wikemang
BET flop, and BET turn (for like 10-12 imo)

Flop is good for a CB because it's K high and obv AK and better is a quite a big part of our range.
Turn is an easy bet because
1) lots of draws out there on the flop
2) we just made TP and villain might still be convinced that something like KQ is good so we bet for value
3) the A is generally a great card for a 2nd barrel, you should also 2nd barrel here a lot with trash or underpairs therefore you def have to fire here if the card indeed helped you.
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:34 AM
Thanks for the help.

I try to play a tricky poker, inducing bluffs/trapping, but sometimes i find myself in difficult spots. Maybe i need to play more straightforward out of position...
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:43 AM
Tricky huh? Yeah, you tricked yourself pretty good there...
NL50, AQ oop Quote
06-14-2008 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by AlexB182
Tricky huh? Yeah, you tricked yourself pretty good there...
yeah, i agree...
btw i called the river bet
NL50, AQ oop Quote
