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nl50 -  AKs vs reg nl50 -  AKs vs reg

02-05-2011 , 02:33 AM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Entraction
SB ($23.25)
Hero ($88.63)
UTG ($56.79)
UTG+1 ($20.94)
CO ($50.76)
BTN ($49.75)

Dealt to Hero K A

fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to $1.50, fold, Hero raises to $4.75, BTN calls $3.25

FLOP ($9.75) 9 J 9

Hero bets $6, BTN calls $6

TURN ($21.75) 9 J 9 A

Hero checks, BTN bets $10.87, Hero calls $10.87

RIVER ($43.49) 9 J 9 A 5

[color=red]Hero checks, BTN bets $15.75, Hero ??

reg is 21/15 over 150 hands, clear fold ?? obv is good odds but i just won random air here.
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 04:11 AM
why do you check turn? what do you lose to on the river? your hand look exactly like QdQx or KdKx. never folding, jam might be good
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by fsn
why do you check turn? what do you lose to on the river? your hand look exactly like QdQx or KdKx. never folding, jam might be good
i just dont understand what him can value bet river worse than AK, maybe AQ but i think him check on river.
if u bet on turn, u plan for river is shove if dont hit diamonds?
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 05:38 AM
yes im betting turn and jamming river

he does not check AQ or AK
he can bluff A TON or at least he should
there's not many hands that beat you
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 07:29 AM
Its a pretty bad flop, well it could be worse as now theres a set out so its not that huge of a chance he have that. On turn we hit the best card we can probably hit so bet it. If think this hand plays much easier if you bet the turn. Now he can bet what ever A he have and he think we have some pocket or strong hand like KQ.

Rep the Ace.
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 09:34 AM
the ace is a great card to double barrel the fact that you hold one makes it even better, i would get it in on 5th
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 10:24 AM
BEt turn, the way it's played , call river
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 06:46 PM
I go all-in.
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 07:13 PM
c/r the river would be terible
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-05-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by As1an1nvas1on
c/r the river would be terible
This. C/r'ing is turning your hand into a total bluff (that won't work).

I actually like the way the hand was played if you called the river.
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-06-2011 , 12:40 AM
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-06-2011 , 03:42 AM
doesn't have any 9's in his range after he calls 3bet preflop.. could show up with AJ/JJ or 2 broadway diamonds, but i think betting turn is best
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-06-2011 , 08:56 AM
call as played you underpped your hand, and they can value bet wrose, and bet with bluffs.
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
02-06-2011 , 12:05 PM
nl50 -  AKs vs reg Quote
