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NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove

08-28-2009 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by g3nn
Thanks for this. I exactly thought "WTF who does this with AA/KK? Call."

So everyone agrees that squeezing AK then folding is bad... so is NOT squeezing ever an option here? I'm pretty sure 3-way OOP is not how we want to play AK, but is it better than committing our stack with the squeeze?
Just calling pre is an option. I dont like it, but its a lot better than raise/folding AK. With the info you have I dont see how you can not call this shove, especially as the caller pre makes squeezing light more attractive for you
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
And were there another $10 or so in the pot I might agree. A little padding for the times he DOES show up with AA or KK. I still wouldn't like it, but I'd probably have to call it.

Opinions are like... well, you know, we all have one. No reason to attack people when their's is different.

It's funny, I watched Doyle Brunson fold AK in almost this exact same scenerio recently on HSP. But hey, you guys know more than him.
GTFO ******
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:34 AM
Hand ranges?

This guy is 24/16 with 6% 3-bet. That's not a maniac. That's not a LAG. That's a solid TAG. And he's doing this from UG. Most people with those kind of stats are very tight UG and I put him on a very small range. I don't like looking for monsters under the bed, but IMO, this guy is turning over a big hand most of the time.

And why would he shove with AA or KK here? I do it all the time in this situation, 'cause I know you'll call because it's "+EV".
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:40 AM
lol bartlett one day u will see your posts here and wish u could delete them.

as far as what villain has, i dont really care since we have the nuts for 100bbs.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
Hand ranges?

This guy is 24/16 with 6% 3-bet. That's not a maniac. That's not a LAG. That's a solid TAG. And he's doing this from UG. Most people with those kind of stats are very tight UG and I put him on a very small range. I don't like looking for monsters under the bed, but IMO, this guy is turning over a big hand most of the time.

And why would he shove with AA or KK here? I do it all the time in this situation, 'cause I know you'll call because it's "+EV".
Last post on this, yes he could shove KK+ here, yes he will nearly always show up with a big hand, but we also have a big hand getting ~1.5/1 on our money so its a +EV call. 3bet/folding AK really sucks
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by JackOfPain
No, but it's a good point, there are only 3 combo's of AA and 3 combo's of KK.

Plus if you have a note like that on him, I fistpump it in here always, he has a high pfr and 9AF and maybe even shoving with worse. If we give him the tightest range it's a good call.

Hand 0: 37.057% 08.19% 28.87% 2103653 7414334.50 { AdKh }
Hand 1: 62.943% 34.08% 28.87% 8752238 7414334.50 { KK+, AKs, AKo }
Look I understand it and I shove every time here but I am also not surprised when he rolls over AA/KK because people with full stacks and tight ranges just aren't that out of line at these levels. At least with KK I will still suck out time to time.

Often the action a player type makes is more important than a simple stat like "there are only 3 combos of aa and 3 combos of kk." It doesn't look like that is the case here though.

Last edited by Brian J; 08-28-2009 at 11:55 AM.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:46 AM
Hi Bartlett,

Stunning advice given, disagreed with by all

More stupidity, and almost contratictory to your advice in this thread

Really useful contribution at the end of this thread - well done

Hilarious misunderstanding of poker terminology, then goes missing from the thread - just LOL
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:50 AM
lol well gl getting him back to this thread now
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
Whatever. You all think you're such hotshots. Fine. Who am I to argue with such Pros.

But I'm the guy that keeps taking your stacks.....
ohhhh, so you're that guy...
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
Hand ranges?
I lawl'd


I'll flip you HU4ROLLZ $5 stacks T8s vs 22 because T8s is my favorite hand. My hand is unpaired so you have the advantage here because I need to hit a T or an 8 to make the best hand and you don't have to hit anything.

Shhhh don't tell him

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.841% 51.97% 00.87% 21356568 358572.00 { T8s }
Hand 1: 47.159% 46.29% 00.87% 19021584 358572.00 { 22 }
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by gateswi
I lawl'd


I'll flip you HU4ROLLZ $5 stacks T8s vs 22 because T8s is my favorite hand. My hand is unpaired so you have the advantage here because I need to hit a T or an 8 to make the best hand and you don't have to hit anything.
AK off only. 1 way to make a straight and 4 cards to make a flush. 10-8 is a favorite over me.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:07 PM
Hand 0: 39.785% 23.66% 16.13% 10936805 7456889.50 { AdKh }
Hand 1: 60.215% 44.09% 16.13% 20381624 7456889.50 { JJ+, AKs, AKo }

If you do the Calculations, I think we're getting like 1.41:1 so I think this is very borderline, I don't mind folding here, yes "we're folding AK in a dead money pot after 3betting" But we're like never ahead here....JMO
Unless we KNOW he's going to be getting it in with like 88, AQ which I doubt.

BTW if you add TT your equity goes to 40.3 still not a +EV call if you're talking technically.

Also if our hand were suited it would give us the extra 3 percent I think we need, I think this is the first hand I've ever seen that being suited swayed the decision.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:12 PM
This really depends on the kind of game you want to play. This is a high variance play.

As played, I fold.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by BestMidWest
Hand 0: 39.785% 23.66% 16.13% 10936805 7456889.50 { AdKh }
Hand 1: 60.215% 44.09% 16.13% 20381624 7456889.50 { JJ+, AKs, AKo }

If you do the Calculations, I think we're getting like 1.41:1 so I think this is very borderline, I don't mind folding here, yes "we're folding AK in a dead money pot after 3betting" But we're like never ahead here....JMO
Unless we KNOW he's going to be getting it in with like 88, AQ which I doubt.

BTW if you add TT your equity goes to 40.3 still not a +EV call if you're talking technically.

Also if our hand were suited it would give us the extra 3 percent I think we need, I think this is the first hand I've ever seen that being suited swayed the decision.
Careful, you'll get called a ******....
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:13 PM
I can't believe peopke are even discyssing this still.

Just don't 3b squeeze if you're folding to a shove. That's horrible.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:16 PM
Hand 0: 39.785% 23.66% 16.13% 10936805 7456889.50 { AdKh }
Hand 1: 60.215% 44.09% 16.13% 20381624 7456889.50 { JJ+, AKs, AKo }

If you do the Calculations, I think we're getting like 1.41:1 so I think this is very borderline, I don't mind folding here, yes "we're folding AK in a dead money pot after 3betting" But we're like never ahead here....JMO
Unless we KNOW he's going to be getting it in with like 88, AQ which I doubt.

BTW if you add TT your equity goes to 40.3 still not a +EV call if you're talking technically.

Also if our hand were suited it would give us the extra 3 percent I think we need, I think this is the first hand I've ever seen that being suited swayed the decision.
Yes, but surely he's bluffing or doing it with AQ a small % of the time

Originally Posted by dcredskins24
I can't believe peopke are even discyssing this still.

Just don't 3b squeeze if you're folding to a shove. That's horrible.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:21 PM
he can shove any pair here if u squeeze wide to be profiotable, here u thave the nuts why do u want to fold
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:24 PM
Oh, and I know I'm a ****** and all, but with AK, this is a raise for value, not a squeeze play. A true squeeze play is a bluff, typically made with a trash hand. You guys should look that up.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
Oh, and I know I'm a ****** and all, but with AK, this is a raise for value, not a squeeze play. A true squeeze play is a bluff, typically made with a trash hand. You guys should look that up.
And villain in hand would know we are raising for value not squeezing???
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bartlett
It's funny, I watched Doyle Brunson fold AK in almost this exact same scenerio recently on HSP. But hey, you guys know more than him.
ROFLOL @ comparing play in live high stakes poker to online microstakes

Also, this is such a standard snapcall. Villain is an aggressive player (he 3bet ATo, and his AF is 9!) so his range is soooo wide here that this is profitable 110% of the time.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:33 PM
Aggression factor is a very unreliable stat. And it takes a lot of hands to converge. With only 150 hands it's pretty worthless. Most people I know don't even keep up with it anymore.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:38 PM
serious question: why are you letting bartlett troll you?
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:43 PM
guys, leave the nit alone, he's clearly happy where he is
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:43 PM
No one is allowed to have an opinion that doesn't agree with yours apparently. If you do, you're a troll.

Funny, I've now seen several people in this thread agree with me on this, but I'm a troll.

Whatever, I'll just keep adding you kiddies to my ignore list.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:44 PM
And if you guys could try not to miss that short bus tomorrow, the grown ups could talk in peace while you're in school.
NL50: AKo squeeze facing shove Quote
