If we assume for a second that he's never folding (and neither are we after we put any more money in), i.e. we shove or fold turn, we need 39% equity to break even on a shove.
This is a range we have exactly that against:
Hand | Pot equity | Wins | Ties |
AhKh | 39.37% | 109 | 267 |
KK, QQ, KQs, AK, AsQs, QsJs, JsTs | 60.63% | 240 | 267 |
Now, if we have 39% against his getting it in range, we should shove, because we always have some fold equity.
But the question is if the above range is realistic. If he is check/raising the flop with big draws, it's a fold. If he's capable of showing up here with 33 or even TT, it's a fold. If he can have AA, it's a fold. And I just notice I didn't put AJss in the sim.
Conclusion --> it's almost certainly a fold.