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NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn?

04-22-2011 , 02:28 PM
Hi guys,

villain is a 49/11/6. AF 2.0 over 100 hands. fold to cbet 50%. fold to 3bet only 1 sample so not accurate at all.

I had a clean image at the table. no showed down bluffs, 23/18/2.4. cbet 70%,solid play overall.

After he called my 3bet (considering his pfr of 11%) I give him a range of mainly TT JJ maybe KQ and some smaller PPs. So his range hits this board pretty hard I guess.

Cbet is still standard, right? But would you guys c/f the turn considering his general passivity and betsize? I called because of my NFD, but in retrospec I am not happy about that call. I could be drawing dead already.

So how would you play this hand?!
Thanks for any advice

The 2+2 converter does not support my poker room, that is why I converted it to weaktight. Hope this is okay.
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-23-2011 , 04:19 AM
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-23-2011 , 04:45 AM
I think his 3bet flatting range is probably wider than you think, considering how loose passive he looks, he could just be flatting his entire opening range. I think you can still get value from kings and jacks so just bet the turn and river yourself. If you're worried about value towning yourself just bet less. But because he's loose passive he won't punish you for value betting thinly so you should be more inclined to bet.

BTW in order for a check to make sense, it has to be a check fold. Because if your read is that he's loose passive then you're not going to induce a bluff or a thin value bet on either the turn or the river. And in the case that you you bet he's not going to raise you off the best hand. This means check call is much worse than just betting yourself, because you're pretty much putting the same amount of money in, but you're not getting value from the weaker part of his range.
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:47 PM
Did you see that we were 160 bb deep? So you think it is a bet/fold on the turn? and if he calls the turn, i think it would be overplayed to bet the river.
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-24-2011 , 03:27 AM
because you guys are deep this is a great spot to c/call flop o o p. there are gonna be all kinds of ugly situations w/ this board texture and these stack sizes o o p, and i think it's actually my default play to c/call the flop. as played i think checking turn is standard but your opponent is a fish so maybe you thought you could get some value from him if he was a station? i think it's a really easy fold though.
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-24-2011 , 08:27 AM
I think villain is to passive to c/c the flop. Because what am i going to do on the turn. Considering he will most likely bet again. but i guess next time i would bet thr flop and bet/fold the turn. What do you guys think?
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-26-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by bikapu
I think villain is to passive to c/c the flop. Because what am i going to do on the turn. Considering he will most likely bet again. but i guess next time i would bet thr flop and bet/fold the turn. What do you guys think?
"What am I going to do on the turn?" is a question that you avoid by c/c flop here, not cbetting. It's uglier having to bet/fold than it is c/c twice, and if your opponent is a passive fish then you have no reason to believe that he'd be betting two streets w/o a monster, even after two checks.
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-26-2011 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by whateva_i_call
"What am I going to do on the turn?" is a question that you avoid by c/c flop here
No you don't, you're still on the turn when you check/call
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-26-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by SRB12
No you don't, you're still on the turn when you check/call
So which line would you take?
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
04-26-2011 , 10:28 AM
I agree with Allen. Bet turn and river. But I wouldn't pot it. Since we're deep he definitely can have AK.
NL50 AA 3bet pot c/f turn? Quote
