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06-16-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Profish2285
Its this type of stuff that holds you guys back at uNL. Instead of having a pissing contest, how about thinking outside the box? Sometimes hand charts dont cut it. We are supposed to be here to learn, not get defensive when someone has a different idea.
I imagine you know very little about my poker career, stakes I play at etc. I was posting that in response to him insulting someone for postint in uNL even though he as thousands of posts. Hardly helpful
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06-16-2008 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Profish2285
Its this type of stuff that holds you guys back at uNL. Instead of having a pissing contest, how about thinking outside the box? Sometimes hand charts dont cut it. We are supposed to be here to learn, not get defensive when someone has a different idea.
It tilts people when they take the time to type stuff, and someone just gets involved on page 10, and types (probably) incorrect ideas that you already discussed, without making any explanation.

Also I don't have a general problem of being kept in uNL.
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06-16-2008 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I imagine you know very little about my poker career, stakes I play at etc. I was posting that in response to him insulting someone for postint in uNL even though he as thousands of posts. Hardly helpful
I dont really care about your poker career tbh or the stakes you play lol. But my apologies because I thought you made that comment just because you didnt agree with the theory part.
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06-16-2008 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I imagine you know very little about my poker career, stakes I play at etc. I was posting that in response to him insulting someone for postint in uNL even though he as thousands of posts. Hardly helpful
Clearly, I wasn't mentioning you, and I also didn't check your previous posts, but yeh, this is uNL, let's take our ego trip.

I think I will just stop posting in this forum.
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06-16-2008 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Trust me, I don't have it backwards. flopping a draw is not the same as flopping a set.

I will break down your percentages for you because I'm such a masochist that I want to make other people better at poker.

you call his light 3 bet with suited connector. you admit yourself that 25% of the time you are flopping an OESD or a flush draw (this number is fairly correct). So you are folding the other 75% of the time yes?

so out of the 25% percent of the time that you flop a draw and of course raise over his continuation bet for some fold equity, I'll be generous and say that hes folding 80% of whatever he continuation bets. .8(.25)=.2, so you gain 1 continuation bet 20% of the time. the other 5% of the time you get it in with 33% equity.

If you counter this with, well I can float him when I flop a pair, then I can answer, why can't I float him with a pocket pair?

basically its bad to call a light 3bet with pocket pair, but its even worse to call it with a suited connector.
Of course flopping a draw isn't the same as flopping a set, but a Suited Connector flops OESD + twice as often as a PP flops a set, and a Suited Connector flops 50% + EV combo draws the same amount of time as a PP flops a set. With a Suited Connector, I'm getting FE, with a PP I'm shoving with either the nuts or a stone cold bluff. Floating with a Suited Connector isn't the same as floating with a PP either, a PP has 2 cards to improve, where a Suited Connector has 5 to two pair +, 8 to an OESD, 10 to a flush draw etc.

I'm not folding 75% of the time, I'm either folding X% of the time, floating X% of the time or re-raisng with air X% of the time based on the board.

What you don't seem to get is CCing here with a Suited Connector is a metagame consideration based on intangibles, CCing here with a PP is just math. If you don't agree with this or you can't do this, then don't do it, because it's probably too far above your/this level, and there's no shame in that.
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06-16-2008 , 07:17 PM
No any discussion about the theory is fine, but insulting someone for posting in uNL after several thousand posts is just absolutely dumb.
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06-16-2008 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Burcak
Clearly, I wasn't mentioning you, and I also didn't check your previous posts, but yeh, this is uNL, let's take our ego trip.

I think I will just stop posting in this forum.
You weren't mentioning me, I never said you were. Doesn't make your post any better.
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06-16-2008 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
No any discussion about the theory is fine, but insulting someone for posting in uNL after several thousand posts is just absolutely dumb.
I agree.
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06-16-2008 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by breathweapon
Of course flopping a draw isn't the same as flopping a set, but a Suited Connector flops OESD + twice as often as a PP flops a set, and a Suited Connector flops 50% + EV combo draws the same amount of time as a PP flops a set. With a Suited Connector, I'm getting FE, with a PP I'm shoving with either the nuts or a stone cold bluff. Floating with a Suited Connector isn't the same as floating with a PP either, a PP has 2 cards to improve, where a Suited Connector has 5 to two pair +, 8 to an OESD, 10 to a flush draw etc.

I'm not folding 75% of the time, I'm either folding X% of the time, floating X% of the time or re-raisng with air X% of the time based on the board.

What you don't seem to get is CCing here with a Suited Connector is a metagame consideration based on intangibles, CCing here with a PP is just math. If you don't agree with this or you can't do this, then don't do it, because it's probably too far above your/this level, and there's no shame in that.
If you are actually considering meta game here you probably too far below your level. There is no metagame here.

There is no reason to call either of these hands without great odds. Even if you know that he's 3 betting super light, your fold equity still won't be enough to make this a profitable play.
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06-16-2008 , 07:22 PM
you guys should cut it out with the "above your level" stuff.

The level of arrogance in this thread is really amazing. I mean wow.
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06-16-2008 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
you guys should cut it out with the "above your level" stuff.

The level of arrogance in this thread is really amazing. I mean wow.
Im not sure who youre referring to, but I certainly didnt mean to make it seem that way if youre referring to me. I just wanted to point out the various reasons why the suited connector plays so much better than the pocket pair. I just got side tracked.
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06-16-2008 , 07:28 PM
I reconsidered my post.

I think it is std when someone keeps telling you "you are wrong" without even reading what you type, so yeh.

When people explain something 72 times, and you oversimply if, so that you can argue back (because by oversimplyfing you can say the version you simplified is wrong) what you do is getting married to your opinion. This may be a reason for people to be unable to learn. Simply stating this doesn't deserve an insult (like dumb).

But if the general consensus is that I am dumb, I guess I don't have to post. I feel like I am getting insulted and generally bored way too much by people who join every thread by posting stuff like "this is terrible" without explanation. I don't feel like this is worth my time.
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06-16-2008 , 07:35 PM
You have posted maybe 1 and a half posts with actual content pertaining to this thread. The rest is you bitching about people oversimplifying the extremely vague reasons you give for calling preflop with a hand that is going to lose the majority of the time.
NL50 - 56s 3bet pot IP decisions decisions Quote
06-16-2008 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
you guys should cut it out with the "above your level" stuff.

The level of arrogance in this thread is really amazing. I mean wow.
It's not intended to be demeaning, once you hit 10/20 or 25/50 NL it's a different game, you'll know what I mean if/when you get there.

@Blue grass

I agree, I stated I wouldn't have made the call pre-flop with those reads and stack sizes in the first post, I was just pointing out the "WTF, fold pre-flop" argument isn't cut and dry, and the "fold the turn" argument was just plain wrong.
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06-16-2008 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
You have posted maybe 1 and a half posts with actual content pertaining to this thread. The rest is you bitching about people oversimplifying the extremely vague reasons you give for calling preflop with a hand that is going to lose the majority of the time.
Even in this post you have a statement. Realize this is your opinion.

If all people do is to repeat their opinion, and how terrible my opinion is, then all I can do is reply back. There hasn't been a post that required extra explanation.

Anyway seriously I am done posting in uNL. Way too many people take their ego trips down here.
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06-16-2008 , 07:57 PM
grunch: preflop is bad, 4b is better if you want to play at all. flop is bad if he double barrells a ton - better to raise/fold something small. Turn looks like a fold, since the J is a horrrrible card to double barrell with hands vs which we have equity.

Edit: if you think hes betting AK or sometiems folding QQ+ to a shove, then shove is goot, but i kinda doubt thats the case.
NL50 - 56s 3bet pot IP decisions decisions Quote
06-16-2008 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by breathweapon
It's not intended to be demeaning, once you hit 10/20 or 25/50 NL it's a different game, you'll know what I mean if/when you get there.
this isn't a 10/20 or 25/50 game. And again, the comment with the if/when you get there is fairly demeaning. Playing 50 nl like its 10/20 is the worst thing you can do at these stakes.
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06-16-2008 , 08:46 PM

just wanted to post in this ****show of a thread.
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06-16-2008 , 09:07 PM
You guys should grow up :P.
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06-16-2008 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
this isn't a 10/20 or 25/50 game. And again, the comment with the if/when you get there is fairly demeaning. Playing 50 nl like its 10/20 is the worst thing you can do at these stakes.
I'm aware of the differences between 50NL and 5,000NL, and if you think if/when is demeaning, you need thicker skin.

Whatever, I'm done, figure it out for yourself.
NL50 - 56s 3bet pot IP decisions decisions Quote
06-16-2008 , 09:19 PM
This thread looks fun.
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06-16-2008 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by breathweapon
I disagree, AK-Q is double barreled a lot in 3bet pots, because the opponent's are calling with either the same range and not calling a double barrel or calling with a range that has no blockers to the over pair. AK-Q can't/will not call the shove because it has 0% odds to win vs a read of trips or full house and AA-QQ is crying calling here at best.

It's easy to say that "most ppl don't think" here when you can see OP's hole cards and you can't see Villain's hole cards

Folding the turn is 100% -EV, even calling the turn is more reasonable since you're getting 1 to 4 odds on the call + the pot + implied odds on the river with a BDFD and gut shot.
We are absolutely not getting 4:1 on our call. We're getting 50:20, or 2.5:1. Our odds of hitting our hand are worse than that. Calling the turn is better than raising the turn because villain is never folding, but both are bad because of the same reason.

And as I said before, if villain is bad enough to double AK/AQ on this board, he's going to call a shove. We are so far behind his range here (keep in mind this is a nit and he's 3bet and double barreled). I think everyone here is so caught up in arguing about what our hand range should be and what our play should be with XXX hand range, we are forgetting that nits don't play back, they just play their hands and he's playing his hand exactly like Jx or a high pocket pair that is absolutely not folding. So while I think calling is bad here, I think folding is worse.
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06-16-2008 , 10:09 PM
you are getting 2.5 to 1 on the call with another $25 or so on the river so almost 4:1 if you count the implied. I don't think villain is folding for the backdoor flush or the straight.

You should note that even if you get AK/AQ to fold the turn by raising, it does not neccesarily make raising the right play since by calling you obviously save the amount of the raise if you call and the river blanks. seeing as how I think hes folding such a small range here, I like call. But then again who knows, he might make some stupid read that you have a jack and fold AA. I mean its nl50.

But again, with so little info on both villain's hand as well as his proclivities postflop in 3bet pots, calling the 3 bet preflop is bad.
NL50 - 56s 3bet pot IP decisions decisions Quote
06-16-2008 , 10:42 PM
i had chinese for dinner, man do I love fried rice!

who else likes fried rice? who's with me!?
NL50 - 56s 3bet pot IP decisions decisions Quote
06-16-2008 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by basementproject
i had chinese for dinner, man do I love fried rice!

who else likes fried rice? who's with me!?

Eww omigawd you nerd go back to your nerd table.
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