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NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb)

09-24-2015 , 11:52 PM
43 hands from villain. 20/15/6 RFI: 17(1/6)

What do you think? Is too varince calling here?

    [hand_history]Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37126054

    Hero (BTN): $5.31 (106.2 bb)
    SB: $4.28 (85.6 bb)
    BB: $5.48 (109.6 bb)
    UTG: $5 (100 bb)
    MP: $7.38 (147.6 bb)
    CO: $4.24 (84.8 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with K A
    2 folds, CO raises to $0.15, Hero raises to $0.38, 2 folds, CO raises to $4.24 and is all-in, Hero ???

    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 12:17 AM
    Without history fold. Especially if you 3b just 2.2x. Make the 3b bigger btw.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 02:08 AM
    Snapcall as happy as possible vs a guy with 84bb. He's likely a fish
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 07:43 AM
    1) You're 3Bet Size makes you look like a Fish. Make it at 3xOR - $0.45.

    2) He Insta-Ships it. Standard Move @ 5NL w/ AA.
    2a) Fold.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 08:02 AM
    Snapcall, you'll be surprised at the hands you see in this situation.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 09:01 AM
    Interesting that two people are convinced its a snapcall and two are convinced its an easy fold! Personally I m in the snapcall boat, people with weird stacks can do all kind of stupid **** definitely not folding AK here I mean we pretty much have to be happy here when he ships when we 3bet for value he might even have hands we dominate.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 09:22 AM
    Do the maths. We need to call $4.24-0,38= $3,86
    To win a pot of $4,24 + $0,38 + $0,02 + $0,05 = $4.69

    $4,69/$3,86 = 1,21:1 pot odds
    => 1/(1,21+1) = 0,45 = 45%

    We need 45% to break-even.

    Let's assume villain is nitty and jams just AKo AKs and QQ+.
    That gives us:

    Let's assume villain is a little bit looser and jams: AKo AQs+ JJ+
    That gives us:

    Versus this player the call is slightly +EV.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 09:44 AM
    Vilian looks tight,he shipped i would fold AKo here but AKs is kind of close, but if he only has QQ+,AK here its a fold and your min 3-bet looks to him like fish 3-bet and he is mostly not light here.
    I was calling to this allin 4-bets sometimes and what i see is not only AK but often time also KK+,maybe JJ.
    Only lose 50 bb stacks spewede.
    If they dont play limit at the site they cant know the ranges for this line, they play higher, i saw it last time with AA (i had KK) often with AKo so if you give them like 80% AK and 20% KK+ its still a fold, also the rake is a big reason not to call in theese spots.

    You can easily have a different oppinion (esp because its suited and you have more Equity) you only have to give him very few spew shoves and its a call, that easy, but this call looks nitty and has propably AK or KK+ here.

    Also against JJ+,AQs,AKo you dont have enouph Eqluity you only have 45% and the rake of 5% is the problem.
    This is of course total exploitable and you could call for this reason but if you filter for allin 4-bet i make a try.

    Last edited by philkill; 09-25-2015 at 09:55 AM.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
    09-25-2015 , 10:15 AM
    I had some hands, it was more often KK then i thought, spew from below 50 bb fishes and AKs sometimes.
    Because of his tight stats i think you have to fold here, at best you flip and pay rake.

    But really sitedepending but cold 4-bets usually are just nuts at nl5 from reggish people, you can even fold QQ to not allin cold 4-bets against many opponents, they are never light, as it starts to get more 3-bet, 4-bet heavy you have to broke of course with QQ.
    Also of course in some steal/resteal scenarios but if someone 3-bet UTG and BB is 4-betting its just the case they shouldnt be do this light as long as the 3-better isnt often enouph light, so with this logic you end up folding lot with QQ,AK to 4-bets and i think its good to do it,just from experience, same is true if UTG raises and you 3-bet from SB and he 4-bets he has QQ+,AK and even discounted AK,QQ and if you 5-bet he could also fold QQ because you have everytime KK+ if you know he only 4-bet/broke with QQ+,AK.
    Some make the hand as insta brokes but there arent.
    This is the reason i only call 3-bets in position with AK,QQ if 3-bets are very nutheavy.
    Just theese spot can make you safe money and as long you dont need to balance here you can argue with GTO but you have to beat the high rake and for that reason have to fold somewhat exploitive.

    Last edited by philkill; 09-25-2015 at 10:29 AM.
    NL5 Zoom AKs vs 4bet all-in (84bb) Quote
