Turn shove is meh. I don't know what else I'd do given the action at this point. That card doesn't hit either of our ranges, but it helps protect my actual hand from something like 9T in case a T binks the river.
This is essentially the worst flop for our 3! Range.
It's essentially a mandatory x/give up for a portion of our range like AK. But those hands still have good equity (just bad expected value), so to protect those hands we should have some c/c and c/r in our range. From a balance standpoint our entire 3b range should be checking this flop.
Does anyone have pio to see what it recommends? IP I'm pretty sure we check back 100% of our range here. Oop I'm not sure.
If someone could run it through pio with the following ranges:
3! Range oop
AJs+, JJ+, AQo+, A4 and A5s (about 5% of hands).
Calling range ip
55-JJ, ATs+, any two suited Broadway, KQo, and suited connectors from 56 up. That gets you to top 13% range so I would throw in a few suited gappers or something else to fill up a top 15% range. Which is pretty standard calling range for the morons I see at 5nl. Although it it's not bad if they are good post flop.
I'd be interested in seeing what pio recommends on the flop with it's range.
Last edited by El Barbero; 06-13-2019 at 07:19 AM.