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NL400 AKs vs Villain NL400 AKs vs Villain

12-05-2013 , 01:22 AM
Was this hand played badly?

Villain is UTG: $1000 Read: Capable of bluffing, very solid player.

Preflop: Villain Raise $15 (standard opening for this game)

3 other players call

Hero on the button: (stack:$1250) AK raise to $85

Villain 3bet: $285

I tank deciding he is most likely TT-QQ but has KK-AA 25% of the time.

I Flat. Flop comes J 6 2

Villain bets: $300

I fold..

Should I have just folded preflop?
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 03:13 AM
push the all in button pf
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 04:06 AM
This is live. So no all in button.

If I probability weight my read 25% AA-KK 75% QQ-1010 I win a shove 40.25% of the time.

If I believe hes holding AA-KK 50% of the time I'm crushed @ a 34.5% win rate.

There are very few hands he is holding where I'm ahead so I don't see the logic with the pref flop jam?
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 07:44 AM
Not necessarily referring to this particular spot vs the assigned ranges you laid out, but most of the logic behind jamming AK is that it's equity comes from seeing all five cards. In spots like this you've managed to only see the flop.

I would not 3b AKs vs a player that sounds very capable of 4b bluffing you, and then in turn be confused about what to do vs a 4b. You need a plan before you take your first action (in this case: 3b).

I' 3b/5b pre, if I'm 3b in the first place. If I'm flatting the 4b it's because I think he has lots of Ax which I dominate and he'll bluff postflop, in which case I'm not folding to a flop bet (jam or calling).
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 01:25 PM
small 5bet preflop
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by HeyOver
small 5bet preflop
I actually really like this idea. Thanks. My problem with the Jam was that I think his read on me was 66-99 preflop and he would pretty much insta call the Jam.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by NYC4LIFE
I actually really like this idea. Thanks. My problem with the Jam was that I think his read on me was 66-99 preflop and he would pretty much insta call the Jam.
no problem i think u gotta be very agressive preflop with a hand like AKs u can still fold to a 6bet shove i think. since he s never shoving less than QQ
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:13 PM
you should be squeezing the button so wide that this should become a really simple jam.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:15 PM
make it 420$ preflop and fold to a shove unless he s tilting and u got a read.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by HeyOver
make it 420$ preflop and fold to a shove unless he s tilting and u got a read.
put 42% of your stack in w/ AKs and fold? If he only has AA and KK then we are slightly priced out. If he has any bluffs that he folds or gets in SOME QQ, AKo and AKs, it is a super easy call.

Last edited by cheer; 12-05-2013 at 05:32 PM.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by cheer
put 50% of your stack in w/ AKs and fold? If he only has AA and KK then we are slightly priced out. If he has any bluffs that he folds or gets in SOME QQ, AKo and AKs, it is a super easy call.
u dont make money by calling a shove with AK against QQ AA KK or maybe AK ( AK most likely fold to a 5bet ). i repeat unless he s tilting or u got a specific read.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:37 PM
also when u 5bet AK u rep AA KK and u got blockers he might fold QQ or AK preflop and u make insta money without seeing a flop or having to flip. also when u get agressive with AK preflop ppl tend to shove TT JJ QQ too light against u when u hold KK and AA. being agressive preflop has so many advantages u can even do this with Axs with A blocker and force QQ JJ TT to fold preflop and make insta money.

Last edited by HeyOver; 12-05-2013 at 05:53 PM.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:43 PM
No offense HeyOver, but don't you play microstakes?
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:44 PM
I'm officially convinced HeyOver is trolling a huge % of the time.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Nirwanda
No offense HeyOver, but don't you play microstakes?
i play NL200 6 max 7bb/winner over a good sample ~1 million hands
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by VantACoo-key?
I'm officially convinced HeyOver is trolling a huge % of the time.
i m not trolling dunno why u say that...
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 06:07 PM
Villain's $285 bet is actually a 4bet, not a 3bet. Your $85 raise was the 3Bet here. Unless if you have been light 3betting villain, or if he light 4bets, I would probably fold.

You are def behind TT+ due to domination from AA/KK and being a slight underdog to everything else (although I know there is some slight pot odds for TT-QQ). Not only that, but villain will probably give you 0 action on the flop if you just flat and he has TT-QQ and one of your A or K hit the flop. So if you are going to do anything, it is jam or fold imo
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
Villain's $285 bet is actually a 4bet, not a 3bet. Your $85 raise was the 3Bet here. Unless if you have been light 3betting villain, or if he light 4bets, I would probably fold.

You are def behind TT+ due to domination from AA/KK and being a slight underdog to everything else. Not only that, but villain will probably give you 0 action if he has TT-QQ and one of your A or K hit the flop. So if you are going to do anything, it is jam or fold imo
jam preflop with AKo when we invested 85$ and we have 900$ left behind? i dont know what games ur playing but if u shove AKo preflop to a 4bet ur definitly a losing or break even player. unless u game select and only play against huge fish.

Last edited by HeyOver; 12-05-2013 at 06:17 PM.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by HeyOver
jam preflop with AKo when we invested 85$ and we have 900$ left behind? lol
As opposed to what, 5bet folding AKs? 5bet folding here would be so ******ed that you are certainly a troll. Moreover, my main advice was fold, but I just think the next best option is jam
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
As opposed to what, 5bet folding AKs? 5bet folding here would be so ******ed that you are certainly a troll. Moreover, my main advice was fold, but I just think the next best option is jam
u can 5bet fold AK there is nothing wrong with that. as i do it a lot and i know my opponent has a better hand when he 6bet or shove preflop. and 5bet looks stronger than shove preflop. u dont have to 5bet big as i writed before just make it 420$.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by HeyOver
u can 5bet fold AK there is nothing wrong with that. as i do it a lot and i know my opponent has a better hand when he 6bet or shove preflop. and 5bet looks stronger than shove preflop. u dont have to 5bet big as i writed before just make it 420$.
At that point (villain 6bet) you are risking $580 to win $1420. That's 2.45 to 1 with AKs you troll
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
At that point (villain 6bet) you are risking $580 to win $1420. That's 2.45 to 1 with AKs you troll
i m sure ur the troll here so stop calling me a troll if u continue i wont help you anymore improving your game. u should be banned trolling for like that. btw read my longer post and try to think about it maybe ur intelligent enough to get something out of it. i m here to help ppl improve there game and u call me a troll this is very disrespectful.

Last edited by HeyOver; 12-05-2013 at 06:37 PM.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-05-2013 , 08:27 PM
5bet folding seems like burning money. Bad. I am either jamming or 5bet ready to click call. You CAN find a fold pre, but don't like to make it a habbit to fold AKs pre. The higher the game the wider the ranges.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-06-2013 , 12:54 AM
NL400 means $2/4, is that what this is? Getting in 250bb preflop with AK is rarely a good idea in a live game. I tend to think his range is more polarized than merged like you described. I also think he's not auto 4betting TT-JJ. In any case, just fold.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
12-06-2013 , 03:29 AM
All the people who say get in preflop obv don't play live poker.
NL400 AKs vs Villain Quote
