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[nl400]AK got donk monoboard [nl400]AK got donk monoboard

02-10-2010 , 06:49 PM

donk 18%
fold to raise 54%

mb we should just flat flop? i saw value in raise

$2/$4 No Limit Holdem
4 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

CO ($385)
proudlikeagod ($414.80)
SB ($400)
BB ($410.70)

Pre-Flop: ($6, 4 players) proudlikeagod is BTN A K
1 fold, proudlikeagod raises to $10, 1 fold, BB calls $6

Flop: 4 10 A ($22, 2 players)
BB bets $16, proudlikeagod raises to $56, BB raises to $118, proudlikeagod ?
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-10-2010 , 08:01 PM
you're looking at a pair and a flush draw here a large majority of the time

how many hands is 18% donk over?

never call his donk either. I call this and get it in on blank turns
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-10-2010 , 08:06 PM
i flat the flop
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-10-2010 , 09:29 PM
I like shoving blank turns

flatting seems the safe play , but the re raise makes shoving turn easier due to a larger pot size
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-10-2010 , 09:52 PM
if you love variance raise/call shove

if not, try to get to showdown

if youre somewhere in between, bet a blank turn and call a shove

seems fitting.
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-10-2010 , 09:59 PM
Because villain will only make a flush on the flop 1 in 118 times, so you can never put your opponent on that unless you are 100 percent sure. Calling and shoving on a blank turn makes sense, but then again villain may be protecting his two pair, or sets the same way. In the worst case scenario, villain has flopped a flush like 9d8d, 8d7d, 6d5d and is re raising because he knows or thinks you have an AK with a "K" of diamonds and wants to build the pot and protect his hand.

If you do call, expect to be committed to any blank on turn.
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-10-2010 , 10:03 PM
+1 for flat
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-11-2010 , 12:12 AM
ez fold as played
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:22 AM
i agree i believe just fold on the flop. or smooth call and try to get to showdown cheap no point of exploding the pot with top top here. villian there arnt very many scenarios where u are favorite here.
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:06 AM
why do you raise the flop if you dont want to stack off?
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem_lol
why do you raise the flop if you dont want to stack off?
to be called by worse? i really think flat is much better in this spot. ty dude
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:47 AM
Flat and shove turn on non diamond. As played : fold at worst he has AQo with Qd, trips etc. crushed or slightly ahead...
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by proudlikeagod
to be called by worse? i really think flat is much better in this spot. ty dude
u never have good equity against his continuing range, a 3bet is likely (against which you have to fold) and get into ugly spots
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
02-15-2010 , 11:28 AM
Just flat the flop ur hand strength on this board just isnt that good and in this spot ur either way behind vs set/2pair/flush or or
he has a ton of equity as played fold to his 3b
[nl400]AK got donk monoboard Quote
