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NL25 Villain's CC PF, Flop Raise Range NL25 Villain's CC PF, Flop Raise Range

09-01-2009 , 07:21 PM
NL25 Absolute Poker

Villain is 25 VPIP, 18 PFR after 100 hands (i.e. standard).
Current dynamics: No reason to think he is getting out of line here.
Villain starts the hand 60 deep.

Button ($14.61)
SB ($30.94)
BB ($24.40)
UTG ($64.87)
MP ($36.75)
Hero (CO) ($24.94)

Preflop: Hero is CO with Q, K
2 folds, Hero bets $0.75, Button calls $0.75, SB calls $0.65, 1 fold

Flop: ($2.50) J, 6, 10 (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $1.80, Button raises $3.60...

How often is villain's range:

(1) < TP
(2) = TP
(3) > TP
NL25 Villain's CC PF, Flop Raise Range Quote
09-01-2009 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Hank_Henry
NL25 Absolute Poker

How often is villain's range:

(1) < TP
(2) = TP
(3) > TP
Just give him a range ... for example one possiblility might be

98 (16 combos)
JT (9 combos)
KQ (9 combos)
AJ (12 combos)

Less than TP would be KQ....9 combos out of 46 total or probability of 9/46
etc etc If you don't like my range ajust to suit.

At any rate, if you just call here, there is little more than a PSB left behind; You will have put in about 1/3 of the effective stack and so you should be committed. With the range I gave above you have 51 percent equity, so I think folding here is out of the is bad, folding is bad........ship it!!
NL25 Villain's CC PF, Flop Raise Range Quote
09-01-2009 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by borges
Just give him a range ... for example one possiblility might be...
Thanks. Yea, sorry. Looks like my original question is vague. What I need is for those experienced playing NL25 to offer their experience as to what villain usually raises here with.

Given that villain is 60 deep to start the hand, his flop raise represents a substantial % of his remaining stack. Since villain is a standard player, and thus won't raise even many of his draws here (it seems to me at least, given my limited experience at NL25 so far), I'm wondering what ranges people have run into in this spot when villain pops it.

If he often enough has > TP, then shipping it seems not the best line.
NL25 Villain's CC PF, Flop Raise Range Quote
