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NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot

10-26-2011 , 02:20 PM
Villain is an 8/8 reg over a few k hands. (25NL regs will know who I'm talkin bout I think) 5% 3b from the BB, but we've had a few battles in the past (not yet today though) I'm sure he's wider than 5% here given we're short handed & I've been stealing a lot as It's been short handed for a while & the table is tight.
I expect him to fold to a 4b here a lot & if I was bluffing I would've 4b him, so he has a good few bluffs in his range.
I see lots of Ax & broadways in his 3betting range I think. Cause he rarely flats from the BB (1%)
His cb in 3b pot is 55% so he has something when he cbets the flop. AJ/JK/QQ, fd, A5/A4 too maybe. JJ beats me, 55/44 beat me.

I'm betting the turn for value from a random pair+ draw/QQ/Jx that have gone into pot control mode. Also he might flat A5/A4 with the gut shot.
I reallllllly didn't think he had a c/r range ott, I thought he'd be barrelling Q/Jx/AK/AQ cause he shouldn't be expecting me to bluff in this spot at all. (Most of our history is pre flop) I guess he'll see me as either having KJ/AJ here cause I think he'd think I'd 4b QQ+ (could be giving too much credit here)
Also I think I could've went a tad bigger ott, like $6 to target the slighty better parts of his range that I beat like Jx/QQ

As played standard fold? (very unsure but his sizing was screaming value!) I thought there was a chance I could induce him here btw so I had been planning on snapping a chk/jam, wishful thinking?

    Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #10906542

    Hero (MP): $33.19 (132.8 bb)
    CO: $26 (104 bb)
    BTN: $25 (100 bb)
    SB: $40.81 (163.2 bb)
    BB: $24.76 (99 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP with K K
    Hero raises to $0.75, 3 folds, BB raises to $2.25, Hero calls $1.50

    Flop: ($4.60) J 5 4 (2 players)
    BB bets $3, Hero calls $3

    Turn: ($10.60) 2 (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $5, BB raises to $12.75

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Thanks all!
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-26-2011 , 02:31 PM
    Tough spot, all the sets are in his range, several flushes.

    I would raise/get in OTF vs this villain.

    I don't mind folding the turn to the x/r.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 05:25 PM
    Is it cause you think he'll raise/call fd's, Jx/QQ? And cause of his low flop cb?
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 07:26 PM
    Is this learnfriend?

    [edit] I take it back, Im looking at learnfriends notes, and I have seen him get bluffy on scary boards, but mostly on the flop. He's probably fairly honest here on the turn, given what's left behind. He does have a diluted range in 4b/5b pots, but I don't know if you knew that.

    I think my "trappy like he's playing against a fish, even against a reg" idea still stands(from before my edit).

    Last edited by Jolly2702; 10-27-2011 at 07:32 PM.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 07:38 PM
    just 4b/c pre if you don't have a reason not to
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 07:58 PM
    I don't have a big reason not to, it's just I think it's possibly more +EV to flat the 3b. But given our history I was probly a lil greedy pre tbh. As play just bail I'm guessing.

    @Jolly, I pm'd you his name sir.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 08:06 PM
    idk i'd have a really hard time folding KK in a 3bet pot 4 handed ever
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 08:07 PM
    As did I sir , if he chk jammed I was snapping, but his raise size looks like such value.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-27-2011 , 08:08 PM
    my thoughts on the hand still stand.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-28-2011 , 05:01 AM
    4b pre imo. As played, I'm not letting it go here. I'm calling OTT or probably calling OTR. What do you think about checking back turn? You have a decent SDV, can still get some value OTR from worse hands.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-28-2011 , 08:22 AM
    Originally Posted by Jolly2702
    my thoughts on the hand still stand.
    I didn't see your post from before the edit!

    Originally Posted by tobe4funas
    4b pre imo. As played, I'm not letting it go here. I'm calling OTT or probably calling OTR. What do you think about checking back turn? You have a decent SDV, can still get some value OTR from worse hands.
    Never checking back turn, going for thin value vs potential TT/Jx/random A/K Setting up for river shove too vs QQ & Jx that have gone into call down mode. Basically all the hands we get value from on the river we take value from on the turn plus additional hands that won't call a river bet (')
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-28-2011 , 09:31 AM
    I'd like a 4xbb raise pre. I used to open 3bb as well, but switched to 4bb and I find that a lot less difficult spots like this one happen. So if you'd raise to 1$, he would have to 3bet to 3$ or at least 2,75$, which would make the pot 6,35$ going to the flop instead of 4,60$.

    I also like a small 4bet preflop, easier to get it in and always better to win a small pot than lose a big one.

    As played, turn is a fold imo. Baluga theorem is almost never wrong in my experience.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-28-2011 , 05:52 PM
    Originally Posted by AphexDeuce
    I didn't see your post from before the edit!
    I mean as written after edit, even though it was for someone else.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-28-2011 , 05:56 PM
    4bet/call vs vinniepooh.. he has shoved j-10o into me b4 in similar spot .... n if he is chinese player i 4bet/call as well.... if he is bg something or odda i call n set mine or fold pre tbh cuz he literally 3bets AA only every position...
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-29-2011 , 08:58 AM
    Originally Posted by AphexDeuce
    I didn't see your post from before the edit!

    Never checking back turn, going for thin value vs potential TT/Jx/random A/K Setting up for river shove too vs QQ & Jx that have gone into call down mode. Basically all the hands we get value from on the river we take value from on the turn plus additional hands that won't call a river bet (')
    Just a few thoughts. He may bet himself OTR:
    1. AK or any other bluff (I have no idea why people do that sometimes)
    2. QQ
    3. AJ
    Besides, I don't like betting here not because it's not max value line (probably it is), but I dont want to get in spots like these when he raises. I mean, I'm happy with just one more bet and I prefer it on the river, no matter who makes the bet (if he - i call, if he checks again im betting).
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-29-2011 , 08:59 AM
    Originally Posted by 1out1time
    I'd like a 4xbb raise pre. I used to open 3bb as well, but switched to 4bb and I find that a lot less difficult spots like this one happen. So if you'd raise to 1$, he would have to 3bet to 3$ or at least 2,75$, which would make the pot 6,35$ going to the flop instead of 4,60$.
    I also like a small 4bet preflop, easier to get it in and always better to win a small pot than lose a big one.

    As played, turn is a fold imo. Baluga theorem is almost never wrong in my experience.
    Some serious pro style stuff...
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-30-2011 , 02:14 PM
    Originally Posted by tobe4funas
    Just a few thoughts. He may bet himself OTR:
    1. AK or any other bluff (I have no idea why people do that sometimes)
    2. QQ
    3. AJ
    Besides, I don't like betting here not because it's not max value line (probably it is), but I dont want to get in spots like these when he raises. I mean, I'm happy with just one more bet and I prefer it on the river, no matter who makes the bet (if he - i call, if he checks again im betting).
    Some serious pro style stuff.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
    10-30-2011 , 02:52 PM
    Given your description of villain (having history n doesnt cb without something) looks like a pretty standard 4-bet preflop. I'd make a real small 4-bet.
    NL25: SH, c/r 3b pot spot Quote
