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NL25-line check and flop q NL25-line check and flop q

08-30-2007 , 06:15 PM
Poker Stars - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.10/$0.25 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter)

SB: $36.75
Hero (BB): $25.00
UTG: $30.10
MP: $13.30
CO: $32.40
BTN: $27.50

Preflop: Hero is dealt 9 9 (6 Players)
UTG calls $0.25, MP calls $0.25, 2 folds, SB calls $0.15, Hero raises to $1.75, UTG calls $1.50, MP folds, SB calls $1.50

Flop: ($5.50) J 7 7 (3 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $2.75, UTG folds, SB calls $2.75

Turn: ($11) 8 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($11) J (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Pot Size: $11.00

both villains are really bad. flop is just standard cbet, but would c/f be a better line?
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
08-31-2007 , 01:18 AM
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
08-31-2007 , 01:21 AM
I like the flop bet, but maybe a little bigger since 1/2 pot appears a little weak to me. I play turn and river the same.
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
08-31-2007 , 01:56 AM
I usually two barrel here. Is that spew?
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
08-31-2007 , 01:59 AM
I like it.
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
08-31-2007 , 02:28 AM
is it because you think he'll fold a J?

I think I would probably check the river (though given read, there is definitely value imo).
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
09-04-2007 , 02:32 AM
I've started ramping up the aggro, and betting turn against bad players for VALUE. No bad player is folding a jack here, but a lot of bad players won't fold 88-22, overcards, backdoor flush draw, gutshot, etc. Also villain will see you betting turn with basically nothing, and will stack off light the next hand you make a hand against him. I bet about $7 on turn, and check behind on river.
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
09-04-2007 , 02:54 AM
There are some different ways to play this postflop. I generally bet more on the flop, maybe 3.50, and go from there. As played, I think river is a clear valuebet, many players will call there with A-high imo, and I'd be very surprised if you're beat there approximately ever.

I think valuebetting the turn is a bit too thin. I might like it a bit more if the flop was J88, and I would definitely be fine with it if the flop contained a flush draw; in both cases, there are more draws that can be out against you..
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
09-04-2007 , 03:16 AM
looks like i'm getting a lot of different answers, but thanks for the input guys. villain had a 7 at showdown, so it looks like my line worked out, haha. the small flop bet was unintentional, i think i misread the pot when i bet. i kindof like betting river also, although it's kindof tricky to gauge what villain plays this way.
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
09-04-2007 , 03:21 AM
results aren't really necessary. with our position, a 1/2 pot value bet on the river would probably be good since it doesn't put us past our commitment threshold if villain decides to get fancy and checkraise us.
NL25-line check and flop q Quote
