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NL25: FD + 2 overcards OOP - is this too aggressive? NL25: FD + 2 overcards OOP - is this too aggressive?

06-23-2008 , 08:51 PM
Villain is 49/17 - flop aggression 2.1, overall AF 1.51

Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

BB: $27.25
UTG: $44.15
CO: $25.20
Hero (BTN): $25.50
SB: $28.95

Pre Flop: Hero is BTN with 9 J
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.85, SB calls $0.75, 1 fold

Flop: ($1.95) 7 2 4 (2 players)
SB bets $1.50, Hero raises to $4.80, SB raises to $28.10 all in, Hero calls $19.85 all in

I like my check-raise, there is some fold equity, I could hit a top pair or my flush on the turn. Once he goes all in, it could be a lot of things - 7xs, 88-JJ, similar flush draw with a pair, possibly a set. I don't think it's a two-pair hand, he'd probably fold that preflop.

My equity is decent (52%) against a hand like 88 or A7s, versus TT I have 44%. I'm not doing so great versus a set (25%) or QQ (34%).

Is this a 'call the shove' or a fold? Why?
NL25: FD + 2 overcards OOP - is this too aggressive? Quote
06-23-2008 , 08:55 PM
just make up the range you think he moves in with, plug it into pokerstove, and see if you're getting the right odds. when you do it, the important thing to remember is that you have to discount the possibility of some hands in the range. for instance, A7s might be in his range, but its not nearly as likely that he's going to shove with that as it is if he had a set or over pair. for a hand like that, i would only put in 1 or the 3 possible combos. the stronger the hand gets, the more likely that he would take that action. once you go through the whole range, you'll have your answer.
NL25: FD + 2 overcards OOP - is this too aggressive? Quote
06-23-2008 , 09:07 PM
i always try to make sure I have a read on what a donkbet means from certain players. a lot of times its a cheap bluff on a dry board and othertimes its a set. having a note on this player on this board would be very useful because i think he should 3bet a lot of the 88-JJ range preflop so I think a set or better flush is very likely
NL25: FD + 2 overcards OOP - is this too aggressive? Quote
