Villain is 49/17 - flop aggression 2.1, overall AF 1.51
Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By DeucesCracked
BB: $27.25
UTG: $44.15
CO: $25.20
Hero (BTN): $25.50
SB: $28.95
Pre Flop: Hero is BTN with 9

2 folds,
Hero raises to $0.85, SB calls $0.75,
1 fold
Flop: ($1.95) 7


(2 players)
SB bets $1.50,
Hero raises to $4.80,
SB raises to $28.10 all in, Hero calls $19.85 all in
I like my check-raise, there is some fold equity, I could hit a top pair or my flush on the turn. Once he goes all in, it could be a lot of things - 7xs, 88-JJ, similar flush draw with a pair, possibly a set. I don't think it's a two-pair hand, he'd probably fold that preflop.
My equity is decent (52%) against a hand like 88 or A7s, versus TT I have 44%. I'm not doing so great versus a set (25%) or QQ (34%).
Is this a 'call the shove' or a fold? Why?