Opponent seems tight regular
This is hardly the most solid of reads.
could seem like a tight regular that thinks KQ is good here.
meh.......i'm 3betting the flop. (edit: then again we're not really gonna get called by much that we beat, so....er i think you're line would of been perfect to extract max value from hands you beat had you called the river)
I've been studying the min raise thing recently in my db, and the min raise on the flop from what i have seen is either top pair or a flush draw, villains IME usually raise more with sets or just flat.
I reckon villain isn't giving you credit for AK here as you haven't 3bet the flop,
and you check/call the turn.
If you were villain here what would you determine your range to be based on the action. I really doubt that AK would be too high on the list.
as played i'm definitely calling the river