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nl200 std levelling spot nl200 std levelling spot

02-22-2012 , 03:54 PM
    Prima, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 2 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #11956352

    BB: $277 (138.5 bb)
    SB: $200 (100 bb)

    SB raises to $4, BB raises to $16, SB calls $12

    Flop: ($32) 5 9 5 (2 players)
    BB bets $18, SB raises to $41, BB raises to $66, SB folds

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    I am in the SB with QTss

    Only just started playing some poker again after a 9 month break.

    I'm 2 tabling some reg, its a ******edly aggro match, both of us 3betting >30% but only about 100 hands in.

    My perceived range for raising this flop is probably 9x,5x overpairs that slowplayed and a lot of hands that are like what I have ie 2overcards and a backdoor. Its bound to be perceived as bluff heavy range but in reality it wont be. This is the first time I'd made such a move so I was hoping my super narrow value rep might get some credit although in hindsight it probably never was going to.

    This isn't the first time I've come across this exact scenario which is why I'm posting about it. I'm trying to figure out how bluff heavy villains range is likely to be and what I can do about it, if anything.
    I want to be able to rebluff some of the time, but I dont know if I really want to jam 9x here and the times I do have anything stronger I probably just want to float the raise and get it in later. This tells me that if I want to rebluff then I'm probably going to have to call the flop 4bet like I am trapping. But the problem with that is that he may well perceive my flop call to be 9x or some stubborn overcard float that will now fold to a turn jam, taking away any chance of a rebluff.

    Also I think its a pretty cool move by villain if he can balance it but i have a hard time figuring out what he might be doing this with, since it would seem that he should call my raise to get my turn barrels when he is trapping unless he is doing some masterful levelling. So I guess if he has something weak like a 9x that cant stand a turn barrel he could kinda balance some bluffs with a 3bet.

    Anyway enough waffling.How should i play my range in this spot (which may be wider than my perceived range), and what would be a good range for villain and any other general feedback would be appreciated

    Last edited by $upermad4it; 02-22-2012 at 04:00 PM.
    nl200 std levelling spot Quote
    02-22-2012 , 08:34 PM
    Raising this flop is pretty terrible honestly.

    As played seems like a clear call to his flop min 3bet.
    nl200 std levelling spot Quote
    02-23-2012 , 02:49 AM
    ^^ agree.

    this is the kind of villian you need to constantly re-arrange pre-flop ranges vs.
    nl200 std levelling spot Quote
    02-23-2012 , 04:18 AM
    Originally Posted by Khal Drogo
    Raising this flop is pretty terrible honestly.

    As played seems like a clear call to his flop min 3bet.
    So you think hero should have a 0% raising range in this spot?
    nl200 std levelling spot Quote
    02-23-2012 , 06:24 AM
    Sure, why construct a raising range on this flop? I don't get it.

    edit: if you really want to be raising 9x, 5x, slowplayed overpairs, I guess this is a good candidate for the bluffing part of the range, but I don't really see the point. All of those strong hands play better with a call on this flop in general.
    nl200 std levelling spot Quote
    02-23-2012 , 07:24 AM
    yeah I agree that under normal circumstances I'll be flatting here, but in this scenario where it is an overly aggressive match, I think having a wider than expected value raising range on the flop here will cause villain to play a bunch of hands worse than he would any other way ( and if this is my intention I should have some bluffs)
    nl200 std levelling spot Quote
