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NL20 Flop bet NL20 Flop bet

08-07-2008 , 03:36 PM
Green Joker Poker 0.20/0.40, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

saw flop | saw showdown

Button ($7.57)
SB ($39.04)
BB ($34.67)
UTG ($12.56)
UTG+1 Hero ($25.26)
CO CO ($14.70)

Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with A A
1 fold, Hero raises to 0.80, CO calls 0.80, 3 folds.

Flop (1.90) 2 7 2
Hero bets 1.00, CO calls 1.00.

Turn (3.90) 8
Hero bets 2.80, CO raises to 5.60, Hero moves all-in for 23.46

Reads: Villain is 58/34

PF: Strd. Villain might be setiming or just being a donkey

Flop: This is the driest flop ever. I thought half pot bet might get a worser hand to call. Maybe like overcards.

Turn: Could he have a seven? Or maybe slowplayed overpair? full house? I'm still shoving here of course, but did I get screwed with the flop bet?
NL20 Flop bet Quote
08-07-2008 , 05:38 PM
I still haven't gotten any answers, so I'll bump this.

What do you think about the hand? It's easier because he is short, but do you think this is a fold if he is full stack?
NL20 Flop bet Quote
08-07-2008 , 05:41 PM
Bet flop bigger as it is really 100% a value bet for you and if he's calling 1 here, he's calling 1.3 too.
Turn I like, he folds most of the time or calls and show FH right
NL20 Flop bet Quote
08-07-2008 , 05:44 PM
Is that a min-raise preflop? Don't do that.

As played flop and turn are fine.
NL20 Flop bet Quote
08-07-2008 , 05:45 PM
this is standard and yes.. it's a no brainer no matter if he is full stack or not.

he is 58/34 and a ****ing donk. Im never folding AA to this guy here.
NL20 Flop bet Quote
08-08-2008 , 06:53 PM
Hello, this was NL20 the converter is ****, so it wasn't a minraise.

So bet bigger on the flop?

Of course in this hand he was set mining me with 88 and caught a 2 outer on the turn and stacked me with the full house. If checked PT and when I bet 1$ into 1,9$ pot he is having odds to continue with seven outs if I remember correctly. So am I giving him too good implied odds to continue or is this a setup (He would have called the flop to see what I do on the turn incase I was just cbetting air)?
NL20 Flop bet Quote
08-08-2008 , 06:55 PM
You got unlucky. Move on. You're never folding aces to a guy playing 58/34, pretty much ever.
NL20 Flop bet Quote
